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Posts posted by Necramonium

  1. they have some sort of private club/group where the access/membership is upon payment, being a member they will give access to some features and services. These services basically are, some features on their website and access to private servers (only available for members) that are running ArmA 3.

    Another person who doesn't know what he is talking about, as of now you can get access even without a payment.

  2. It seem some people dont know what they are talking about, they are not asking for you to donate to play the mod, you can get in easily without donating at all. The only thing you will get in return for that donation is that your application to join A3L is being processed quicker. Their application requirements are bullshit btw:

    This guy got denied with having the proper age:

    Question 1 did not meet the word requirement. Min.125, You put 123 words.

    One guy even got permabanned from their forums for not having the right amount of word requirements on any required question

    Talk about being a dictating prick.:j:

  3. Seems opening their mod to "open beta" and having to accept applications pretty much has become a downfall for the mod as DevilDogGamer stated:

    Its a cluster fuck i will be distancing myself from them as the community has turned into a giant altis life team death match and i see nothing close to the "whole new level of roleplaying" that is promised

    This is why the punishments in every Life mod are way too low, people dont want to earn money if they just can do it illegally and get small fine or 30 minutes in jail for it, and big clans will break their people out in seconds anyway.

  4. All what is happening right here could all have been avoided if people just simply asked if they could use their scripts/skins/mods/whatever for the A3 Life mod. Btw, ever since their announcement that the mod will go open beta, their seems to be a boom of players wanting to join, and also the donations are still racking in: http://arma3-life.com/forums/index.php?/donate/

    Their website also get's a DDos warning, and all their servers are down, don't tell me some prick is actually DDossing them?

    I had been keeping my eye on the mod for a long time and it looked promising, they can still safe face...

  5. How about this:

    Came from this tutorial: http://withsix.com/blog/iron-front-in-arma---the-easy-way

    Does anyone know if the mod still requires Arma 2? As the setup guide does not says so, but the tutorial video does. Btw, you guys might wanna check how many files there are available on Six, because when you type in the search bar Iron Front you get like 9 files for the mod.

  6. I dont know if it has been mentioned, but i dont feel like going through over 188 pages, :P, but snipers are pretty much useless for long range engagements, when you are over 400 meters away, they will not engage you! So whats the purpose of AI having snipers if they engage enemies on the same range as normal foot soldiers!

  7. I have made a mission (Sniper Alley), it's very popular on Steam Workshop, was nr 1 for over a week! But there is one problem i can't seem to be able to fix seeing i am pretty new to all the scripts that come with arma 3.

    The problem is in the the last objective where the players has to get to the extraction chopper, but for some reason that objective will not be marked as completed when the player has been extracted! How do i fix this? Someone already suggested the key method:

    activateKey "mission_name_key";

    in: description.ext:


    But when i do this, the mission ends as soon as its started.:(

    Please help me out with a clear answer seeing i barely know nothing about coding and scripting.

  8. The thing that bothers me the most is, that AI, with extended armor turned on, and that is for most of the servers, you shoot them, you see their body getting hit and their response is, "oh, a mosquito bite! I better patch up and stay here while more mosquito's are attacking me!" I wish BI would have put some more effort in better AI, because i haven't seen it change since the first Operation Flashpoint! Even COD has better AI at the moment. Maybe they should have a meeting with the DayZ team seeing they made some nice improvements on the AI in their future full release.

  9. Ok, i know how to make a single objective, but with these modules now used im lost, i made one objective, worked perfect, target dead, objective cleared. Now i added another objective to go after. After adding this, the first objective never shows or does not clear anymore when killing the first target. These modules are fricking confusing as hell.

    The mission is where you have to counter sniper many snipers scattered over Atlis...
