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Everything posted by Cryptoparrot

  1. Cryptoparrot

    Satchel Charges

    How the hell do you plant a satchel charge? On the first mission I planted one just fine on the communication array that needs to be destroyed, set the timer to 30 seconds and fucked off to watch the fireworks. Now in Bitter Chill I can not plant one in the house, it just can't be done. Have I suddenly lost the ability to plant charges or is it a known bug? I enter the house, use the scroll wheel or press ented to bring up the option to plant the satchel charge. The satchel is sometimes planted but sometimes the animation gets suck and nothing happens. After overcoming this it's just a satchel on the floor. How do you set the timer? Everytime I press enter again it just picks the satchel back up. I did this fine 10 minutes into the game, why not now?
  2. Towards the end of the Manhattan mission I happened to get shot in the face whilst driving a Hummer. No problem I thought, I had a save not long ago. Wrong! Upon trying to load the last save it just crashed to desktop with an error message telling me that it can't load the save from my profile. Fantastic. I don't see why this has happened, I have 1.02, about 10 seconds passed between the save and me dying yet it won't reload. Have tried multiple times, it's bloody frustrating. All I can do is start the mission again... Can save games be repaired? Or can anyone explain what the hell happened?
  3. Cryptoparrot

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    I can't even plant the satchel in the house, it's bugged or something... Anyone else encountered this problem? I've planted one before so I think I know how to do it.
  4. This is my first Arma game, must say I love it, I'm a bit confused as to some aspects of the game as I'm sure you understand since it's pretty complex. I think I'm near enough to being decent with infantry control but some of the more complicated stuff in the campaign is puzzling me. I have a whole host of questions really, shame there isn't one big guide. Most pressing though, I'm confused with the use of the helicopter as transport and extraction, I can't seem to get it to do anything at all. When I get in the engine starts, the blades spin, yet nothing happens. Is it something to do with clicking the map in some way? Some sort of button to command the pilot? How does requesting to be picked up as well? When you request support pickup does the pilot just come to your current location? Cheers, I'll probably end up posting back later.
  5. Cryptoparrot

    Some campaign help

    Another question, they'll keep coming probably :). If you or your squadmates get shot over the course of the campaign and then get revived are they back to full health? Will the revive work again, an infinite number of times? If not, is there a way to get them fully healthy again, is there a way to tell?
  6. Cryptoparrot

    Some campaign help

    Ah, thanks for clearing that up you two. I'm going to open up the game and try it in a while (patching atm). When I call for the chopper to come to my location will I get an ETA or something? How long does it normally take to arrive? Or will I be able to track its progress on my map?