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About neurojazz

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    Private First Class
  1. neurojazz

    SVChost.exe ?

    SVChost is safe/normal http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314056
  2. Those 190.38 drivers murder other games .... can't use them :(
  3. Yep, only supports Cray super computers and Voodoo chipsets according to the 9875897487535734 other threads and even stickied at the top of this forum for nvidia users.
  4. neurojazz

    Any news from b.i.???

    I fully expect that the gtx295 users will find that when arma 1.3 is applied that their computers simply explode and save them the trouble/worry of anymore problems. ;P)
  5. 190.xx drivers beta/whql doesn't do other games any favors, gta4 won't even work anymore even after rolling back/driver cleaning... great.
  6. neurojazz

    Very important issues

    999fps in Q3 ;) To sort the cows you need to add -animal_ears_enable=true to your startup icon.
  7. neurojazz

    Patch 1.03

    If the whiners actually saw a full change list they'd whine because it's too much to read.
  8. neurojazz

    ArmaHolic ArmA 2 Optimization

    I hear that good things grow out of shit ;) - aka the philosophers stone ;) I'm very sure BIS are up to their necks in code making this thing better each day - it is a pity that they won't address a few deeper issues that have plagued the game for some time (like getting into a helicopter online with someone with a *huge* ping ;) Ah, well, time for my afternoon prayer for patch 1.3 ;)
  9. neurojazz

    Function GUI

    Yay! :) - i feel less idiotic!
  10. neurojazz

    Function GUI

    That isn't helpful ;/ Idiots guide i need ;) - there must be a gotcha i'm missing - please don't post existing information from official sources as they are not helping - or something is wrong/missing that they don't mention.
  11. Can someone point me towards an idiots guide to getting this up http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_help :)
  12. I had this in other games. Usually, it looks like the computer is stuck in a tiny loop - this is a graphics card error when it gets too hot (time to clean the dust off your fans!). Because this game is stressing your components to the max, you must check that your cooling and case are fine - and the main culprit here is the Gcard being furred up with dust and/or airflow problems. Sometimes people think leaving the side off their case helps cooling - and it can actually NOT help as the air flow isn't going around the way it should inside the pc box. After cleaning the fan on your gpu, make sure that cables are tidy inside the box so that air can move around. Also, if you have 3+ hard drives in your machine then consider just having 1 active (think of heat inside your box) Make sure the box isn't near a wall and the air can escape freely. Then make sure that your other cards inside your box are spaced away from the GPU if possible. Hope that helps! If all this fails, it may be that your gpu has become faulty :(
  13. neurojazz

    Own up

    The coders are really hardcore for ARMA/OFP and even mods surrounding it - this is a real monster piece of software and will be worth the wait for ironing out bugs. Go play ARMA 1 for a bit to remind yourself what it's all about while the coders beat the living crap out the many issues :) The Community bug tracker is a great example of how they see all the issues and you get to see what's being done - rather than being kept in the dark, we are shown *everything* that is going on. If you think they are still messing about, goto a local bookstore and look though a few C++ books or something till you understand how hard all the stuff is :)
  14. neurojazz

    New evga sli fix works :-)

    Evga patch . 182.50 . vista64 - getting more stable!