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Everything posted by SuperRobotJesus

  1. SuperRobotJesus

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    I never post here but thought I should say thank you for this awesome campaign! Absolutely loving it. With the performance issues with Arma and Arma 2 I've only just been able to get it running nicely thanks to the beta patches - so it's been years since I've had a good mil-sim. Only just getting into the mods available, so this campaign was my first experience with Lingor too; what a way to get back into it! The only difficulties I'm having are with the A.I. really. I play single player as I don't have a clan to play with (boo) and I'm finding my squad pretty useless to the point where I'm having to keep all six of them in formation and relying only on myself. Is this an elevation issue as mentioned earlier in this thread? I'd love to be able to send of my second squad to another objective without having them all wiped out within minutes. It's more of an issue in some missions rather than others, and on the protect the poll centre mission, the AI are useless - is there a way to improve their performance in an urban environment or is this just one of those things with the arma engine that AI + urban = death? Thanks again! Great work!
  2. SuperRobotJesus

    A2 & OA Performance

    I know a tonne of threads are around discussing the performance issues of A2; I've had the game since it was released and been on these forums likewise. However, there's so many threads the search function isn't super useful for this topic so... My system specs are: i7 oc to 3.4ghz 6GB ram W7 64bit ati 4850 I've NEVER been able to run Arma 2 to an acceptable standard. I've been able to play through the campaign (although at the time bugs meant it was broken) but with everything turned down to off/low, and I'd STILL get huge stuttering/awful fps. Every few months I see there's been a couple new patches and I reinstall/update only to be disappointed again and uninstall. I loved the OFP games and I so badly want an Arma game that I can actually enjoy playing - I've spent however many £s with Arma1 Gold, and now Arma 2 still unable to actually enjoy an Arma game due to the massive performance issues, however after playing the demo of OA yesterday I'm wondering if Bis have sorted all this out? Running the game 1920x1200 on whatever the demo defaulted to (medium>high I think) I saw no stuttering or inconsistent fps. My first question is... I last tried Arma 2 @ 1.05, and the fps issues still forced me to uninstall. Has there been the MASSIVE performance optimisation needed between 1.05 and 1.07 to warrant another attempt? My other question is, what about Operation Arrowhead. I'm aware the demo didn't feature any dense urban environments. I know they aren't a big part of the new map, but as far as I know they are still there in places. If I spend yet more money on this now, will I only find the same problems with the actual campaign, i.e. more than 20 enemies on screen, vehicles/buildings crippling the fps? Thanks in advance for any help, I really want to put off all the important things I need to do by sitting here on an Arma game for a week straight rather than just collecting the discs -_-
  3. SuperRobotJesus

    A2 & OA Performance

    Seems to be a lot better than when I last played, still pretty rough though. I know lowering some settings reduces fps etc. so I can't just lower the settings to get better results as raising some will often help... Is there an agreed upon "sweet spot"?
  4. SuperRobotJesus

    A2 & OA Performance

    thanks for the replies guy, I'm going to reinstall and try the beta patch today, along with -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 Is it worth stick some optimisation mods onto this or does the latest beta patch do enough?
  5. SuperRobotJesus

    ETA on 1.03?

    I've tried searching, with both the search function and manually and can't find anything useful so I thought I'd just ask; is there any sort of eta on 1.03? I can't play the game due to the Dogs of War bug where you get shot at starting the mission and I'm eager to play this thing again as when it works, it's amazing. Thanks in advance. Edit* Sorry, found a thread now. Please delete.
  6. I'm sure I read in a thread regarding the Badlands mission that someone else had this problem: I begin the Dogs of War mission (I had to endmission badlands as after objectives achieved they were all reset to incomplete) and my guys stand around talking for around 10 seconds before there is an exchange between them some opfor 50 meters behind team leader resulting in a dead team Razor. What's going on? Could anybody tell me how to avoid this so I can actually continue playing this game? This is now 3 missions in a row with a game-breaking bug and I don't want to have to endmission my way through the campaign as it will ruin the game for me. I can't believe how poor this is. I love the gameplay of Arma 2, the campaign is ridiculous however, and I only bought this game for the SP aspect so it's no good to me as is. There's even a case to argue it is ILLEGAL for BIS to sell this game in the UK as it fundamentally fails to deliver it's intention as a product. Such a shame, as it would appear only a couple of months bug testing the campaign would of made this an amazing piece of work. Come on Bis...
  7. SuperRobotJesus

