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Posts posted by Minizzzile

  1. Servers experience minimal lag. De-sync is only found in the low-end servers where specs scoot by the required specs. For listen servers, the host seems to get some strange script lag but not actual lag itself. Beyond that, I would say that (obviously, based on the size) that this mission couldn't handle as many people as other CooP games or other zombie missions could but would be safe until, (being a little cautious here) 15 people.

    I think where Charon is, He got hit with a Zombie Outbreak and they took his computer and right now Is Fighting in a Basement

    That or Something else.....

    Ha, who knows. The zombies probably are forcing him to make it so in .85 they have ubEr L33T health and run speeds.

  2. Hm, that does look right. You shouldnt have to loop the "CptnDonnan addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];" though.

    At last ditch effor would be to add this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; right into the init line of the unit. On further testing I'm not sure how the zombie deal damage. When you get hit by a zombie it dosen't seem to register like normal damage. e.g. If you are playing with the ACE wounding system it wont recongnize that you were hurt by anything if you get attacked by any zombie.

  3. No, I'm running it by a trigger (putting it on the on act box)

    Basically im trying to spawn a group of 20-30 Infected at one spot. Anyway to simply do that without making a script?

    Well, I have a script that will work. I believe you need a script to spawn zombies.

    Here is an example of one.


    _mhpos=position ZedSpawn1;
    _spgrp2 = createGroup resistance;
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Policeman" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO1%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Rocker2" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO2%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Rocker3" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO3%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Citizen2" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO4%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Citizen3" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO5%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Priest" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO6%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Profiteer4" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO7%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Profiteer3" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO8%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Profiteer2" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO9%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Profiteer1" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO10%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Policeman" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO11%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    "CHN_ZOMBIE_Policeman" createunit [_mhpos,_spgrp2,format ["ECHO12%1 = this",Wsupnum], 1, "COLONEL"];
    sleep 13;

    With _mhpos being the position and _spgrp2 being the group they go under.

    And in your mission folder have a Init.sqf with

    CHN_SpawnZeds = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers  "SpawnZeds.sqf";

    This should spawn zombies now. (Don't forget to get the location!!) There are many ways to spawn zombies, this is just an example I pulled directly from Charons mission.

    Another one could be


    _group = createGroup resistance;
    "CHN_UNDEAD_Hooker2" createUnit [[1,1], _group];
    "CHN_UNDEAD_Housewife5" createUnit [[1,1], _group];
    "CHN_UNDEAD_Doctor" createUnit [[1,1], _group];
    (leader _group) setpos getpos ZOTA1;

    and then you could have a trigger that has on the activation field

    this exec "SPAWNZOMB1.SQF" (Or something like that)

    Another one pulled from Charons mission.

  4. I tried multiple ways..

    [_0,_35] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRTZEDGRP

    which gives me the error "local variable in global space"

    then i tried [0,0,_35] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRTZEDGRP

    still failed.

    So if you could give me a example that would be awesome and also yes, enjoy your food (:

    Just curious, are you running this through a script file or actually in the mission editor?

    I believe this command has to be ran through a script.

  5. Hi guys, sorry to be a bother but Im trying to spawn a group of Infected but I don't understand this command!

    [_spawnpos,_spawnnumber] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRTZEDGRP

    Can anyone show me a example? Thanks

    I believe you just insert a point for "spawnpos" and put the number you want for "spawnnumber" but I could be mistaken. I will look into this further later once I got some nommage.

  6. Yeah, just don't get too excited ;)

    4 testers and I spent 6 hours playing and were taking a short break and pooling our gear together (Putting all our gear into a truck) after we just raided a few towns. We had just put all our gear into the truck and were talking about how to divide it and how we should use it and etc when all the sudden we hear the "horde" sound coming from behind us. The zombies do this dive bomb bu$$@hit off of the ramp behind us and within seconds we were covered in a group of zombies and dead a few seconds later....

    ...It was like they waited for us to be completly vulnerable before they attacked.

    Zombie dogs. No ammo. With ACE's stamina system. BS.

    EDIT: Fixed. Used some wrong words. I must be sleepy ZzzZzzzZZz College work is fun....

  7. I know I know! The mission it self is done! The last 1% is for Charon and his newest version of the Undead Mod. His newest version of the mod fixes a very important issue with my mission. Rendering others to be unable to host the mission for long periods of time. (The game would be done in 4 hours >_<)

    This mission is supposed to be played over days with your friends. Constantly struggling for survival and cursing at your screen when you get randomly infected!

    Ha! But, since The Undead Mod is coming along at its own pace (And rightly so I suppose) I can host the mission since I have Charons latest build of the mod. All you need is fully updated ACE and you should be good to go.

    I added a nice little twist to the spawning module as well that I bet everyone will enjoy (Or be in terror of???) once we get to play.

  8. @Charon

    Charon, do you know if the zombies that are spawned from the infected towns get removed from their respective groups once they die? I noticed a few dead zombie bodies were not dissapearing like they do when groups get removed. Not a big deal I suppose but really cuts down on my missions play time once the group limit is reach.

    If they are not removed from groups - Is there a way to disable towns from spawning zombies and not just reporting that they are infected?

    Thank you for your time (Yet again)

    EDIT: How would I get a script that uses the command


    to repeat over and over again if a town gets infected and I want it to be set back to false?



    You could ask permission to de-PBO the addons. I'm sure they are all defined in there somewhere :)



    If you use that script and use

    vehicle addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];

    on whoever you don't want to die. Not sure if thats how this addons handles the damage or not... Try it and report back?



    I'm not too sure (because I have never done this) but can't you put a white/black filter over the screen for the duration that the words appear? At the very least the words would blend in with the background. Giving you the same effect.


  9. 113th Black Knights Relaxed Gaming

    Dynamic Campaign players need!


