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10 Good

About DragonTHC

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  1. you're driving too far into the town. when you drive into that MOUT town, they engage automatically. Trying driving off the road more directly towards the AT range. Then the OPFOR won't engage.
  2. did anyone mention that the Black USMC men should have white eyes, not brown.
  3. DragonTHC

    Arma 2 Community Issue Tracker

    My crash report files
  4. DragonTHC

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    I played through the trial by fire scenario. First, The black marines look like crack heads. The eyeball textures are brown instead of white. That needs to be fixed. Black people don't have black eyeballs; they have white eyeballs just like everyone else. Making them look like crack heads is just wrong. Second, vocals, really? That's what you recorded? I would really prefer to hear voice actors. Not kids who just learned how to read. If you think I'm being harsh, just count the money I paid for the game from steam. The vocals are really unprofessional and the worst part of the entire game. corpsman is pronounced "core-min", not "corz-min". The p and s are always silent. Even in Marine Corps. It's pronounced the same as "core" It would have been more productive to ask for community contributions. Plenty of us have access to cardioid mics and could have recorded believable vocal tracks for individual characters. I really can't say enough bad things about the vocals, they are horrible and if I had been responsible for them I'd be embarrassed, and probably fired/sacked. Seriously, put out a request for your fans to record vocal tracks. Give us some sound file format requirements, and scripts for individual characters and NPCs. You'll be surprised at some of the entries. They will undoubtedly be better than what you've just published. If you get enough noise-free entries, Third, some of the controls have slightly ambiguous names. "Toggle View" is one of them. 1st/3rd view is more appropriate.
  5. DragonTHC

    delete me

    delete me