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    Okay... I followed the NAPA guys to Alter - where there was no car, or anything else of use... Apparently we're NOT supposed to follow them? Take 2: I head SE towards the road just W of Keln, as instructed in a post back one page, and I find the red hatchback. My team get in... I walk around to the back and get in the trunk... and... nothing. I'm going to try waiting 'til 1700 to see if that causes something to happen - if not then I have no idea what could have gone wrong as my entire team are in the car, with the civi in the drivers seat. FYI, I didn't encounter any NAPA on the way to the car (relevant?) and nobody has acknowledged the car (no radio messages, no talking between the team about it... nothing). Any hints? :( Update: Okay I waited by the car for 10 minutes @ 4x speed to get to 5pm then went to Napa and now I'm at delaying the bear with the unresponsive AI. hahaha... jeez...
  8. SuperRobotJesus

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    Just a thought, as I'm still not clear - can we have somebody post a step by step guide to completing this Bitter Chill mission when you chose not to call in SF21? Not a walk-thru, but a step by step guide to triggers that must be hit, I guess? From what I gather, it's something like 1: talk to napa 2: chose not to fly 3: follow napa to red car 4: get in the trunk... I'm not sure if that's correct, or what to do once we're in the trunk so could somebody please clarify what to do from FOB after choosing not to fly please? I haven't played this game since my big rant a few days ago (as on page 2) and in truth, I miss it! Maybe if I knew there was an imminent 1.03 patch I would wait, but with no news on 1.03 I'm eager to get back into the game as is. OH, and if anybody does make this post, can they confirm the steps they post work after reporting the weapons cache at the church as it sounds like the priest is involved. Thanks in advance to whoever does; I'm sure there's plenty of others that need it besides myself.
  9. SuperRobotJesus

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    Assuming we've hit the nail on the head with this being a triggered death to prevent completion, this is literally the most incredible bug I've come across. I've spent 3 hours today playing through this mission only to be killed dozens of times loading from various saves by a sniper, who apparently doesn't engage my own team when I order them to disembark the humvee, but will take my head off in an instant when I get out. I came to the conclusion myself it was a bug that was causing a triggered death, as my map/team members failed to identify an enemy. I restarted from Manhattan base and went a different way, at times escorting the Humvee from a savefile after a death and searching the forests/hills with 2 team members, and having a third drive the humvee behind us - only to have myself snipered every time. I then swapped to the team member driving the humvee and found the humvee was being hit with a rocket now whilst the guys on foot were unharmed. In summary, I think we're right to think it's a triggered death - and I'm ranting because I so badly want to love this game - Arma 1 was a big dissapointment for me after OFP, with the clunky movement, plethora bugs, awful sound and poor performance so I bit my tongue and put all my hope into the "Next Generation Game" Arma 2, only to find a repeat of the Arma 1 deal - £24.99 for an alpha product. At first, I thought the game was fantastic - beautiful graphics, good performance, significantly improved AI and fantastic sounds plus the usual- believable, and engrossing campaign - I thought Bis had done it right this time - but after a few hours of play time, all the bugs begin to break what I hoped would be an outstanding gaming experience. Manhatten took me the best part of a day to complete only thanks to a forum member posting the map of the camps so I could find the final one, and now this - it's so dissapointing. What's worse, is I bought a new system just for Arma1 and never even bothered completing it - and I actually have an order ready to go from overclockers UK for a new rig for this game - an order which I won't be going through with now. I guess I'll just have to wait 6 months for a patch/mod that actually makes this game playable. Sorry to rant for 6 paragraphs - I don't know what good I think it will do - I'm just hoping maybe someone from bis will read this and see what damage they are doing to their reputation as I am no doubt not alone here. On the other hand, thanks bis for working so hard on getting the patches out to us - I'm sure everyone here appreciates it as much as I do - I just wish the game was PLAYABLE. Nobody can expect perfection, but functional/playable is a very reasonable request for £25.