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About RoccoDW

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  1. Hi Ive been searching for this for a while now and this has been the most useful thread by far. I'm also trying to add a custom "static" sound to my game (i.e radio playing music in barracks) There are place-able sounds available in the editor (dog, cheesy eastern music etc.) that already does everything the above mentioned scripts does. it fades in and out as you walk around it etc. Is there any way to add more such objects from custom sounds without scripts?
  2. RoccoDW

    A District 9 mod?

    its called the Bushwar mod. :)
  3. Same here! Dont think i'll be using the vanilla ARMA2 maps for a while now. Instant and constant 60Fps with everything on very high @ 5000m visibility. 40fps @10000m! chucked in 50+ SU34's overhead and still managed 30fps! For anyone still needing to download it, i'd recommend torrent as the best solution. Took me all of 15minutes to download the installer of 2Gb.
  4. RoccoDW

    ArmA 2 Sound Design

    re previous couple of posters. couldnt disagree more with people who think the sound is good in arma2. APC's that sounds like VW Campervans, mini guns that sounds like a childs plastic toy gun. etc etc it really is very poorly done considering in a military sim sound is so important for situational awareness, identifying friend and foe etc. Id support anyone who can fix this!
  5. RoccoDW

    Throttle & Afterburner control in planes

    Completely agree! Full throttle control is vital to flying properly. PLEASE fix this!
  6. Agree! Thanks for the post kylania. It makes things a lot easier if we know what's expected from players on servers.
  7. RoccoDW

    Helicopter addict in trouble :(

    As a bit of an aviation nut, i've flown nearly every flightsim there is (apart from this Blackshark i keep hearing about) For me the choppers in Arma2 are great, the momentum and weight feels right and i find it just slightly easier than full flightsims (FSX for example) The throttle controls doesnt bother me as much as it does in the jets where it needs at least 50 - 60% throttle just to taxi! As long as the blades clear the trees i can land in the smallest clearings. With autohover it is even easier. maybe too easy. If you can fly well in a flightsim you wont have any issues in Arma2 however if you can fly well in BF2 you still need to put in a bit of training before you'll be an effective pilot.