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About tldspectre22

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    Private First Class
  1. Whoops, my mistake. I wasn't even aware there was a "zoom out" option, always thought there was just the normal default view and the zoomed in view when you hold down the right mouse button. I'll have to check that out - thanks!
  2. Yeah I tried it, and while it's convenient, I didn't like losing the wider field of view, so I left things at the default. I like being able to quickly pan around to locate targets, then zoom in once I initially locate them. By zooming in automatically I have to do more panning to initially locate potential targets. I suppose there's a trade-off that you can't always pick up targets as easily when zoomed out, so I guess it's a matter of personal preference.
  3. Word is still out on how to download just the patch - at this point it appears a complete downlaod is necessary. It can't hurt to backup your mod folders first, although I'm pretty sure it isn't necessary. I ran the Steam updater and upon initial inspection it looks like my mods are all still intact. Still, I'd backup first just to be safe - I only have a couple of mods installed, so YMMV.
  4. Possibly people are running a non-dedicated server (their regular gaming PC)? If so I suspect there would be performance issues depending on how many are attempting to play. It's my understanding that it's the dedicated server update that is missing...
  5. tldspectre22

    Dogs of War launcher available

    Fantastic - just what I've always wanted for MP play. Is there an easy way to add a server from the main list to the favorites - for example, right-click on server name, pop-up menu appears with option "add to favorites"? More importantly, when can we expect its release (or am I missing a link somewhere)? EDIT: Nevermind about the question regarding adding to favorites - just noticed the button on the lower right! :icon_redface:
  6. tldspectre22

    Dogs of War launcher available

    Same here, so I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I can still connect to servers using DOW, just would be nice to see this working properly. Blakord?
  7. I seem to recall that Valve would have to set this up to allow it. They did this for Unreal Tournament 3 - it had been available on disk for awhile when it eventually became available through Steam. Previous purchasers were given the option to activate their retail keys at that time. Hopefully at some point in the future Arma 2 retail purchasers will have the same option. For the curious, here's a link to the thread on the UT3 discussion forum that covers the procedure: http://utforums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=656522 If one is feeling brave (or masochistic ;)) they might try using the same procedure with Arma2 just to see what happens...
  8. tldspectre22

    Dogs of War launcher available

    Blakord, You may have found out about this already, but in case you haven't... Apparently the correct syntax for connecting to a server is: -connect=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -port=yyyy I tested this using a shortcut and it worked fine. Then I tested it using DOW with custom parameters and it worked as well. So I guess it's just a matter or recoding DOW to use this format when creating a favorite in DOW and in theory it should work as well.
  9. tldspectre22

    Dogs of War launcher available

    Joined the party late didja? ;) Seems Steam uses more than one game id for Arma2; DOW is hard-coded to use 33910 whereas some folks Steam setups use 33900 like mine (and probably yours) which is why Steam launches but Arma2 doesn't. The Blakord is working on a fix for this, but in the meantime you can use the following workaround (from page 2 of this thread): "I managed to get around this by creating a custom profile. From the "Custom Game" list I chose "Custom" instead of the "Arma II Steam Version" option. For the "Select custom Arma folder" I used "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2.exe" (click the folder icon and navigate to the location of the arma2.exe file). When I click the red "Engage and Play" custom game button, Steam launches followed by Arma II!!" Hope that does it for ya! Keep checking back to this thread - at some point I assume Blakord will post when he releases his next update for DOW.
  10. tldspectre22

    Squad -> Rearm and reinforcements

    You're welcome! BTW, it's also possible to order them to take weapons/ammo from nearby dead soldiers... a) select squad mate; b) select (6) ACTION; c) select (8) GEAR (not sure if it's always #8); The squad mate will move to the closest dead soldier (friendly or enemy, closest to HIM), and the gear window containing the dead guy's gear will pop up. You can then swap whatever you want with the dead body. If you want a squad mate to take a particular soldier's weapons, move him close to the body first, then issue the orders above.
  11. tldspectre22

    Squad -> Rearm and reinforcements

    Part of the problem is you have to order your squadmates to rearm one at a time, at least as far as I can tell. Assuming you have an ammo crate/truck nearby: a) select squad member you want to rearm (f2-f12); b) press the 6 key on the keyboard to bring up the "Action" menu; c) select (1) "Rearm at..." the appropriate resupply point. I played around with this a bit in the editor. I placed a squad, an ammo crate and an ammo truck nearby. When you select the "Action" menu (6) it gives you the ammo source that you (squad leader) are standing closest to - it does not give you a choice of one or the other. So if I'm nearer to the ammo crate I can order a single squad member to rearm at the ammo crate. I tried selecting multiple squad mates, but when I do the Rearm option doesn't appear - only the "salute" and "sit down" options. I also tried assigning teams but still no go. Doesn't seem very realistic (to me anyway) to have to issue individual orders for rearming when you could just as easily issue a group order, and those that need to rearm will while those that don't won't.
  12. Yes - I've tried creating a desktop shortcut to connect directly to a server (Silent Warriors) and keep getting "Connect Failed" errors. I then verify the server is running by connecting manually, so I know it's not a server-side issue. I've also tried both the Dogs of War and Armalauncher utilities with the same results. Here's the target information in the shortcut I created: "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 33900 -nosplash -connect= Arma2 starts up fine whether or not Steam is running, but after the "Wait a Moment..." message I get "Connecting Failed". Nosplash option works fine so I know at least that parameter is getting passed properly. I've tried the same thing with other servers, removing the nosplash parameter, but nothing seems to work. I doublechecked the Steam game profile launch parameters and verified nothing was specified there. EDIT TO ADD: I'm running Vista 32 sp1, verified Steam was running as Administrator... Has anyone successfully created a shortcut that will successfully connect to a server? Or got DOW or ArmaLaunch to do the same (with Steam)?
  13. tldspectre22

    Dogs of War launcher available

    Hi Blakord, Thanks for following up on this. My Steam ID is 33900, region USA.
  14. tldspectre22

    Dogs of War launcher available

    I tried adding two servers under favorites then connecting - got "connection failed" errors. If I then jump to the MP list I can connect to the two servers from there, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Pings to the two servers from within DOW state that the servers are offline. Anyone else get favorites to work?