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Everything posted by Picolly

  1. Picolly


    I made a Landtex Addon for the Alpha. This Addon makes the Ground Textures more flat. So that they no longer look like a Satellite Image. Version 1.0: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19123 or http://netload.in/datei0hVmZ8wSXF/La...3A_1.0.rar.htm ARMA3 Alpha: ARMA3 Landtex:
  2. Picolly


    Ok, Landtex 1.0 is ready. :) http://netload.in/datei0hVmZ8wSXF/LandTex_A3A_1.0.rar.htm or http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19123
  3. Picolly


    Ok, I think it's done. Version 1.0 comes out in a few days. Most of the details are back again, i deleted only the hard pixels. The midrange Texture is a bit stronger now. Original v1.0 v0.8
  4. Picolly


    By tomorrow it is on Armaholic.
  5. Picolly


    I finished a new version 0.8. :) Changes: There is now a server key and I added another midrange texture. The midrange texture is optional. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19123
  6. Picolly


    The next version uses a different texture for the midrange. Original midrange Texture Landtex midrange Texture
  7. Picolly


    Thanks for the Note. :rolleyes: ...maybe that's the reason why I can not sign the pbo?!
  8. Picolly


    I put all the photos into a Great picture together and then let it run different filters. The rest of the details I painted by hand.
  9. Picolly


    I give up. I do not know why but I can not generate a key.
  10. Picolly


    I work on it.
  11. Picolly


    So, here is the new Version 0.7. Download: http://www.multiupload.nl/628CXH2S48
  12. Picolly


    I think I'll finish up this evening. Is damn much work. I have problems to create the key. If someone could take that would be very helpful.
  13. Picolly


    Yes, that's me.
  14. Picolly


    The next Version 0.7 will bring back some Details. Will come in a few Days. Original Version 0.1 Version 0.7 Sorry, but the picture is unfortunately not the best example for the changes.
  15. Picolly

    TimeXleration (for Arma 3)

    Very usefull, thank you. :bounce3:
  16. Picolly


    Yes, with the Version1.0 .
  17. Picolly


    Thanks for all the comments. :) There has been much said what I thought about it. I am also test how it works. Unfortunately, that's a lot of work because the paa plugin for Photoshop not work for me. I do not know why that is. Maybe at the CS6 Trail that I use at the moment. (..sorry for my english, I use a translation program)
  18. Picolly


    if i do this, i have a errormessage "Bad vehicle typ Villager1" in OA! maybe the Beta? In Arma2 is good and worked fine! Thanks, that is the best Flyer ever! :)
  19. Picolly


    ...or is this only for ArmA2? :o:
  20. Picolly


    I download the .pbo. In the game i cant use the emty one. :(
  21. I (alias zyco) made a Texturemod for Chernarus called LandTex v0.6 . Changes ======= 1. It makes the Landscape textures more organic 2. Coast lines have now more sandy beaches 3. It sets the correct land texture for islands that have only the seafloor texture Picture = http://www.bilder-hochladen.net/files/b802-8-jpg.html More Infos and Download here http://armed-assault.de/news/sap-clutter--landtex-06.html.
  22. Picolly

    Isla de Pollo v1.0

    I found a Video i made on Isla de Pollo whit ArmA1. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpRWRDmGe5U -
  23. Picolly

    Isla de Pollo v1.0

    I realy like this Island. THank U. :)
  24. ...yes i think BIS take a look at it. ANd if u like it BIS, i need a Job. ;) :bounce3:
  25. I just wanted to say thx for all ur comments, im very happy about it. :)