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Everything posted by Minizzzile

  1. Okay, I made a post about the "broken" nuke and this is what I got. Blah blah blah right? He manages to go through all this seemingly accusing me of hacking the nuke or something? and then just says a bunch of useless (to the situation of course) information... But what I can get from it is that he is saying there is something I have to do to get the nukes to work? Does anyone know what that might be? I'm guessing it has to deal with the "Permissive Action Links"? Thank you for your time.
  2. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    Quick question. What does the variable "CHN_UNDEAD_SHTREAC" really do? I don't think I understand the "zeds will react to being shot while attacking civilians only" What do you mean by "react"? Thank you for your time.
  3. Thanks for the quick response! I tried registering but I never got my e-mail confirmation (This is 2 hours later mind you) and it says my email is already in use when I try to re-register. Maybe someone else can test to see if they have this bug and report it from there?
  4. Hello, It seems that in the most recent patch of ACE the nuke has been broken? All three of the nukes just make a "Poof" of smoke and then are gone. No damage or anything. Does anyone know what is causing this issue? I tried delievering the nuke 3 different ways. 1) Via script. Nuke still just made a little "Poof" of black smoke and that was it. 2) Via AI dropping the bomb. Same thing happens. 3) Dropping the bomb myself. Same "Poof" of smoke and thats it. Is this a problem with just me?
  5. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    I was reading through most of this and kept seeing players saying "I wish the multiplayer worked" or "Make the multiplayer work! Blah blah blah" Just thought I would add one thing (Sorry if this has already been said) MULTIPLAYER WORKS GREAT!!! Everything seemed to work just fine as you said. The zombies would run to a town and start the infection. The infected town would spawn zombies to send to other towns to infect those. Everything seemed to work flawlessly. I only had two issues (Both were probably problems with something else though) 1) I was playing in Sahrani with a few friends and at one point Dolores got infected but seemed to constantly spawn an endless wave of zombies. Like one zombie would spawn right after another. We saw around 50 zombies spawn before we decided to GTFO. Didn't seem to create any real problems though and I have never seen it happen after that. (They were spawning in water, maybe that glitched it?) 2) The antidote seems to only work for selected players? My friend and I both got infected but we both had an antidote. So, we used it and it said the infection was reversed but 8 minutes later I just died out in the middle (This happened on multiple occasions) of a desert but he remained alive for 30 more minutes before he got blown up by a nuke! So maybe I don't understand how the antidote works? The only other addons I was using was ACE and CAA1 (Sahrani) P.S. This was on an older version of the Undead Mod. Just not sure what version :S
  6. Hello all, I'm new to using the editor, and I made a stealth OP and I've seen (in other missions) the ability to "hide a body". If someone could tell me how to add the ability to "hide" the bodies of the dead AI to the players, that would be much appreciated.
  7. It works if the players drops all his weapons.
  8. Minizzzile

    "Hide Body" Action

    Would anyone know this script? The setup I have are 5 Spetsnaz members infiltrating a town, there isn't a medic. I know it has to deal with addaction command but I'm not sure how to fully implement it. This is what I'm currently using. I placed this in init line This is the script
  9. Minizzzile

    endless "wait for host"

    No, through the ArmA server list.
  10. Minizzzile

    endless "wait for host"

    Deleting any custom sounds/addons did nothing. For my friend...
  11. Minizzzile

    endless "wait for host"

    My friend is having the exact same issue, he can't join our server because he gets stuck at "Wait for host" and it just sits there forever. He can join other servers completly fine and get in and playing within seconds. but, I doubt this is a server issue as no one else has any kind of problem connecting to the server. If anyone know how to fix this, it would be greatly apprecitated!
  12. Is there something I can place in the server.cfg file that will constantly repeat the MOTD at a certain interval of our choosing?
  13. Minizzzile

    Server MOTD repeating

    Okay, thanks whisper.
  14. Minizzzile

    Server MOTD repeating

    ookay, So can I just take the globalserver.sqf file and place it in my addons and leave out the rest? Because I only want the message part, not the "no-grass" mod
  15. Ahh okay, so I can just take the globalServer.sqf file and place it in the addons folder to our server? -sorry for bump, posted in the wrong forum somehow...-
  16. Squad name - 113Th Black Knights Timezone/location - Mountain Time (US and UK members) Squad gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp) - CooP Contact email - djsmith123@msn.com Website address - www.113thblackknights.webs.com/ - Apply on the forums We are freshly created squad! Come check us out!