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Everything posted by solidsnake2384

  1. solidsnake2384

    ACRE Pipe Error?

    I'm also having this issue for a long time and haven't been able to use ACRE since late last year.
  2. That link says I can't reset it in Windows 7 Home Premium. Not supported.
  3. I have not been able to to use ACRE for months. It's that goddamn pipe error. Im running everything as admin and have Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit. My friend did something on Teamviewer and used notepad and he told me to use the notepad file to launch the game but now it goes back and forth from the pipe error to "ACRE is not connected to teamspeak". I'll ask him exactly what he did. I just really want to fix this.
  4. solidsnake2384

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    Im having issues with the mod launcher. I use it all the time but now whenever I try to launch arma 2 and error pops up saying "arma 2 OA has stopped working" even though I was JUST playing it 2 minutes ago. EDIT: It might be an OA issue since I cant launch it standalone. Dafuq?
  5. solidsnake2384

    The Hunter

    Anyone ever played this game? Its free hunting simulator and its amazing. Very rewarding when you get your first deer. http://www.thehunter.com/pub/ EDIT: Ignore this post. It got moved.
  6. solidsnake2384

    Stagler's IRA

    Once again you make amazing units!
  7. solidsnake2384

    Invasion 1944 v2.6 (CO)

    I cant run it since I need DePbo.dll. Where do I find this?
  8. solidsnake2384

    Invasion 1944 v2.6 (CO)

    How do I open up Landing in editor?
  9. I donwloaded this but i cant find dsound.dll file.
  10. solidsnake2384

    Invasion 1944 v2.6 (CO)

    I was playing coop and we were defendinga french town. A tank came up and someone threw a satchel onto it and it exploded. But I found so cool was that the crew members actually ran out on fire screaming and freaking out! Added more immersion.
  11. solidsnake2384

    Invasion 1944 v2.6 (CO)

    I start up the mod and everything is running good but when I try to play the "Landing" mission it takes me back to the Mission Selection screen and says "Only 144 groups per side are supported". Wtf?
  12. What the hell does Poland have up its ass these days....
  13. solidsnake2384

    Test about test

    Whats going on?
  14. solidsnake2384

    [Camp] Six days in Fallujah

    The file is unavailable on gamefront.
  15. solidsnake2384

    US government breaks up with LightSquared

    Im prepared for the NWO and reptilian invasion.
  16. solidsnake2384

    Near death experiences/intense situations.

    Anybody hear have a near death experience or be in a real intense situation or both? Just today I had one. I let 2 of my dogs outside when I get home from school and im home alone. 5 minutes later I hear alot of barking and I see them barking at the neighbors dogs behind my house which are 2 very huge pit bulls and mine is an english bulldog mix and a mutt. Vicious barking is going and and I get them seperated. Im walking away then I hear vicious barking again. I turn around to my both of MY dogs are fighting each other. And when they fight its pretty vicious. I grab the mutts dog by its hind legs and I keep punching it but nothing works. I remember that pouring water on them will break up a fight so I rush inside my house, out of breath and full of adrenaline. Grab a water bottle and go back to pour the water on their heads. Doesnt work the first time so i pick up the mutts hind legs again and try to drag her to the front of my house whiles shes latched on to the bulldogs face. While Im dragging them both the neighbors fucking pit bull somehow crosses the fence and comes into MY YARD. This dog has HUGE muscles and walks right up to me. Im standing there holding two dogs fighting each other while being watched by a huge pit bull. Walks up to us, about 8 feet away from us and I yell at it to go away. It actually works and it turns away and tours my yard. Finally I get another water bottle and squirt the entire thing ito the mutts face and she lets go and I get them seperated. WOW this was pretty long. Just wanted to share this experience. Its scary being home alone when shit like this happens and not knowing whether to call the police.
  17. solidsnake2384

    Near death experiences/intense situations.

    There probably could be staffy mized in because she has prominent shoulder muscles but thats about it. Her tongue is purple so that suggests some chow. But its a very submissive dog but she can fight. She locked right onto the bulldogs face. I used to have a young pitbull. Small and black that actually ended up fighting the bulldog. My bulldog has always been taunting my other dogs except for one. What happened was I was at school but my mother was home alone and the story is that the bulldog and pitbull fought and it ended up outside somehow. My mom beat the pitbull with a pan and it ultimately let go. Brought it to the pound. I came home and she showed me the pan. It was all bent up and distorted.
  18. solidsnake2384

    Near death experiences/intense situations.

    Nice stories guys.
  19. solidsnake2384

    Near death experiences/intense situations.

    Shit sounds intense.
  20. solidsnake2384

    Funny/embarrasing/best moments in school?

    Just a little bored on the forums. Whats your funny, embarrassing or best moments from school? Im in JROTC so were in line waiting to do pull ups and everyone is talking. I had alot of gas from lunch so I just rip this MASSIVE wet fart, gets all quiet and one kid says "I hope that was fake" and everyone laughs. A kid walks up to me and says "Im going to compete with you" and he does a massive fart like mine and everybody is just shocked! It was hilarious.
  21. solidsnake2384

    Hostage Rescue Somalia - US Navy seals

    This is going to get locked. I just know it.
  22. solidsnake2384

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    Looks like Hollywood is threatening Congress to pass SOPA now.
  23. solidsnake2384

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    Filesonic did that to themselves apparently.
  24. solidsnake2384

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    I think they tried to go after that once but failed.
  25. solidsnake2384

    How Many Hours?

    Just imagine what we couldve accomplished with all those hours in the real world. Sigh.......