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Everything posted by Starfire

  1. Can anyone verify if the new 186.18 drivers also work? Or do we definitely have to use 182.50?
  2. Thanks, Bulldogs. My monitor's native resolution is 1440x900, so I will be trying to run it at that resolution. I think I shall do as you suggest (add 2gig ram + buy new video card) and hope it turns out well!
  3. Hi guys. Thanks for all the replies. Much appreciated! Whether I upgrade this system more comprehensively will depend if I can find a full-time job within the next couple of months. (Just about to graduate from university. Bad timing eh..) My motherboard limits what I can upgrade my cpu to, and I really don't want to spend the cash to upgrade both my cpu and motherboard right now, so I guess I'm stuck with the e6600/AB9 combo. Pufu's testing results are somewhat worrying, though. If that is true, I would get no improvement whatsoever from upgrading my videocard? That sounds... incredible. I wonder if this would be due to cpu-bottlenecking, or something in the coding that would be eventually fixed.
  4. Also says in the Steam FAQ that the Steam version is 100% compatible with mods and addons.