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Posts posted by Minizzzile

  1. Well, the easiest way would be using a spawn module.

    Create a trigger somewhere in the middle of the town with the radius you want.

    Make it so when an "Independent" (Faction zombies are put under I believe) is "present"

    within the trigger that


    MODULENAME setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_ACTIVE",true];

    I believe that will work but I havn't tried it. Scripting for me is hard when you are used to making maps for Valves games and you switch over to ArmA 2... So don't blame me if it dosen't work! Haha.

  2. Jesus!! A 10+ hour zombie mission? Can you PM me a link to it?

    I am currently still working on it. It is becoming really close to releasing to the public. (Tweaks, lag issues and additonal crap)

    I was not originally going to release it to the public but I have gotten many requests for it oddly enough...

    Currently, I am making a video for it to release to YouTube. Sadly though, since this was intended just for my friends, it is on Sahrani and not on the normal ArmA 2 lands. So I can't imagine it being compatiable with too many players. :j:

    Charon: Can I have permission to use your zombie sounds for my video? (The horde sound effects and etc?)

  3. i searched in the thread but found no answer: how can i use the zombies, that spawn after infecting an human, for scripts?

    i want to use "killed" eventhandler to get money for every killed zombie.

    got it done for editor placed zombies and spawned ones (via own script, even dont know how to score the ones from spawn module...).

    Hmm, sorry. I wish I could help you but this kind of scripting is above my head. I'm not sure you could count the ones coming from the spawn module or not. You would need to edit those directly?

  4. To be fair, many players (Other then myself) have reported that multiplayer works just fine.

    Everything that Charon says that should work in SP works in MP for me. There are no bugs that are game-breaking from SP to MP. The zombies still spawn in the infected towns. The zombies still go to other towns to infect more peeps. You still get nommed the same way (If not a little bit more laggy). You still kill zombies the same way. Zombie dogs still scare you shitless in groups of 5+ the same way.

    The only bug I could find in multiplayer (This hasn't been fully tested, mind you) that if you are playing a long mission with your buddies (Like I am on a 10+ Hour mission so far with my buddies) saving the game seems to break a few of the AI's move orders but is either fixed when enough time has passed to give them more orders or you come near them.

    You can`t change the config on the fly (unfortunately).

    I might consider in some future update to include player-scripted locations into the selection, but it was hard enough to get this working right already with the existing locations. It`s just so damn complex.

    Hmm, yeah I could see it being a pain or two. Getting player-scripted locations would be a nice but, not needed. Missions could get a lot more in-depth.

  5. do Airstrips count as migrate-able areas?

    *Looks at his sig*

    If you are using Sahrani, the air-ports do not count as locations. You will have to check the locations as Charon suggested.

    Does anyoneone know if there is a way to "add" your own location to an island via script? Or is it hard-wired into the island itself?

    (Sorry I don't really understand how it works)

  6. Fine addon , i've already made two big missions . :)

    Very nice! I hope their good ;)

    EDIT: Charon, I had a question about the MOVER groups for the spawn module.

    If I named a player, or an empty car. And gave the zombies the move order to that player or car will they in a sense "track" the player or the car? Or will they go to where the car/player were when the zombies were spawned?

  7. You did end up fixing the respawn as an undead issue inadvertently though, so it's not all to waste.

    On an unrelated note, SnR ran an idea through me a week or so back. Grabbed the VTS Beta 5 mission and did a quick and dirty edit to include the infected groups and units. It actually works rather well with it under an MP setting, giving you a lot more control over the numbers so that you don't slug the system, how the undead operate, and as with the nature of the mission, allow for quick and easy missions on the fly.

    Hmm, this might be a good work around until Charon fixes the spawning module.

    Does this take into account the 144 group limit per side? Does it let you exceed that?

  8. Okay, I did the same set-up but just replaced the 88 groups of US soldiers with 1 big group of AVP Marines (lol) and the zombies stopped coming at group number 145. (So, the limit of 144 if you subtract my group)

    As for the infection respawn issue...You can only try so hard before you just have to say "Screw it". I'm sure there are other things that can get done for this mod instead of wasting a good portion of your time on a bug that just might be hardwired into ArmA 2 itself. In my opinion, The spawn thing isn't really that big of a deal if respawn is in the mission. I would just put the infection counter to a low number and wait it out if you got bitten.

