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Everything posted by Necramonium

  1. Use Sixupdater, its much better and you can check for updates daily! And as some people mentioned, some goals in the future would be nice,we just gotta think of what would happen in real life, or take a look at some zombie movies. The Walking Dead is a good example because that series really show how people would/could survive and live through a zombie apocalypse... - Maybe a town where survivors can meet up and live in safety, safe from bandits and zombies with a gate. But people have to contribute to the town's defenses, with helping building gates and such. - And i got thinking, why don't we make the zombies slow like in the classic zombie style? Only make them in bigger groups? Because a group of slow zombies is much scarier than those fast running infected ones.
  2. Lol, thats me, PFC Veld. And as you can see, also stuck on the gathering character info screen. I think normal arma servers can't seem to handle this mod or something... :confused:
  3. I updated to 1.4.11, the stuck loading screen is gone, but some of the servers that are up are going banana's, just just sit and look at the Waiting for server response, people talking in the server said they had to wait for 15 minutes and than they only are a bird.... :j:
  4. Every time i try and get in a server you get the regular OA loading screen, than a error message, either the glasses error, or a weapons error. than the black loading screen comes on, and just stays there... :butbut:
  5. Tried them all, all make the loading stuck. 1)I got the latest, via Six Updater... 2)checked the addons folder, nothing out of the ordinary I keep getting strange errors after the normal OA loading screen, bin/****/weapons (or about glasses) something,, click ok and than the stuck loading screen.:j:
  6. Lol, seen this mod being played allot lately when searching for my favorite arrowhead server, and downloaded it, installed, start, choose server, and it stays stuck on loading... :butbut::rolleyes:
  7. Necramonium

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    What about this, a engine that is optimized and not so buggy that years after its release and the next game in the series is about to be released it still needs huge patches...
  8. I am new to the MP of Arma II, i have no clue on how to buy a jet! I have the right amount of money for a Su-25, it states, you bought: Su-25, but it spawns nowhere! I tried every corner of the airfield and it still doesn't spawn!
  9. Necramonium

    The UAV mission

    I can't even find the UAV! I secured the crash site, it get told i need to check out three spots with the UAV, but it does not tell me where the UAV is... I tried to figure it out via the UAV training mission, but i am lost!:mad: And SiC_Distaster, tried changing the nightvision modes on the UAV with N?
  10. Necramonium

    AI Can see too well.

    Well, it's being known that the A.I cheats once in a while, my team mates even see enemy's behind buildings... And yes, the sniper with the ghillie suit gets detected much to fast...
  11. It's a well reported bug.. Got the same here.
  12. Necramonium


    Christmas trees :colgate:
  13. screw the expansion, let them fix the original game first, it's a bug ridden festival..
  14. Necramonium

    How do I get good at this game?

    Wait for a new patch...:cool:
  15. What i hate the most about the command system is the bug that your squadmates suddenly don't react to orders anymore! So i shot them for treason...:cool:
  16. It froze, in the demo? What part of "demo does not contains quality of the full game" don't you understand.:p
  17. It seems to me that the enemy can also see you just as easy with the grass Sniper Ghillie suit as without it...
  18. So i am the supposed location of the main insurgents base, than friendlies arrive in a APC and with infantry...But whenever i go further for some reason i got shot in the back while there is not a enemy around in sight! The shots seem to be coming from 10 meters away or less. When i am in a APC a rocket seems to come out of nowhere and kills me! My team mates also don't spot anything and when i am dead they don't do anything at all! When i was under fire i quickly switched to another team mate, the leader died but than i saw nobody! the game is just cheating on me!!:mad:
  19. Necramonium

    invisible enemies?

    This is a stay in mission area message? Jesus, what is wrong with a simple text message in close view. And it was near the main insurgents base in the Manhattan mission.
  20. Got this as well... I had to finish the Manhattan mission as well with the endmission cheat because it was to buggy to finish.
  21. Necramonium

    Manhatten insurgent camps / main base.

    I got something really strange, i went to the supposed location of the main camp and than guerrillas friendlies arrive in a APC, whenever i walk into the woods i got shot by someone in the back. It looks like the friendlies shot me seeing nobody reacts to the gunshots and there is not a enemy in sight. I hear the shots as they where 5 meters away from me...:confused: