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About jch5pilot

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hello, I've just completed this mission. At the start after the briefing, you need to walk out of the base and get in the M1A2 tank as commander, which is lined up along the main road with several APCs behind. You then proceed to the objectives and clear out the enemy held areas. After capturing the town and helping the civilians, I found the tasks yet to be completed didn't automatically become active like they usually do. I simply opened the map, selected tasks, then selected the C-130 objective and made it the active task. If you are using the waypoint HUDs then this should help guide you to your onward objective. Regards, James
  2. jch5pilot

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Hello, I sent an email off to Game asking about Operation Arrowhead and it looks like they will not be selling it - or not until after it is released anyway: Looks like I will be ordering from Play.com. I've never had a problem with them and usually get my deliverys pretty fast and on time. They tend to be good on price too. Regards, James
  3. Thanks for the update, it has fixed all the errors that popped up. It appears to work well for USMC, although they will not engage a few armoured targets such as the russian Vodnik (2x PK) and Vodnik (BPPU), using their rifles instead which usually ends up with an entire squad being eliminated. I also have an issue with the Russians and Guerillas, they refuse to engage any target at all with their RPG-7s, even M1A1s. I'm guessing it would be the same for the Insurgents as well. Can you have a look your end and see if you come up with the same? I'm running no other mods. Well done for investigating and fixing these things, you are doing well considering it is your first mod. James
  4. Hello again, Thanks for your replies. Nope I'm not running any mods, just the standard game on 1.05. For the purpose of testing though I have tried it with and without mods, both giving the same result. Quite interesting that some are experiencing it and others are not. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. James
  5. Hello, When using this mod I get the following errors: On startup, I'm presented with "Size: 'requiredAddOns/' not an array". I can click 'Ok' and the game starts up. When it comes to the main menu, I'm presented with "Size: 'list/' not an array". I can click 'Continue' and carry on. When it comes to the editor, I can place place the units and everything, but when I go to preview the mission I get the same error as above, "Size: 'list/' not an array" and then it takes me straight back to the editor map view, so I can't play or preview any missions with it. Have I done something wrong or is this the result of what you were discussing above with the config array thing? James
  6. Hello, My system is starting to show its age now with the latest games, so time for an upgrade I think! For those interested I'm currently on XP with a Core 2 Duo E6600 (stock), 7900GS and 2GB of RAM. I'm pretty much set on a GTX285 for the graphics card, but processor wise I'm not sure whether to go for a Q9650 or go even further and get an i7 930 (or similar CPU). My main question is, out of those two for example, which would show the better performance in games? Not just Arma2 but others across many platforms such as Call Of Duty, Company of Heroes and Flight Simulators etc. A lot of people seem to be recommending i7s but are they truely better for performance on many of these games over the high end Core 2 Quads? It would probably be best to point out at this stage that I have no intent of over-clocking. The other other thing is the operating system. In your opinion would it be better to stick with XP or upgrade to Windows 7? 32 bit or 64 bit? Again bearing in mind compatibility and performance with other games. I've spent time looking at benchmarks and so on for all of the above, but personal experiences with these components count for a lot as well. Your input and advice would be welcomed. jch5pilot
  7. Hello, I think I know the mission you are on about and I actually quite like it. I am glad we have all this combined arms and support to help complete the objective. Makes it feel more immersive for me. If it was just the players squad against an entire island with hundreds of enemy soldiers to kill then it would be just like any other first person shooter. You say the game ends when the AI wonder onto the airfield, so are you not with them taking part in the assault? If you are, surely you would want it to end eventually when the airfield is secure? If you are with your squad while taking part in the attack then you would get your fair share of action before the objective is captured. Also, just being another soldier in that mission (as opposed to a leader), it is probably not your place to say when the mission has ended, so you could take the ending as a message from your squad leader or whoever saying that everything is secure and job done! This mission does have a habbit of playing out differently every time though, so my experiences with it could be different to yours. The missions do tend to end instantly sometimes with no delay on the triggers, but the way you worded your post you make it sound like your trying to stop your friendly AI from taking part in capturing the objectives and thus helping winning the mission. Sorry if I am wrong! James
  8. jch5pilot

    Can this be right?? 25-30+ FPS???

