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About ambroisec

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  1. hello for the moment there are no issue for the gtx 295 waiting for a patch or driver
  2. ambroisec

    For gtx 295 users

    hello excuse me for my english but i m french i have exactely the same problem with arma 2 my system is following: -core 2 duo x6800 extreme 2.93 ghz -asus striker 2 extreme -graphic card :gtx 295 -4 go ddr3 12800 ocz running windows vista 64 with last driver 186.18 and the game is not fluid at all the fps are 15 to 28 max i dont understand at all have an idea i bought this config for play arma 2 and i m very furious..... my processor it is good or i must change it?
  3. hello excuse me for my english but i m french i have exactely the same problem with arma 2 my system is following: -core 2 duo x6800 extreme 2.93 ghz -asus striker 2 extreme -graphic card :gtx 295 -4 go ddr3 12800 ocz running windows vista 64 with last driver 186.18 and the game is not fluid at all the fps are 15 to 28 max i dont understand at all have an idea i bought this config for play arma 2 and i m very furious..... my processor it is good or i must change it?
  4. hello excuse me for my english but i m french i have exactely the same problem with arma 2 my system is following: -core 2 duo x6800 extreme 2.93 ghz -asus striker 2 extreme -graphic card :gtx 295 -4 go ddr3 12800 ocz running windows vista 64 with last driver 186.18 and the game is not fluid at all the fps are 15 to 28 max i dont understand at all have an idea i bought this config for play arma 2 and i m very furious..... i try with crysis64.exe no change my processor it is good or i must change it?
  5. ambroisec

    Poor fps with a fast rig

    hello excuse me for my english but i m french i have exactely the same problem with arma 2 my system is following: -core 2 duo x6800 extreme 2.93 ghz -asus striker 2 extreme -graphic card :gtx 295 -4 go ddr3 12800 ocz running windows vista 64 with last driver 186.18 and the game is not fluid at all the fps are 15 to 28 max i dont understand at all have an idea i bought this config for play arma 2 and i m very furious..... my processor it is good or i must change it? i try with vista 64 don t change anything -winxp too.....
  6. hello excuse me for my english but i m french i have exactely the same problem with arma 2 my system is following: -core 2 duo x6800 extreme 2.93 ghz -asus striker 2 extreme -graphic card :gtx 295 -4 go ddr3 12800 ocz running windows vista 64 with last driver 186.18 and the game is not fluid at all the fps are 15 to 28 max i dont understand at all have an idea i bought this config for play arma 2 and i m very furious..... my processor it is good or i must change it?