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About JonoE

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi Was running on a joint operation server no mods Map was Zargabad Thanks
  2. Hi Was play this with my clan member tonight. All the guys could not use there guns after there died so had to go to the ammo box each time to pick up a new gun. Any ideas
  3. $able Did you not see Kello post about apanel as we can not use it this great tool.
  4. Hi Only had time to test chernarus but the nuke not working only get a red circle on the map in vts computer and nothing happens.
  5. Hi You answered the 1st question bad day at typing. Thanks about the nuke
  6. Hi Do we have a update on Beta 3 when it is coming out. One question how do i do a nuke i can not find it. Thanks
  7. JonoE

    Electronic Sports League

    Clan Base have started up a ladder. Clan Base
  8. Hi Does anyone know how to play this one as a few of us were playing it trying to take the area but can not. There is no notes in the mission. Forgot to say tried to make an account on the makes website but that not working. Thanks Jono
  9. Any update on this. Would love to have a play with it in English.
  10. Yes as i can see them on our server and only chenarus version works on mp Thanks
  11. Hi I have upload all the island and the mission but can not get the MP mission to work. Works great in SP. Thanks
  12. ACE mod up to date. Works fine with other missions. Does not work with this one. get the error above. Thanks
  13. I am getting "Invalid crew Civilian" too Please help!!