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Everything posted by LardThief

  1. I have made scripts for cluster bombs http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7401 You will get 3 clusters dropped from A10 by AI on mapclick and 2 clusters to be dropped by player. ATM no textures so used barrel for bomb. I am trying to make an ammo vehicle rearm the plane instead of radio trigger (which even on demo is ugly). If you use this and sort this out before me can you let me know please.
  2. LardThief

    Cluster Bomb by DoktaJimmy

    Nice one mate. Good to hear you haven't turned into a pig yet!! Haha. Mate I was there too with EF2000 and Tornado, that's why I'm making this ;) I found a clip on youtube with a JP233 drop in Tornado....it looked sooo good back in the day!!! I agree with you, I will test substituting current subs for the HE Camel Nades (exploding camels would be far scarier!!). They do fall a bit too slow so I'll add some velocity. I could be ultra fussy and make only 30 primary subs and then have 215 mines. This would give less craters.....which I can't see being a problem considering how many are there right now!! But, much more fun when it comes to clearing the runway.
  3. LardThief

    Cluster Bomb by DoktaJimmy

    Indeed. Bad us!!! :) Have you tried the JP233 yet Halleyelec? I haven't looked at Arma2 for a couple o' days....next thing (pretty much know how I'm going to add the mines) is creating a runway repair vehicle.....Nice to take out enemy runway, but, once captured it would also be nice to repair and use, same goes for your own. This will also add a pretty valuable asset...with respect to the fact that if your repair vehicle is destroyed, you will be pretty screwed. As jets may well be the most powerful weapons, but.....only if they are in the air.
  4. LardThief

    Cluster Bomb by DoktaJimmy

    Indeed. It should be called ManBirdPig Flu....probably originated from Al Gores family!
  5. LardThief

    Cluster Bomb by DoktaJimmy

    Nice one guys. I was looking into the dispertion of bomblets after last cluster and got kinda carried away....ended up making a JP233 simulator. @Alex72....I was thinking about making the burst height more dynamic for the pilot, good idea. I keep modifying my other clusters, eventually I aim to get some textures in there and PBO the whole thing up. So thanks for the suggestions. Can you beleive that places stopped selling bacon!!!! Here's the link to the updated JP233 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7441
  6. LardThief

    Nuclear Bomb Pack

    Nice, looking good! I like the sniper system too....would go well with the Cheytac
  7. LardThief

    Cluster Bomb by DoktaJimmy

    Yeh, I noticed that the Large craters can be destroyed by the bombs!!!! I will need to allowdamage false for a while I think. I also want to make the clusters spread more evenly....ATM there is a Asterix style spread of the larger munitions with a narrow spread of smaller munitions. There are 101 bomblets and only 50 of them will spawn a crater so, that will get upped to 101. This should form a more even spread. Another weapon to join the cluster pack like this I've started working on should nail the spread issue tho.....as long as you can fly straight!! The AI drop the bomb at a set distance from the target so they may miss depending on speed etc. My maths isn't that good so I am experimenting with different speeds and drop distances so I can try an make a crude correction. eg _dropdistance = 200 +(something related to speed etc)...I know it's vague but as I said my maths is pretty rubbish. I guess I have used this so much I just offset my target....not ideal!! The texture also need changing as Alex72 said. If anyone has the id of the "skidmarks" left when a plane crashes that will help me. EDIT Found it...craterlong
  8. LardThief

    Cluster Bomb by DoktaJimmy

    Yeh, my bad. I forgot to mention a couple of things. Gimmie about 30 minutes and I'll add some more craters. Bear in mind this is just to test the ideas and is prototype only. ---------- Post added at 03:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ---------- Here's my test mission folder. http://www.filefront.com/14524591/RunwayTesting.utes.rar Extract into .......\documents\arma2\missions\
  9. LardThief

    Cluster Bomb by DoktaJimmy

    Ah, ok. <startpos> would be an object...I use game logic. <burstheight> would be the alt at which the cluster airbursts. So, assuming we have a logic called START and want it to burst at 80 we would enter: [sTART, 80] exec "runway3.sqs"; Also, remember that with the screenToWorld, buildings are NOT detected so, imagine a straight line from Crosshair THROUGH building, and to have target selected before you call trigger.
  10. Yep, sorry, misunderstood question.
  11. LardThief

    Cluster Bomb by DoktaJimmy

    Here is a prototype runway disabling cluster. Spawns earth trenches around where cluster impacted. ATM there are 101 projectiles and 25 trenches spawn. http://www.filefront.com/14523759/runway3.sqs Trigger On Act [<startpos>,<burst height>] exec "runway3.sqs"; The targetting is via HUD, so, aim at target before you call trigger.
  12. LardThief

    Cluster Bomb by DoktaJimmy

    I was thinking of using trenches placed on runway to simulate craters. I'm wondering if the barrel is hitting the plane when it is released and knocking it off askew. I will have a look when I get back home later.
  13. LardThief

    Cluster Bomb by DoktaJimmy

    Yeh, Durandal, they are pretty savage to runways. A JP233 would be even better! Back to the oldskool Tornado. I nuked the runway with Takkos nuke and it remained intact!!!! So me thinks I can't destroy runway. But I have another idea which would in effect render the runway useless. I'll let you know how it pans out.
  14. LardThief

    Soldier names

    Wouldn't you just double click on them in editor and set name field? Or were they the Force Recon guys...O'Hara, Rodriguez etc. If you want them named like that you would have to edit the config and change US_Soldier_SL to Bob_Smith
  15. Nice, you have Loki's PuWa.....pretty cool when the hookers jump out of the back of it, nice rocket launcher on it too!! I had always thought troops would be better than hookers.
  16. LardThief

    Script Question

    vehicle setdamage 0.5; .....you can do more than 1 dp so eg 0.58 I think anywhere above 0.8 and it starts smoking and needs fixing or it will explode.
  17. I have made a couple of scripts which attach Guns to Fishing Boat and Small Boat. They can be used as empty templates or in your own mission. You may want to change the method for getting spawn position yourself. Along with this I have modified the scripts to spawn a crew and to add SAD waypoint at player for purposes of demo mission. If you want to use them empty just delete the portion of code with crew and waypoints. The fishing boat spawns at a Logic (Radio alpha in mission) and the Small boat spawns on Map Click (Radio bravo in mission) which moves the logic. The small boat also very crudely updates the waypoint position every 5 secs. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7347
  18. LardThief

    Nuclear Bomb Pack

    I think that would be the best idea. Also, someone else may come up with a Bomber model to use.
  19. LardThief

    Takko's nuclear bomb [a1 port]

    Yeh. It shouldn't be an issue as I saw Gigan complementing the guy doing the A2 nuke pack (with SCUD) on his work and was going to make something to give to him. So we can probably guess from this that it is in final stages.
  20. LardThief

    Nuclear Bomb Pack

    Ruudeness. We need some B61s to drop. Which warhead yield are you trying to recreate?
  21. LardThief

    Takko's nuclear bomb [a1 port]

    We can assume not as it hasn't been uploaded yet. Shanawa: The Gecko does not work.
  22. LardThief

    little question

    Yup.....Return to Formation...AKA....Regroup. If they are set to Combat/Stealth it may seem like they are not following you, as they will be moving with cover...slowly. So, if you are not in combat, set them to Aware/Safe so they follow you closely. Check formation too.
  23. You can also use; plane doMove (getpos target); target could be an invisible_h or unit plane doTarget target; waitUntil {((position plane) distance target) < 500}; plane fire "BombLauncherA10"; or any other weapon plane doMove (getpos start); If plane started as empty then use pilot not plane id