    The only thing that I would really say that I would like to have fixed would be the spawning modules. Then I would bet that your mod is reaching perfection!

  9. Okay I have a few things to report.

    (Charon, if you don't want this here let me know, I will remove it promptly. Your inbox was full)


    1) Player gets infected

    2) Player does not live long enough for the infection counter to reach 0 but instead dies at lets say...30 seconds left.

    3)Player will respawn with 30 seconds left on the timer will die again once it reaches 0. Player is able to see infection counter in the bottom right of the screen after respawn.

    4)Player will then re-spawn with no consequences from the infection.

    That would explain why I reported there to be no problems. I would wait for the person to die from the infection before hitting ESC -> Respawn again. If the player dies with the infection, the infection will still be carried onto their next life until fully executed. Which, for me isn't a big issue. If you set the infection counter to something high though. (I usually put 30 seconds) I could see where players would start to get annoyed. But if you have respawn in a mission does it matter if you die again anyways?

    Spawning Modules

    When testing the modules before I had too many variables at play and was not conducting my experiment right.

    For this test I did what I sent to you in my last message. (I like how the "old" zombie bodies will be deleted now by the way)

    So! I ran the test about 4 times doing each way differently (Messing with the zombie limit and etc.)

    The modules still failed to delete old empty groups and stopped working at the group limit of 144.

    Again, this is how the test was conducted on average.

    1)12 Spawn modules - Each spawning 1 zombie at a rate of 30 seconds

    2)Zombies were surrounded by loads of Static M2's to ensure none got away.

    3)Zombies would stop spawning at around 6 minutes

    -That time would support the group limit being reached statement. 12*30 seconds=360/60= 6 Minutes

    Take Backs

    I believe I told you your revert virus broke the spawning modules? Well, seeing this new evidence would cause reason to discredit that belief. I have not tested it but I believe that there is nothing wrong with the revert virus.

    Thank you for your patience and I'm really sorry for any inconvience I have caused.

  10. Put a safezone trigger around the town in question.

    Look into the demo missions and set the safezone trigger up EXACTLY like in the missions. The zeds won`t enter.

    Alright thanks again for your support. Gonna look into this now.

    EDIT: Okay, another question (Question day?) for multiplayer, do you think your "killallzeds.sqf" would work? I'm not sure it would work since all the slots in my mission are set as "Playable" not "Player"

    _pos= position player;

    Would this script work if I just wanted all zombies in a certrain radius to die around a trigger?

    if ((_x getvariable "CHN_UNDEAD_IS_UNDEAD")  then
    { _x setdammage 1};
    } foreach allunits;

    I'm not too good at scripting...doubt it would work really

  11. Have you added the caa1_c_locationDefinitions.pbo ?

    The island is an Arma1 island, you need the definitions otherwise ACM won´t find anything.

    Well, I have the oldest version of the CAA1 port and I just downloaded it off of a site and did not port it over myself. I assume those locationDefinitions are in there because the CODE RED markers for your mod work in every village/town.

    EDIT: Hey Charon, I was poking around in the editor and found something called the "Undead Brain" (Or something of the sort) and was wondering about its function. When I placed it down one marine I had near by rushed it and seemed to pick it up and then got shot at by his buddy?

  12. ACM is looking up the island config`s locations stored in the according array.

    If there is no locations considered for an island, then there will be no way for a script to tell where to spawn inhabitants of villages.

    Well I know for sure that Sahrani has those locations there but I could never get the ACM to work on it. Then again...I have never gotten it to work without flaws.

  13. ACM should work fine under a singleplayer environment. It'll definitely have trouble on the former though.

    As for it working on other maps, I think that's dependent on whether or not the mapper has defined locations for civilians to spawn beforehand.

    Well that would explain why Sahrani dosen't work. (As it being a port over from ArmA 1 wouldn't have pre-defined spawning areas)

  14. Maybe the freezing was due to having my CPU fan real low..It was lower than usual till i turned it up.

    Also, is it possible to have Ambient civilians and such working on other maps other than Utes and Chernaraus?

    You know... that's a good question. Personally, I was never able to get those kinds of modules to work on Sahrani so I'm not sure that they do. I'm also not sure I would recommend the Ambient Civilian Module for the The Undead Mod though. I've had it stop the infection process all together once... But I suppose it depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

  15. Anybody elses game getting frozen after like 15 minutes of play now?

    This didnt happen until i updated to version .84

    No this dosen't happen to me...

