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Everything posted by MrUnSavory

  1. Does anyone have exact instructions for installing this. This app is exactly what I have been looking for.
  2. So again I was out trying to play on multiplayer servers, what a mess. All the servers are modded and when you try and join it says you are missing assets. People who just get on and stand at the airbase and friendly fire. Servers with soldier tags turned off so you get to hear the constant "Oppss, sorry" because of friendly fire from nimrods who can't distinguish one uniform from the other. Admins who are so busy playing they can't be bothered with Administrating their server. Have I found one decent server to play on? NOOOoooooooo........I repeat, what a mess. Thought I was joining an ALPHA test but this is noting but a fiasco. As a beta tester with 30 years experience I don't see how BIS can get any valuable information from this. So far it is nothing but a joke. It makes me miss Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis. I hope this mess gets cleared up. Would be nice to see BIS put up a couple of vanilla servers to play on. Flame me if you want fan boys, all I got is a middle finger for ya.
  3. If you are getting a trackIR and don't want to wear headphones I would suggest going to your local pharmacy store or some store that carries women's hair accessories. You can purchase thin hair band or what ever they are called and clip your TrackIR Track Clip Pro to that.
  4. I have to agree. As one of those who was stupid enough to purchase Sim City it is nice to still see a few company's who take their customers satisfaction first and foremost. I got Sim City as a pre-order, got to play with it for an hour the first night, then the problems started the next day. I have not touched the game since and gave $65.00 away to EA. No refunds and if you threatened to go to your bank and dispute the charge you were told your EA account would be banned making all your games no good for online anymore. Installed Arma 3 and have not had a problem. As someone who has been gaming since Pong came out in 1975, Yes, I am spoiled, I was use to installing games and having them run fine. I remember the days when you didn't see patches for games, they just worked. But since the early 2000's we have seen a rash of junk for games come out on the market. Games that are buggy and are never fixed, re-hash's of old titles because dev's just have no imagination anymore and barrels of new excuses from company's when they push a product out the door before it is ready. Thank You BIS for a product that runs just wonderful as far as I am concerned. I could play this just like it is and have hours of fun. It is nice to know anything else you send us will just make the game more enjoyable. Unlike other company's who patch games just to make them playable.
  5. OK, I know people will get pissed at me for this but wanted to throw in my 2 cents worth. First let me preface this with the fact I have been in the computer industry for almost 30 years. throughout my career I have worn many hats in the industry. The 1 hat I always wore no matter where I worked was beta tester. So I feel my point is valid in being asked. What good is it to have mods being put in a game when it is still in Alpha? You want us to test the game but when we can't find a server to get on because they are all modded kind of defeats the purpose. I don't see the point in contaminating the product with 3rd party mods. The purpose of testing it to learn the flaws in the basic software. If people are not playing what came with the Alpha and playing something else then the maps and other parts are not being tested. Testing is testing, it is not about just playing the game and having fun. If we want a good product to be produced on finalization then that's what should be concentrating on. I would suggest locking down the software so that only vanilla ARMA 3 can be played for now. ( I can hear the people getting mad now). It seems that getting the core elements tested would be priority number 1. I Know modding is part of the fun of the game. But when it is not even a complete game yet it makes it tough for those of us who want to be valid testers. Like I said, just my 2 cents and I know some will be rude to this post which is expected. Some folks hate if you take away their zombie mods..........LOL Ross G
  6. MrUnSavory

    Do mods really help testing right now

    All Valid points. Thank You Guys :) Now I just wish I could find a server to get on :)
  7. I have the demo installed in Windows 7 and XP. The thing I noticed is that in Windows 7 I have a much smaller list of available servers. Also only a few of them actually show a ping. Under XP I dont have this problem. Many servers and all show a Ping. So there is something funky going on with Windows 7 and ArmA.
  8. MrUnSavory

    Demo issues

    I got the error message on that file also. Go out to Microsoft and reinstall DirectX SDK from their site and it will work.