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About YagyuRetsudo

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  1. YagyuRetsudo

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    I agree on the freetrack support. It really would be a simple, quick and easy to implement thing.
  2. YagyuRetsudo

    Will ArmA 2 support FreeTrack?!

    Given the lack of information from BIS, there are two possibilities: 1) Naturalpoint have blocked older versions of trackIR and other headtracking from using the trackIR API, but have not prevented BIS from implementing others: in which case it is a very simple matter for BIS to add freetrack support into the next patch, and just requires more public pressure for them to do so. 2) Naturalpoint have blocked older versions of trackIR and other headtracking from using the trackIR API, AND have tried to create a monopoly by (illegally) preventing BIS from supporting other headtrackers. In which case I recommend all EU citizens affected to report this to the Antitrust commission: http://ec.europa.eu/competition/contacts/antitrust_mail.html and in the US to the relevant authorities.
  3. YagyuRetsudo

    Patch 1.02 Satisfaction Survey

    Freetrack still does not work.
  4. YagyuRetsudo

    Will ArmA 2 support FreeTrack?!

    Another vote for "Please stop blocking freetrack from working". I think it's disgusting that a company is forcing a monopoly by preventing other head-tracking software from working. But I suppose that's "off-topic."