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Everything posted by Tiger_26

  1. RELEASE THE GAME IN AUSTRALIA.....c'mon for god's sake
  2. Thanks...someone stated Australia's official release was 26 Jun, just wondering where they got that as EBgames.au states late Aug release (also direct from EB employee).
  3. I have done the search option but it keeps bringing me vaugly to this topic, not onto any specific post, so please dont curse me. After reading through the 1st 7-8 pages I still havent found the answer (it's been skirted around, nothing specific) Will ArmA2 autopatch through steam...(not mods...Patching only concern) I was hoping it would preload as with AA3 but no joy there, now I'm worried it wont autopatch which is the main reason I purchased on steam....That and In EBgame Australia it's supposedly out for late Aug release as opposed to 30 Jun on Steam