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About bwort110

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  1. I`m not able to play the Manhatten mission after installing the patch. The game crashes to desktop while loading screen. I try to start a mission before, but the same happened, when i get to the manhatten mission. I`m very happy about this...damned, i think i will have no more patience with this game Windows 7 ati 4870 4GB
  2. nhance doesnt work for ati cards.
  3. I`m getting tired. I play in W7 and have the same ugly performance as in vista. In the wood s the performance ist ok, in town, like Mission 4 of the kampagne, i get 9-12 fps. With high and with medium and with low settings. Crysis and Stalker Clear Sky (including 10.1 effects) runs great on max at my machine. Arma 2 ist very good game, but at once unplayeable. Yes, i tested "-winxp" but it doesn`t help. My PC W7 Dualcore 6700 2,66 ghz @ 3,3 Ghz Radeon 4870 1 GB OC 4GB Corsaier xms 2 DHX DDR2 800 mhz plz make this game run....