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About Tammej

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Tammej

    Patch 1.02 Satisfaction Survey

    I'll have to say goodbye to this community - but I'll be returning here and to this game at a later point, most likely when it has reached a mature status and several more months have passed. Thank you all for the support you've given, you're a great community.
  2. Believe me, I've had my share ... if it wouldn't be so damn funny to watch it, I'd cry my eyes out ... when it happens to you after you spent hours of crawling around in the bushes, and the driver goes on tour de sight-e-seeing with you, circling the enemy and handing out binoculars so may watch better how the bullets pierce the glass you're staring through, .. if it all wouldn't be so damn hilarous, and tragic, and funny, and laughable, I'd throw the game outta the window by now ;).
  3. I guess I fail to just use the AI properly then, when I try to make some kills of my own. ;)
  4. If you meant me, I didn't see any of the targets they announced through the radio, when we were in the forest. I wasted hours just to get into a proper position, and never saw a soul while they obviously saw something. If this is supposed to be athmospheric, it takes me out of the experience. If this is supposed to be real, it's unreal.
  5. Operation Flashpoint 2 isn't even out yet and here's already all these comparisions between the two games? I'm probably going to buy both. I have high hopes about this newer engine Flashpoint seems to have. But I won't start comparing the games until I've actually played them both. Arma 2 kinda bug-ladden and I would'be been quite willing to wait longer. I was happy to buy it at a high price, but the official missions are giving me a headache these days.
  6. Like someone said above, while being prone on a landscape as flat as can be, it is pretty much impossible to aim now, and there are hardly any smooth surfaces anymore, aside from naked cliffs or roads. But the AI seems to be able to do it just fine. Even if it's not, it feels like it has supernatural powers. Being prone should have a lot of advantages, but they don't work out right in ArmA 2, they work against you. They still hit you, because they aim perfectly well while standing up, and unless you have a tree for cover, you're pretty much history. I'd dare you test this: In the mission "bitter chill", try to reaproach the base you started at, directly from the forest to the south of the entryway. The enemy AI will be at that entryway. You are *in* the forest. You should be well out of sight. Guess what ... every time I tried that, I got shot-up pretty bad. They just crossed the road and behaved like they can see right through all the trees and shrubbery. And I wasn't exactly making a ruckus. To top it off, I couldn't see them *at all*. Not even with the binocular. It was all just trees 'n trees and more trees to me. And then I ate the lead.
  7. Tammej

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    *) Spacebar command interface should ignore you or the vehicle you are sitting in, whilst you use it in 3rd person mode. Reason: I want to tell the team to interact/shoot/go to a place/thing I was standing in front of, not go to where I am, nor ask me for a cigarette, or shoot me in the head. *) I'm inside a bush or in the forest, crouching, and I don't see anyone. Why does it feel like every single enemy AI knows exactly where I am? Why can they even take aim at me, crouched or prone, where I cannot even see what's more than a meter away from me, due to all the foliage in the way? *) At flank speed (E for flank-forward, and then pressing A or D) when not on roads, wheeled vehicles cannot make a right turn? *) Liberties in weapon choices for the Razor team? For example, to always have a sniper for zoomed rifle during the campaign? Reason: The holo seems inadequate many of the campaigns battles. I seem to be able to perform better with plain ironsighted rifles than those that have an aimpoint or holo. The aim-dots seem too big. *) Please bring back the "Clock" for targetting. Reason: When a team member announcess something "left" from us, this leaves me guessing whose left is meant, or where my own left was at the time the AI decided to tell me this. I'm not exactly standing still all the time. Here is a neat idea: if multiple targets were seen, keep adding icons or at least points to the clock and have it rotate optionally. *) When I assign targets to shoot at with ~ 2, also let me pick the targets from the clock, with a mouse cursor rather than a drop-down list. The drop-down list should also always be sorted by distance. Usually, I want my team to aim for the closest enemy first, and picking from a list like this: RUSSIAN SOLDIER, CLOSE RUSSIAN SOLDIER, CLOSE RUSSIAN SOLDIER, CLOSE just plain isn't useful. Also, please indicate with colour highlighting which targets are *still* visible to my team mates. *) Furthermore, I second that distances should be spoken out numerically in meters.
  8. Tammej

    Vehicle driving issue

    If I drive a vehicle in fast mode, it doesn't seem to be able to steer to the right anymore. Only to the left. A bit odd, but I can just drive normally for the second I need steering.
  9. Tammej

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    The second attempt at this mission I just ignored everything. Mission kicks off, I jump into the jeep, oder the others to get it, sit down, shut up, and then I drive at flank speed through the *forest*, avoiding the trees, arrive at the house, get the docs before anyone else does, get radioed, and go *right back* that instant, also at flank speed right through the forest, only to get blasted to smithereens by some soldiers at the entryway to the base. So I try again, do the exact same thing, and this time I will attempt drive up that hill not using the roads again, and as far away from these soldiers at possible. That worked for me once, and I *had* seen the cutscene once before (that was the attempt whereafter I did everything humanly possible to reach the 9km target, because I didn't know I was supposed to twiddle my thumps at the base, waiting). Wish me luck I can just repeat this ... just once more, and *then* I'll wait for ... whatever happens next, while I'm on-base.
  10. It's [select all] 4-2-and there you chose where they are supposed to go. 1 is anywhere, 5 is somewhere in the back, for example. Oh, this only works if you are already in the vehicle. I always enter first, so I can chose where I wanna sit. If you enter after giving them the enter command first, they usually complain and just stand there, or one of them does. Go prone is [select all] 7-8. 7-7 is crouch. Do-as-you-do is "Stay alert", 7-3 I believe. Not sure if it's a bug, but if you ever tell them all "Danger!" with 7-2, and then you tell them to return to formation, they just ignore it and stay prone or play cards, ... they will be useless until you revoke "DANGER!" by telling them either to "Be alert" (7-3) or "Clear". Ever trying to tell them to be stealthy has become also useless as well. Instead of silently remaining prone, they keep standing up running to wherever you want them to go, only difference is they run one at a time while the others provide cover. It's kinda cool, and totally dumb if you really just want them to be absolutely quiet.
  11. Tammej

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    Hi, I'm new ... So far, considering what feedback about the missions I've been reading, I've been in luck. Didn't encounter any showstopper bugs thus far, and always found a way to do something in some way so that I may proceed in the mission. But now I'm in "Bitter Chill" and... god dammit, I get shot, shot, shot and shot, I die die die die die die over and over over and over again! Just because of that stupid script! There are no enemies! I killed them all, the officer, the snipers, the saboteur, the spetznaz, all the other guys who were marked as enemy soldiers. I am so damn sick of this mission. At first I tried to get to the point that was marked 9 km away from FOB, so at least I managed to return to FOB once. But after reading here that this is all good for nothing and that I'm supposed to wait for something to happen at FOB (How the hell should I know this?), I can't get back to it anymore. There is a "Kill-script" circling the entire area, no matter if I approach FOB by car, truck or on-foot, it goes boom and I die! Even though I am surrounded by highly armed friendlies, I still die. Who designed this piece of crap mission?! Sorry, I just had to vent! I feel like screaming into a pillow like a little girl right now.