    Hello, In my opinion, if the game runs fine and appears to run smooth it doesn't matter what your FPS are. Games that are played more competively such as COD4 for example, FPS do matter and players try to get their frame rates as high as possible to get that slight advantage. ArmA2 as far as I see it is not a competitive game in the same sense, therefore if it runs smooth for you there probably isn't any reason to check FPS. Anything around 20+ seems to give smooth gameplay on my low end machine. James
  9. Hello, If it is at the very very beggining, you have to follow the rest of your team into the briefing room. Not knowing exactly which place you mean, I will leave it at that. Let us know if you mean a different part. James
  10. Hello, As others have stated, your graphics card is below the minimum spec required for this game. I am only just above it with a 7900GS and I manage to get an average of 20 FPS which is playable on my system and I actually really enjoy it. Although my 7900GS does the job (just about), I would recommend going for something much higher if you can to at least get above the average 20 fps mark. If it makes any difference, I'm playing on a resolution of 1024x768 on a 17" monitor (which has a native resultion of 1280x1024), all looks fine this end and helps keep the frames to an acceptable level. James
  11. jch5pilot

    Stuck on first mission

    Hello, While waiting on top of that hill, my mission finally ended when the time reached 05:55? (Can't fully remember the exact hour, but it was 5 minutes before the invasion was due to start). After that you see the time skipping ahead as it moves onto the second mission. Might sound strange, but worth a try if all else fails. I only encountered this as I thought I had to wait for someone to give me the go ahead to start lasing targets. I waited 10+ minutes on the hill observing and the mission ended at **:55. Don't forget you can speed up the game time while waiting. James
  12. jch5pilot

    DANGER compared to AWARE modes.

    Hello, This is the third time I've had to write out my post so sorry if I keep it brief. Things keep popping up while I'm typing it and by the time I go to post it the board has logged me out and I'm back to square one! I've only seen them do this while waiting for other squad members to catch up after falling behind, for example if they have had to take a longer path around obstacles such as buildings or trees. When they return to formation the squad returns to their normal jogging pace. The way it is now looks more natural to me, rather than them all having their guns held up as if they are in urban combat while advancing slowly across open ground waiting for the others to catch up. I am very impressed with the Danger behaviour mode as well. I like the way it is slower paced and the 'overwatch' features etc, it feels much more immersive. It is a big improvement over ArmA 1 and it appears to be very effective. Just need to fix the AI leaders from running too far ahead of the group and it will be near enough perfect I think. As a whole you could say I am happy with the AI in ArmA 2. I've read a lot of posts on this board about how some members feel the AI is rubbish, but personally I've seen the AI do some very smart and impressive things throughout my missions. When you look at the scope of things I think it is very good, certainly a big improvement over ArmA 1 in my opinion - including the way they act in different 'behaviour' modes. James
  13. Hello, These units are looking very good, thanks for all the hard work you are putting in. Can't wait to use them in my missions! Talking of british infantry, what is a typical section these days? Something along the lines of the following? Section IC - SA80 Rifleman - LMG Rifleman - UGL Rifleman - SA80 (Signaller or Medic?) Section 2IC - SA80 Rifleman - LMG Rifleman - UGL Rifleman - SA80 LSW I believe I heard from someone that the 1st in-command or 2IC may also carry AT (LAW80?) and that someone may be armed with a mortor as well with rounds distibuted between everyone to carry? I'm not in the army so sorry if I am way off, would be nice to know so we can replicate typical squads correctly in ArmA 2. While on the subject, what would be typical loadouts for each soldier in the section? For example how many clips and grenades would they all have each? James
  14. Hello, I havn't read through every page of this thread, but instead of having to download these mods etc, wouldn't it be easier for people to just open their profile with notepad (located in My Documents > ArmA 2) and change the AI precision values for the difficulty modes they use? I use the following figures and I am very happy with the results: skillFriendly=1; skillEnemy=1; precisionFriendly=0.5; precisionEnemy=0.5; EDIT: Taken some time to read a few more pages and have seen similar questions with answers so feel free to ignor this post. James
  15. Hello, Not 100% relevant, but I will share something I came across the other day. I was messing about in the editor, placing aircraft on the runway on the island so I could get familiar with each one. Now here is the funny thing that actually amased me, the fixed wing aircraft taxied and took off by themselves without any input from me. No waypoints, not grouped to anyone else (not even me), nothing special at all. Just literally placed on the ground in the editor on the runway. The aircraft taxied down the taxiway parallel to the runway, then turned onto the runway at the end, and took off down it! Why the crew did that or even had the sense to do it without any triggers, waypoints and what not I will never know, but you shouldn't have any trouble in making them takeoff that is for sure! I didn't wait around long enough to see if they landed again, but perhaps that is something you can look out for. In any case, the AI can certainly land and takeoff with ease based on my experience. James