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Everything posted by Minizzzile

  1. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    What is this game-mode you speak of?
  2. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    Hahaha off topic thread is off topic but still so awesome at the same time.
  3. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    ...I heard zombies like waffles. We can have a waffle making marathon to convince them to come to our side!
  4. Thank you very much. I knew there was one out there but couldn't find it.
  5. Hello, I looked here but still couldn't find what I was looking for. I searched for a good 30 minutes so I hope I didn't miss the topic... But I want to know if there is a list of all the live rounds for the weapons. Like for example. I have a script that spawns a live AT round and just explodes at a set location. bomb="R_M136_AT" createVehicle position EXP01; I was looking for something with a little more "bang". Is there a list of all these classnames for the live rounds?
  6. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    :( What if...what if Charon was the zombie master?! What if HE was the one in charge of the zombies!? What if HE staged his own death!?!?!?
  7. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    No, not that I know of without directly modding the Undead Mod itself. There are, however, work arounds to this. You can increase the infection timer by an ungodly amount (9999 minutes anyone?) and...I think there was one more... but I can't remember at the moment. Giving the players antidote is also a step of stopping infection.
  8. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    When towns turn CODE RED they will start to spawn zombies to spread to other POPULATED towns. The infection has to start before that will happen. BUT, the zombies will only spawn if the zombie limit has not been reached. Crap :mad: We shall go zombie hunting and kill every last one of those f****rs! Ha! Yeah, bullets do shit unless you hit them in the head. (What better way to practice your aim for real combat?) It usually takes a full clip or two to bring them down if you are hitting them in the chest. 2 to 3 shots will kill them if you hit them in the head with a pistol. 1 shot if its a bigger weapon :rolleyes: I have seen the zombies run under the water, run on top of the water and before Charon patched it, I have seen them flying at me...
  9. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    The zombies will automatically migrate. There are many many settings you can set for the zombies. Download the README's that are linked in my sig and the explanation should be in one of those. There are also DEMO missions. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  10. Minizzzile

    [WIP] CO "Degeneration" Zombie Survival

    Charon README's added to my SIG.
  11. Minizzzile

    Undead Mod

    Ha! You should be able to get it with the latest Undead Mod update I believe.
  12. Minizzzile

    Undead Mod

    No you don't. Try this test for me please. Place the THE UNDEAD - INFECTED module and then place the THE UNDEAD - SPAWN MODULE and wait for the zombies to spawn. See if they move afterwords.
  13. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    I am not sure you want to group the modules together. That might be a problem. But it is not what is causing the issue. I tried today with the spawning module and I think that part of the module may be broken. Everything you did sounded good. I did everything you did and then some with no results. I will keep looking into the situation further. ALSO, with the current released version I believe the module does not delete old groups of dead AI. So you hit the group limit of 144 eventually. Then again, I am not sure if Charon fixed it in the last patch or not. ------------------------------------------------------------ Excusez mon français, il n'est pas bon. Je ne suis pas sûr que vous voulez regrouper les modules ensemble. C'est peut-être un problème. Mais ce n'est pas ce qui est l'origine du problème. J'ai essayé aujourd'hui avec le module de frai et je pense que cette partie du module peut être rompu. Tout ce que vous ne sonnait bien. J'ai fait tout ce vous avez fait et puis certains n'ont pas les résultats. Je vais continuer à chercher dans la situation. En outre, avec la version actuelle a publié Je crois que le module ne supprime pas les anciens groupes de morts AI. Alors vous avez atteint la limite de groupe de 144 à terme. Là encore, je ne sais pas si elle a fixé Charon dans le dernier patch ou non
  14. Minizzzile

    [WIP] CO "Degeneration" Zombie Survival

    Ha! Yeah, good spirit but wrong thread. Please, I do not take ANY credit for the mod. I can help you with your spawning problem though. Charon has created a module called Spawning Module (I believe) All you have to do is place it down and you are good to go! It will spawn 12 zombies per 5 minutes I think. The module itself is highly customizeable there are many parameters you can place in the init field of the module itself. I will be uploading Charon's README's so players can easily access them. It has allll your scripting needs and great examples.
  15. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    Ace 2, shouldn't cause this problem (But with the recent turn of events I'm not willing to bet my life on it) Can you tell me, step by step. How you are activating this trigger? ----------------------------------- Ace 2, ne devrait pas poser ce problème (mais avec la récente tournure des événements que je ne suis pas prêt à parier ma vie sur celle-ci) Pouvez-vous me dire, étape par étape. Comment vous activez ce déclencheur?
  16. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    I'm pretty sure the eyes are part of the model. You could make your own models
  17. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    Yes it is possible to do what you are asking (If I am understanding correctly)
  18. Minizzzile

    [WIP] CO "Degeneration" Zombie Survival

    Alright thank you for your support!
  19. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    Ahhh, that's a good question. I'm not sure about that... I do recall Charon saying he had an issue with zombie AI grabbing weapons that would cause the game to crash. He fixed that a long time ago but I wonder how that addon affects it...
  20. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    I'm not sure what VFAI is but I would guess that it would work with it. I am currently asking for beta testers for my zombie mission but the mission addon requirements are quite ridiculous. (As it was only ment for my friends in the beginning) A new thread containing links to all zombie mission would be quite niffty... Maybe this is something we can start soon? :cool:
  21. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    I am like 99% sure that fixing that is not possible unless all of ArmA 2 is re-written.
  22. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    Possibly spring break vacation? I want him to release the fixed version of the spawn module already >_< Good things come with time I suppose.
  23. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    Yeah, Charon really did good on this mod. The zombies are way complex. Like I said, if you want an extra-version of ACE that is compatabile with this mod just let me know.
  24. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    That is very strange... It is possible that some extra addons are conflicting with the mod. ACE itself may even be interrupting the game. I stopped updating ACE at V1.0.7.298, and only use the latest up-to-date version when I am not playing on Sahrani (Which is never >_<) So it is possible ACE messes with the Zombie Mod. When you create a mission, what modules do you place? The wounding system had a weird effect on the zombies. The delayed grenade explosion sounds like the script lag to me. For example: ACE already runs hundreds of scripts while you are playing. Adding the zombie mod ontop of that adds hundreds more. ArmA 2 can only process those scripts at a certain rate so it slows everything down. EDIT: It is possible to have 2 versions of ACE at the same time. If you want a version that is cooperative with the zombie mod, I have give you version V1.0.7.298. It would require just a simple swapping of files, but that is only if you really want to play the mod.
  25. Minizzzile

    The Undead Mod

    Your issues with ACE are strange. I have been running this mod with ACE and I didn't have any of these symptoms. The blacking out is an ACE caused thing. If you don't want to black out, create a pilot slot. I have never ever ever seen this happen nor have any of my beta testers for my mission. What version of ACE are you running? I think part of the problem you are experiencing is the script-lag. There are so many scripts executing that the 1 ms minimum wait time for every script adds up to a noticable amount. The grenades look buggy but still go where you want them to.