    Full Picture

    Hello all, the 113th Black Knights RG are a relaxed group of people who play ArmA2 without the BS.

    We are currently trying out a dynamic campaign sorta deal (Just started frankly) and we would love to have some new players come join our squad! We usually have around 5 players per game but would love to see that number increase!

    If you are interested in joining (or just interested in what a dynamic campign is) come give us a look over at 113thblackknights.webs.com and sign up on the forums!!

    You do NOT have to join our "group" if you just want to come have a fun game. We welcome everyone! All you need is ACE 2!

    We do some CooP mixed in with some friendly PvP.

    Vent info will be given upon application request.

    See you on the battlefield!

  10. @Minizzzile - I updated the attachTo script for shooting from a chopper door a little while ago but I don't think the update ever found its way to ArmAHolic.

    This version should fix the problem with the keyboard locking up:


    Thanks, but the link dosen't seem to want to work. I think I was able to find the files though.

  11. I think he means like this.

    I saw something similar in ArmA 2, but I can't find the video.

    Huh wow, was he actually walking around in the vehicle without falling through? HAX!

    Haha yes yes, that is effect I want for the UH-1Y (Or Blackhawk) with the players being able to fire out.

    This script (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5894) allows you to do that but locks up the players keyboard after use...

  12. I tried this one, It seemed to disable the player from using the keyboard once you hopped back out of the helicopter. Which forces you to ALT + F4 out of the game. Can anyone else confirm this? Might just be an ACE related problem? Seems like a big issue with the script for it to go by "unnoticed"

    Thank you for the help

  13. Hello all and thanks for help in advanced.

    I was trying to make a mission where the players are attached to a UH1Y (Or any other heli) and are able to fire out with their guns.

    I tried creating one but couldn't get a few important steps down.

    I also found a few scripts on ArmAholic and such but none seemed to work correctly. They would disable any keyboard input or wouldn't let you get back out of the helicopter. If anyone knows of any good scripts I could use or change to work with any helicopter, it would be muchly appreciated :D

  14. ok from the main site i did this once and was like wtf why aint it working :P

    To get the earplugs, gasmask, tactical glasses etc to work there are a couple of things you need to do.

    1. Go into your Arma 2/Userconfig/ACE folder. (NOT to be confused with @ACE/userconfig folder)

    2. Then open ace_clientside_config.hpp in notepad or similar and scroll down to class Identity.

    3. Replace name = "John Doe"; with name = "<your_profile_name>";

    Example: if the name of the profile is "VKing" then you would add => name = "VKing";

    If you did it right the masks and goggles should be working in-game.

    Pick them up from the ace special weapons crate, and activate them from the action menu.

    Sorry, that's what I have been doing. Under the "Arma 2/Userconfig/ACE folder" I have this as my Userconfig folder and still ear-plugs and etc don't work.

    This is a really strange problem for me. Those items have always worked for me and now they just kinda randomly broke...

    I have tried reinstalling ACE, running without a single mod except ACE, and tried changing my account name. Still a no-go.

    Does anyone else have any clue as to why this is happening?

    Thank you again.

    EDIT: It might be worthy to note that anything else I do within that folder will take effect. (e.g. If I re-enable the crosshair it will work in game)

    And, this is my launch line (If that matters?)


  15. Might that be that you've set it (by mistake I presume) to overwrite the userconfig folder, replacing your fixed config with a default one, thus breaking all glasses. Did you check that the ace_clientside_config.hpp was your modified one?

    Negative. Thanks for helping but I completely reinstalled ACE and set up my config again and I still can't use any earplugs or any ACE related items.

    Here is my Userconfig file.... And yes, I double checked the name to make sure it is my in-game name.

  16. I have two problems that I can't seem to fix.

    Problem 1:

    Is there a place where the changes to the AI have been documented? (More in depth then the WIKI provides?)

    I was playing a few missions and noticed that the AI seem to be almost back to Vanilla ArmA 2 shooting styles. As in, the AI would be able to spot me through a forest and engage me with M16's and AK's from 200M-300M away while still having pinpoint accuracy. Making any kind of assault very difficult. I have tried turning the AI skills all the way down, I made sure all of ACE was running and I am up-to-date. Still, the AI (Who are not in groups) are able to pull off headshots 90% of the time from 200M -300M every time. This dosen't sound like ACE to me...

    Problem 2

    For some reason after the most recent update I can no longer use earplugs (Or use any ACE specific actions) anymore. I double checked the userconfig folder and everything was okay. I can see all of ACEs' gear and units but any action menu (Right mindows button or Right Application key) no longer work for me. Also, it might be note-worthy, but I keep getting a strange ERROR. It deals with No Entry Found "bin\config.bin/CFGVehicles/AH1W.scope" Even in new missions I try to create it does this error.

    Also, this might be related to Problem 1?

    I don't have any other addons running except for ACE2. And I am currently reinstalling ACE 2 to see if it fixes the issue...reinstalling it for the 3rd time this week -_-

    Thanks for any help in advance!

  17. Okay, my friends and I keep on getting this annoying bug every 2nd or 3rd update on ACE.

    We will all fully update ACE and then as we go to play, it will bring up that VERSION MISMATCH ERROR even though we are all on the same version and the Six Update - GUI says that we are all on the same version...

    I never had this problem when using the "Six Updater - Console" is there a way I can get that back?

  18. Okay! The mission is currently ready for a public play through!

    I will be hosting an Undead Mod game of this mission very soon. I only want a game with a max of 4 players!!

    So if you want to play a MP mission download these addons (ignore the mission/Undead Mod that comes with it. You won't be needing it.)

    Once you get that downloaded, post here that you want to have a run at the mission and I will add you to the list!

    I hope to be playing with some of you very soon.
