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Sir Finkus

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Everything posted by Sir Finkus

  1. Sir Finkus

    New patch 1.04

    I'm not a fan of securom either, but a lot of this seams like bs...
  2. Sir Finkus

    New patch 1.04

    It will probably be up pretty soon. It is only 8:26 in Valve land, so their people are probably just showing up to work. It does look like Bohemia has done everything on their end though. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=967005
  3. Sir Finkus

    Problem with flight controls

    Rebind the aircraft controls so that the mouse is bound to "tilt" rather than "turn".
  4. This part of the mission is a lot easier with artillery. Oh, just a fun fact, the base can spawn in different places each time. I've found 2 possible locations in my playthroughs, but there may be more.
  5. Sounds like it could be a lag issue or something. I don't know how arma 2 handles lag compensation, but the server could have thought the BMP3 was in a slightly different place.
  6. Sir Finkus

    Hey arma team can u add this in please

    Just a tip: if you want to be taken seriously, I'd suggest making your posts readable. I've read through your post 3-4 times and I'm still not quite sure what you are suggesting (commanding dogs or something?).
  7. For what it's worth, they seem to be a bit better in the full game.
  8. Sir Finkus

    Helicopter towing

    Do you have autohover on?
  9. First off, love the game. I've been playing through the campaign and it has been fantastic so far. I do have a small gripe though. You can't give your team orders when you are radioing headquarters, or even when the helicopter pilot is saying something. This has gotten me killed quite a few times. I kind of realize the rationale behind this (not talking over the commander), but realistically if you are riding in helicopter flying over an enemy encampment, and aforementioned encampment is firing on the helicopter quite effectively, AND this encampment just happens to trigger a fairly lengthy dialog session with the commander, you should be able to interrupt the commander and tell the pilot NOT to land 50 meters west of the enemy. Couple that with the fact that this particular camp also triggered an autosave, I had to roll back a few hours or get killed while listening to coops and the officer leisurely discuss the situation.
  10. Sir Finkus

    Please let me give orders during dialog

    They could probably use some work too, maybe instead of saving automatically it should ask you if you want to save there. Personally, I haven't been screwed over by the autosave nearly as often as being unable to give orders during dialog. I mean, unskippable dialog is annoying enough after the 3 or 4th time hearing it, but even more annoying when you can't tell your fireteam to do anything.
  11. Sir Finkus

    IFF for all squads!!!

    That's no good, then people could just mouse over an area where an enemy is likely to be a lot until your name pops up. I've used this in other fpses. Oddly enough, the text can also hamper you because it sometimes gets in the way of shooting.
  12. Sir Finkus

    Manhattan - No Support Options

    Artillery would be very helpful for softening up the main insurgent camp. I hope this gets fixed soon. :edit: not to mention that artillery is just plain fun.
  13. Sir Finkus

    Does ARMAII include bench tools?

    In the demo it was in the scenarios menu, a level called "benchmark"
  14. I've got the steam version of arma 2 pre-ordered. That list of app ids posted by someone else is a bit out of date. The app id is 33909.