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About rickrush

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    Graphic designer
  1. rickrush

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    First off, great demo guys! I just love the immersiveness in this game. Can't wait for my full game copy to arrive. One question though; why does my PRNTSCRN screenshots turn out all black? I run a dual-monitor setup, the "game" monitor is all black, while the other shows my desktop background.
  2. Oh well, another weekend without ArmAII. My copy from play.co.uk still hasn't arrived (Norway). 8 days in shipping so far. But I guess that's to be expected when the shipping is, afterall, free. I almost feel tempted to go out and buy it in a local store :) Anyways, I've had fun with the demo though. Editor is awesome!
  3. Indeed. Especially with Norway when your package might spend 3 days during customs clearance just sitting on a table. So colossus, I'm in the same situation as you are. The package could arrive today or tomorrow though.
  4. Yep same here. It's probably going through the customs checks. We could have recieve it today, but I honestly think the earliest we can hope for is tomorrow (wednesday). But I could be wrong (I hope I am). Anyways, looking forward to playing my first game in this series.