    Can you be more specific? Does it just happen on a certain mission or any mission using The Undead Mod? If you have a mission that has a lot of units, scripts, or commands it can lock up. I would recommend just placing a zombie down and one player slot in a mission and see if it still locks up. I have played a zombie mission for 6 hours straight and never had it lock up. (I did save and continue it later at least 2 times though)

    Also, How many other addons are you running? Are you running in windows mode?

    I could help you better but I am exhausted and need some sleep...

    Thank you for your patience.

  16. I have to confess I wandered away back when MP looked to be off the menu but you have my full attention once again. I mean what's a zombie mission without your buddies watching your back?

    Haha yeah, this is very fun for multiplayer. If you have ACE and CAA1 you could come play a game with my buds and I.

    Edit: Charon, is there a way to get the spawn modules to spawn dogs?

  17. Hello, I have a mission that has a spawn point that keeps on spawning units.

    At a certain point the spawning will cease because the (Im guessing) group limit of 144 has been reached. Even when all the groups that have been spawned are dead.

    SO, is there a way to create a script that removes empty groups so more AI can continue to spawn?

    Thank you for your help.

  18. Thanks for your observation.

    I will consider a little fix for long-term use in the next update if

    The reason for your problem is most likely that the script breaks out of

    the "while" loop although it seems unlikely that you had 10.000 zombie waves ...

    Ahhh, thank you for such a quick reply.

    Yes I forgot to mention I have 4 spawn points, but two of them spawn a group of 12 and the other two spawn a group of 2. And the estimated time was probably influenced by how much fun I was having in the mission. (Time goes by faster when you are having more fun you know :D)

    I am okay with scripting but I wouldn't know where to start to "check if previously spawned groups are all dead and delete them". If you had the time, could you help me with that? I bet that is the problem.

    Also I was sure the amount of zombies did not exceed or meet the limit 100 'twords the end of the game.

    EDIT: By the way, your mod is lots and lots of fun with ACE 2 and CAA1 (Sahrani from ArmA 1). My friends and I played for hours upon hours so far having a blast. (Just hope I can get the "not spawning" problem fixed)

    If there is anything I know for sure it's that

    Zombies + Scavenging for all items + Nukes = Amazing fun time of justice.

  19. Hello Charon! I have a few questions,

    I was watching the infection spread through a spectator script which, even though the spectate script is bugged itself, really helps seeing just how the infection spreads. I noticed a few things while watching the AI zombies nom up the AI civilians and soldiers.

    I have 4 spawn points in my Sahrani mission. They work perfect for a long while (2-3 hours?) before they seem to stop spawning and the zombie count falls well below 100. (Yes my computer can handle the amount of units that are in the mission easily.)

    But after the infection nearly "noms" everyone the spawning modules seem to stop working. I was able to count 38 green dots (zombies) 'twords the end. Can you explain how the spawning modules work? Do I need to create a trigger to initialize them again? Was it because the less humans = less zombies spawning?

    This is what I have placed in the modules themselfs.

    this setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_GRPTYPE","MIGRATING",true];this setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_NUMBER",2,true];this setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_INTERVAL",60,true];

    Thank you for your time

  20. I explained that the nuclear weapons are not broken and why. Every part of that explaination was relevant to your problem.

    I also updated the ticket your posting on DH with further information including an offer to help you if you uploaded your mission so I could understand what you are trying to do.

    There was no "ambush" here. People kept asking about classnames for the B-61 and talking about bypassing EASA to add them to aircraft without hardpoints. I tried politely to say that such things would not work right and would work even less well in the future. Just adding the bomb launcher for the B-61 is inadequate and bypasses much of the....

    Well thank you for the time, it sounded like you were saying I was some kind of stupid when I posted the ticket. I appreciate the fantastic free mod but it makes it difficult when you update ACE and a mission you have been working on for a week just fails to work now. My friends and I don't follow what you guys do and the changelog just said "Updated nuke animations" Or the like, so when a nuke just makes a little "poof" of smoke we assume its broken.

    If you can give me the nuke effect with a trigger that setdamages 1 in a certain radius that will do just as well.

    Thank you for your time
