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Posts posted by Joohan

  1. Inverse kinematics post-processing: used in Halo: Combat Evolved, this technique relies on playing a pre-set death animation and then using inverse kinematics to force the character into a possible position after the animation has completed. This means that, during an animation, a character could wind up clipping through world geometry, but after he has come to rest, all of his bones will be in valid space.

    If you have played the first Halo game before you would have seen this in action where if you killed a guy near a cliff his body would adjust to the cliff so it looked natural. I think the dead bodies in Arma 2 should use inverse kinematics so that whenever a person dies they are not clipping through a building, table, sidewalk, or whatever. It isn't exactally intensive either and all it does is just push the bones into a valid space so it looks better than something clipping through a wall.

    I'd be happy with even just ragdolls for now...

  2. If you've got more than 4gigs of ram, the auto detection doesn't work properly. I had the same problem and I solved it by physically taking out 4gigs of my ram (had 8gigs in total) and running ArmA 2 with only 4gigs installed. I know there's a way to do this through some command lines as well but imo it really isn't a big of a deal to remove couple of ram sticks. If I need all the 8gigs (rarely do) I'll just pop them back in.

  3. Windows Vista 64-bit

    AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+

    4094MB RAM

    NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT Approx Total Memory: 2289 MB

    HP w2007 Wide LCD Monitor 22"

    Sorry, but there's no way that system can run Crysis decently with max settings, just no way. Maybe it runs better with the lower res but with everything at max there's just no way in hell you're getting playable fps (constantly above 30fps) and same goes for Arma 2.

    Anyway, I got my Arma 2 performance problems sorted by taking out 4 gigs of ram (had 8 gigs) and can now run it with max settings...just finished Manhattan and now i'm waiting for BIS to fix the team AI bugs in the further missions...

    My rig btw:

    q6600 oc'd to 3,2

    4gigs of ram (8gigs originally but with Arma 2, only 4gigs are in use)

    GTX 285

    Creative Xfi Xtreme Gamer

    Vista 64bit

  4. Well I finally got my problems with this game sorted...all I had to do was to physically take out 4 gigabytes of my ram (had 8gb total) and now, with only 4gigs, it runs flawlessly with everything @ max. Before when I had 8 gigs in, the game would recognize my ram incorrectly but now with 4gigs it recognizes everything correctly. Damn this game is good when it looks and runs well!

  5. First of all hello to everyone here @ Armaholic!

    I would like to contribute my findings to help others here to get their Arma2 running better. I had some serious trouble getting Arma2 to run properly but finally I have found a solution which works for me and the game runs smoothly with everything at their highest settings. I used to get serious lag and texture corruption and the game would slow down to single digits, but here's how I fixed it: First I set v-sync off from the nvidia control panel, secondly I added the -winxp parameter since I have 8 gigs of ram. I modded my arma3.cfg like so: (localVRAM=1073741824; nonlocalVRAM=120000000; ), localVRAM is set like so because my gpu has 1024mb of ram the nonlocalVRAM is set near to the amount that I have set my paging file to. And ofcourse set the Arma2.cfg to read only after making the changes. Now, once I get in the game it still lags like hell, but here comes something that really helped to get my game running smoothly: once I load the game and load a save it lags and textures are corrupted and all that, but then I go to the graphics settings and turn everything to their lowest setting, excluding the resolutions (mine are @ 1680x1050), once everything is set at the lowest settings, the game runs smoothly, then I start to put the values back to the highest settings one by one (textures and video memory last) and the game keeps running just as smoothly as it does with the lowest settings. This is strange, I know but this is the way I got my game running good with great graphics. I also updated my graphics drivers to the latest 186.18 drivers. Also remember to defrag!

    My rig btw:

    q6600 @ 3000mhz

    8 gigs of ram

    gtx 285 with 186.18 drivers

    Creative X-fi Xtreme Gamer

    Hope this helps!
