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About longers

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. longers

    Placebo the Nazi mod

    ok, scrap nazi... he just seems like a bit of a plank
  2. longers

    Placebo the Nazi mod

    this will obviously get deleted, but yeah... he really needs to stop being so anal with his closing/moving of threads. he comes out with some proper narky comments as well sometimes, seems a bit unprofessional to say the least that's all i've got to say, i predict this thread will last all of 5 minutes and will include some predictable posts from people saying "you're a dick" "he's great" etc
  3. longers

    How to increase LOD of trees and grasses?

    yes id also like a guide on how to increase grass draw distance, some screen of before and after would also be great !!! anyone able to explain how to do this nice and simply pls ?
  4. longers

    a basic editing question

    pls can someone answer the above question ?
  5. longers

    a basic editing question

    i have put the mission in the folder mentioned, but can't work out how to access it, anyone able to help ?
  6. longers

    How to increase LOD of trees and grasses?

    yes id also like a guide on how to increase grass draw distance, some screen of before and after would also be great !!!
  7. longers

    Grass Distance

    no the grass distance is just very very short, it's pretty crap tbh someone posted some tweak you could do which extended it by double the amount, but i haven't been able to find the thread :(
  8. longers

    a basic editing question

    ok i got the grouping sorted (you just drag a line connecting them yes ?) i've got it working, was just wondering what is the deal with the laser designator, how long do you have to lase the target for ? do you just look at it and click once or do you have to hold click and hold the designator there until you see the explosion ? also how many bombs does the plane drop, just the 1 or does it make multiple passes on the target ? ---------- Post added at 11:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 AM ---------- sounds good, def post up the mission :)
  9. longers

    a basic editing question

    thanks for the quick response, really can't be arsed to have to deal with scripting... got no interest in taking things that far no matter how good the results could be... im here to play a game not spend hours doing scripting. so i guess i will try it the easy way, how exactly do i group the two together ?
  10. how do i go about practicing cas and artillery strikes on targets ? for example say im a soldier how do i give him the option to call in air strikes on targets ? i know he needs a laser targeter thingy and a plane in the sky but how do i actually set this up in the editor so i can simply call in air strikes at will on whatever target i want ? infact how do i even decide what gear i want my soldier to have ?
  11. longers

    Expect more bugs.

    sorry but WTF !!! you don't think its buggy ? i think what you mean is... "i personally haven't experienced any bugs" just take a look at the troubleshooting forum, the game is riddled with countless bugs, it just so happens you have been lucky enough to not encounter them yet.
  12. longers

    Starting to get tired of all those bugs

    how about you just don't open or read these threads if they annoy you so much... think before you type :rolleyes:
  13. i can't bring myself to play on servers with the grass off, it's just so god damn ugly... makes the game look like the original OFP !!! DO NOT WANT !
  14. longers

    1500 AI Battle or 1000 AI

    i can't find any "dispersion" module ? anyone care to shed some light as to where it is ?
  15. yes, please can someone explain it nice and simply for complete and utter noobs like myself