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Everything posted by MarkB

  1. I've had an "Out of memory (requested 11935564KB) footprint 0 KB." error a couple of times while playing the campaign with this beta, never had this problem with prior versions.
  2. MarkB

    How to get blurred ironsights?

    "The human eye can focus clearly on only one object at a time. For accurate shooting, it is important to focus on the tip of the front sight post. When the shot is fired, focus must be on the tip of the front sight post; peripheral vision will include the rear sight and the target. The rear sight and the target will appear blurry." Quote from MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship.
  3. "The Army wanted a rifle that would significantly improve the average soldier's ability to hit the target under battlefield conditions, or at least to double the number of hits per trigger pull. With the M16A2 the probability of a battlefield hit is 20 percent at 100 meters, 10 percent at 300 meters, and 5 percent at 600 meters." http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/acr.htm The ai, and indeed the player too, seem to be rifle range accurate under battle stress conditions leading to the brutally short firefights we see in arma. The ai accuracy can be fudged somewhat, but how to stop the player then being the lazer accurate robocop without making it annoying isn't an easy problem.
  4. MarkB

    coloured dots on units

    They only show up in recruit difficulty, the only way I know to get rid of them is to play on a higher difficulty level.
  5. Just need some ewok's to hunt in the woods now :D
  6. You can also make use of the hellfires on the uav to take out the armor at the base. That's assuming the uav hasn't already crashed itself into the side of a hill while you weren't looking, which it often does.
  7. Same here, and some horrible z-fighting on buildings to boot.
  8. MarkB

    Map & Waypoints

    Not unless your in a high command mission where you are both the high commander and your group is a subordinate group at the same time (you can tell because your high command group shows up as a flag). In that case you can set your own group multiple waypoints in game like any other high command group, except your group won't automatically start moving to them until told to (next waypoint command).
  9. MarkB

    Map & Waypoints

    Thats a marker your putting on the map. Use shift click to place a waypoint (shows as a thin circle with another inside it), this will show in the "hud" and you can have any ai team mates go to it with next waypoint context command.
  10. MarkB

    Speed of sound.

    Sounds like a bug to me. I'm pretty sure they had this right in arma 1 or maybe I'm just misremembering.
  11. MarkB

    Spacebar scanning

    From my own experiments in the editor I'm pretty sure visability to the spacebar circle is directly related to the unit having been "revealed" to your group regardless of line of sight. Try this in the editor: Line of Sight: - set autoreport to off (to ensure no automatic reveal) - bind reveal to another key so you don't reveal accidentally - place yourself at one end of utes runway - place an enemy unit at the other end - check with binoc's or scope that you do see him - spacebar scan the other end (make sure you dont press reveal key) result - no target in the spacebar circle - now reveal the target with the reveal key result - target now show by the spacebar circle Non Line of Sight: - place another unit out of your line of sight, say behind a hill and name the unit, say fred - create a radio trigger with : group player reveal fred; - don't activate the radio trigger yet - spacebar scan the hill fred is hiding behind result - no target - trigger the radio - spacebar scan the hill result - fred now shown by spacebar scan, though this information will time out after a while (this the same effect as another group member seeing and reporting a unit to which you have no line of sight)