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About 83upwi

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  1. 83upwi

    Mouse Lag

    It's a shame if this still hasn't been fixed... I want to buy it with the steam 50% deal, but it's worthless with the lag. :(
  2. Right click desktop, -> Nvidia Control Panel, Manage 3D Settings, Program Settings. Click Add, browse to the Arma2.exe file, scroll down and select "Force Off" for the Vsync option. Hit apply. Done. ---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ---------- It's not a vsync related bug. What you are seeing is that vsync enabled *adds* to your input lag (just like almost any other game does with vsync enabled), so when disabling it, yes you are getting an improvement, the problem is still there though (unless you are one of the lucky ones that this bug does not affect for some reason).
  3. If you read the thread MANY of us have already tried forcing vsync off, among the other commonly (and redundantly...) repeated "fixes" of prerendered frames to 1 or 0 etc.
  4. Before you swap cards again... before you installed your new GTX 260, did you make sure to COMPLETELY uninstall the previous drivers before you installed the latest ones (also, I assume you downloaded the newest drivers from the nvidia website and did NOT use whatever was on the included drivers disk)? You can also look up a program called Driver Cleaner, it is supposed to wipe out every last trace of drivers just in case there is something left behind from the old ones that is causing a conflict with the new card. If all else fails I would format your OS/drive and start from scratch. It may be a pain if you have all your data stored only on your OS drive, but it's worth it if you want to get the most out of your new card.
  5. I don't think that's the case, a couple of people said it worked, but it hasn't worked for MOST.
  6. I wish people would stop posting the pre-rendered frames and Vsync "fixes", most of the people with this problem weren't able to get rid of the lag with these options, myself included.
  7. "Enhance pointer precision" checked or unchecked doesn't make a difference for me. :(
  8. Hmm, that is interesting Poodle. I had the same problems with Crysis too. My motherboard has PS2 ports, I may try borrowing a PS2 kb and mouse set from someone and seeing what changes, if any, that makes.
  9. This video shows the problem a lot better and this is more like how my input lag gets when FPS drops below 50:
  10. No, it's NOT just the way the gun site moves. Come on, we're not stupid. BTW, in that video, I don't see much input lag compared to what I've been getting.
  11. I figured I would bump this because I'm having the exact same mouse lag problems, and others on the gaming forum I visit are too. My specs: Intel E6750 Nvidia 8800GT 4gb ram SB Audigy MS Intellimouse Optical Like others have said before me, lag gets better when FPS goes *very* high like over 80 or 90 fps, but when you go to 50fps or lower it starts to get unplayable. I have tried all of the possible "fixes" (forcing vsync off, prerendered frames, etc.), none of that makes any difference. This is literally blocking me from buying this game, because it's just too frustrating to play. There obviously has to be some common ground here between all these users that have this input lag. One other game I've played that had a completely unfixable mouse lag just like Arma/Arma 2 was Far Cry 2. Anyone else with the lag problems in Arma every try playing that game?