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About grande1982

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. The script is broken, you can upgrade to the latest version of the game. Thanks
  2. grande1982

    Support Radio

    Hi Neo, it works but not the way it should, the heli appears at the LHD but when you give the order to go back to base, it tries to land on deck but it doesn´t and goes to find another landing zone. Due to the fact that being in the middle of the ocean, it goes back to the closest shore to land. I think that the script thinks that the LHD is similar to a rock or a tree, and when it tries to land, detect something that could risk the landing and searches for an alternative LZ.
  3. grande1982

    Support Radio

    yes dont work, please any idea spawn vehicle on LHD?
  4. Hello guys, I have a problem with the artillery. The problem is the mortar does not shoot, I have read this wiki and i followed the steps https://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/wiki/Artillery_module Someone has the same problem?. thanks
  5. grande1982

    Support Radio

    How can I do spawn the chopper in LHD?. Can I do it?
  6. grande1982

    Support Radio

    Hello, very nice script and easy to configure. thanks. I have 2 questions: 1-How to use the laser artillery?. 2-Laser can be used with SAD? .How is it done?
  7. grande1982

    Support Radio

    Nice work!!!!!!, testing, Thanks
  8. grande1982

    Fog script

    Could not synchronize to make it realistic? and all have the same fog at the same time.Thanks
  9. grande1982

    Fog script

    A question for the creator, ¿the fog is in client mode or in global mode?
  10. grande1982

    MP fast rope script addon

    Hello Norrin, the addon is compatible with the version 1.02??