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Everything posted by DJ_9mm

  1. i've put together a tanks only pvp mission that's really fun. it's US vs RU and each side has four main battle tanks and two fast attack tank killers (HMMWV TOW and BTR-90). it supports up to 24 players, with the idea that each vehicle will have at least a two man crew. the gameplay is all about moving stealthily, and recon, since the first shot often decides the winner. surprise is the name of the game. MBTs take at least two shots to die, while the fast attackers take only one. the fast attackers are not useless, however. their superior speed enables them to outflank their enemies, and are difficult to hit when moving fast. the mission uses [sbs]mac's script pack (thanks mac!). there are spawn zones, with spawn protection to prevent spawn camping. vehicles respawn after they've been destroyed or abandoned (for > 2 min). there's a vehicle service station at each spawn where you can repair/refuel/rearm. the mission uses a fenced off section of the chenarus map, with rolling hills, small groves of trees, and a town in the center. perfect for a tank battle. no shoulder launched weapons are available, but an ammo box is provided with binoculars, mines, and satchel charges. the game format is team death match. the team with the most kills at the end of the round wins. duration of the round is configurable from the mission start screen. i'll post the mission for download once i get it fine tuned. i'll be hosting a server with the mission this afternoon if anyone wants to test it with me. server name is *TANKS ONLY* DJ_9mm. hope to see you online!
  2. DJ_9mm

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    nice. thanks mac. i just got back from vacation. is anyone hosting this mission on a dedicated server right now? i still have barely had the chance to play it. would love to schedule a night to play with anyone who's interested.
  3. just started a new game, and the objective was on the island offshore. don't believe there's any way to get out there? are there boats hidden around? also, in this case the green insertion point marker was in the wrong place. it was on the island too, not where i spawned on the coast. i restarted, and the insertion marker was in the right place this time...
  4. very cool mission. i gave it a whirl in SP. can't wait to play it with my friends. i too had the problem of the heli not taking off at the end (1.18). also, at one point i briefly switched to the marksman to take out an enemy at distance. when i switched back to the team leader, he was way far away, back in the area where the objective was. maybe he ran there, but i think it was too far away for him to have run in that short amount of time. either way, there's something wrong there.
  5. DJ_9mm

    Support - transport

    lol. eye contact thing cracked me up. once in the chopper, open the map, press space bar, and command "All" to "Move there" and left click where you want to go on the map. make sure it's an open field. the AI won't land in the trees, or will crash trying to do so.
  6. DJ_9mm

    operating the wreck chopper

    also make sure the repair center isn't damaged. it takes several minutes to repair a wreck.
  7. i have no mods or add-ons installed. domination games work fine. had a severe problem on a deathmatch server.
  8. update: i get the stuttering on only *some* servers. some work fine. when i get the stuttering, i'm getting it on servers that i have a good ping too (<100ms). note that i never had any stuttering before with 1.02. this is clearly not a defrag issue, or i would have the problem on all servers, and in single player.
  9. i'm getting pauses of about 1 second, every 1.5 seconds, like clockwork. the game is totally unplayable. however, this *only* happens in online games. it doesn't happen when i host an online game on my own machine, but it happens if i connect to a server on the internet. this would suggest a problem with the networking code. Core2 Quad Q6600 GeForce GTX 260 Latest Nvidia drivers patch 1.03 Windows XP Track IR 4
  10. i'll be sure to note those things next time it happens. i can tell you that in my mission, you can only get AT mines, Satchel charges, and binoculars from the ammo boxes, so those are possible problem items. ---------- Post added at 03:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ---------- oh, and you can download the mission here http://tinyurl.com/mmmuyc
  11. does anyone know roughly how many players a cable connection can reasonably support when hosting a server? my connection is about 2500kb/s down and 400kb/s up, as measured by dslreports.com. the upload speed is the limiting factor, right? thanks.
  12. ok, thanks. 8 should be an acceptable number of players for my "tanks only" mission. i'll try it.
  13. i'm using 1.15, and i have that set to true, but it still doesn't preserve the loadout. i also get that message about 'no entry bin\config.bin/cfgWeapons'. does that have something to do with it? ---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 PM ---------- also, a wishlist item: my mission has rounds with a set time limit. it would be nice if the timer didn't start until there are players on both sides. i have joined the empty server a few times, and then someone else joins, and we're about to get it on, and the round suddenly ends. my timer is on 30 min, and i guess it keeps ticking even if no one is on the server. it should also reset if everyone leaves the server.
  14. DJ_9mm

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    well, i'm afraid the server that was hosting the mission disappeared, and i haven't heard from the admin. looking for a new server to host this mission...
  15. DJ_9mm

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    some friends and i will be on the server around 10pm tonight. join us!
  16. DJ_9mm

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    another fyi, i highly recommend this tracked vehicles sound mod. it makes the tanks sound way more realistic. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=78437
  17. DJ_9mm

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    alrighty then. http://tinyurl.com/mmmuyc this is version 1.1. i added some empty civilian vehicles around the map so that you can drive back to base if your tank gets destroyed or disabled, and you manage to get out before it blows up.
  18. DJ_9mm

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    yeah, i'm going to make a few more versions that are in different parts of the map, and put them in the server rotation. that will give us some variety in terrain. ---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:48 PM ---------- fyi, everyone should download these add-ins that fix a bug where you can't "turn out" as the driver of a T-72 or M1A1. if 3rd person view is disabled on the server, you will definitely want to be able to turn out. otherwise you have to look out through a tiny window. http://ifile.it/idoza0u
  19. i've noticed that i can't "turn out" as the driver in the M1A2 Tusk, and the T-72 tank. these models have hatches where the driver should be able to stick his head out, but "turn out" is not on the mouse wheel menu, and pressing Z on the keyboard doesn't work either. this makes it difficult to drive these tanks when playing on expert mode, or with 3rd person view disabled.
  20. thanks kju. what do i do with these pbo files? ---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 PM ---------- ah, nevermind. you put them in your addons folder. it works!
  21. i would like to request that you add the ability to show some text during the outro, like you can for the intro. i'd like mine to say something like "round is over. a new round will begin now."
  22. glad you fixed the vehicle spawn orientation. nice work.
  23. DJ_9mm

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    just played a great round. had 10-11 people on the server. it was really fun!
  24. DJ_9mm

    New TANKS ONLY PvP mission

    yeah, the mission editor is quite powerful. i'm learning the scripting language by looking at your scripts. i'm a web developer, so this stuff comes naturally to me. a user by the name of dustoff offered to host the mission on his dedicated server, so look for it online shortly. the mission name is Tank Battle PvP 1.0 and the server name is *TANKS ONLY* DJ_9mm.