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About Surge72

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Surge72

    LAN multiplayer crash

    I'm also getting this. The exact same issue.
  2. Surge72

    Question about editor mode..

    Okay, thanks.
  3. Surge72

    Question about editor mode..

    Does putting down a vehicle from the empty category allow you to pilot/drive said vehicle? I seem to remember not being able to get into it when I tried this.
  4. Surge72

    Question about editor mode..

    I was trying to do that today, and discovered that the "empty" category is not there until you have placed a unit as "player" first. Maybe a bug?
  5. I've just had my first blue screen, which occured when I completed the second single player scenario. It came up with the usual window with the objectives ticked and the score, then the input to the monitor went, and when it came back, I was presented with a blue screen saying, as Hunin so eloquently put it: "A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer ( yada yada )." I don't believe it has anything to do with overheating, especially as I was far from stressing anything in my computer with that mission.
  6. Surge72

    Please make 505 keys work on steam!

    I doubt it very much.
  7. I've downloaded a co-op mission that I have put in the MPMissions folder of the installation directory, and that has worked. The mission shows up in the list when I start a new multiplayer game. So I guess for single player missions, that you put them in the "Missions" folder of the installation directory? What I am wondering though, is what is the purpose of the 'missions' folders in the Arma2 folder of "My documents", or the vista equivalent?
  8. Thanks soooo much for that post kylania. Its about time someone explained with some effort what was involved in each of these kind of missions. I, like the OP, was completely lost when I first went online (so haven't really ventured back yet), and I must say that the Arma 2 online community (in pubs anyway) is not very community-esque, if you know what I mean. No one seems to bother helping anyone who asks questions.
  9. Surge72

    question about difficulty level

    Detailed orders are given by pressing a number key after opening the communication window by pressing space. Did you try that?
  10. Surge72

    Can not transmit on Teamspeak while in ARMA2

    Are you using Vista? I have this issue sometimes with various programs. Running TS as an administrator fixes it for me.
  11. Ditto on finding wreckage of a car blowing up over and over. Seems like a bug to me.
  12. Thanks for the quick and straight forward reply :). Much appreciated.
  13. Hi all, I have a simple question. What is the difference between an 'addon' and a 'mod'? Would a mission come under the heading of a 'mod', perhaps? Thanks in advance.
  14. Hi, I have literally just updated my drivers to 186.18 and found the same problem as you. With the 186.18 drivers, I am limited to 'High' for Terrain Texture and Video Memory. I also started have very weird issues with textures and models ingame. However, as soon as I rolled back to 182.08, everything was fine again. 'Very High' was available for all the video options and the issue with the textures and models disappeared. I strongly suggest rolling back to 182 drivers. P.S. I am using a GTX 260 on Vista 64 bit, so chances are this should help you.