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Everything posted by yanarinu0104

  1. yanarinu0104

    Dogs of War: Russians & Evidence.

    Move to the meeting point for transfering lopotev to the russian near vybor and must use the truck... after that there is a cut scene ambush ... and lopotev escape with the russian heading to the airport...
  2. yanarinu0104

    Dogs of War: Russians & Evidence.

    I manage to capture lopotev by crashing him with my bmp a little and he surrenderin the island SE of the map... but first i use the " hold fire " .. so i don't kill lopotev... he is near the camp and lying low ... Weird thing that... lopotev just stood like a stone and don't want to get in the truck for transfer task to russian... so i just greet him and just move without him ... and he appears in the cut scene ambush.. after that i have no idea what to do ... bump !!
  3. I just hold fire on my bmp just crash him from behind and stop. Then he will surrender and helicopter dialogue will appear. But i'm still stuck after transfering lopotev and got ambush. Anyone have an idea ??
  4. yanarinu0104

    Razor Two

    To capture lopotev ... i use my brdm-2 ... and just bump him till he fall and then there is a conversation from lopotev that he's surrender ... and you will get a pickup transport ...