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Everything posted by Punkley

  1. Most Aussie's know anyway :) It actually tends to work as a limiter :)
  2. Id actually rather you didn't to be honest. We do very good speeds to everywhere. And I can say right now approx 2/3rds of our traffic is serving overseas without any complaints as far as I can see. We cover global news with writers from around the world, so we aren't "just" an Australia site, and would rather not be treated as so :). PS. And you wouldn't do it to a US or Euro site would you :)
  3. we still have a bit of bandwidth going http://games.on.net/file/27690/ArmA_II_Demo UgLy
  4. http://games.on.net/file/27690/ArmA_II_Demo Feel free to post it on websites as official downloads or whatever :)
  5. 10-15min to go to Games On Net Ill post a link when it is done
  6. Im grabbing it now, should have it up in less then an hour you dont have a md5 for it do you?
  7. Bozz I saw that request..... We will add it tonight, if a dev/Comms manager wants to send us me a link we can get it up and mirrored asap. UgLyPuNk http://games.on.net/ (Internode)