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Everything posted by triangle

  1. I built a 2nd machine this week for LAN play when buddies visit - Q9550, 4gb RAM, GTX285, 500Gb HD, 600watt PSU, Vista 64bit etc. My friend and I played MP Arma2 (I bought a 2nd copy today) with him on the new machine and he was plagued with the receiving bug constantly until we installed the latest beta (58899) and since then, not a single recurrence. Now, either we were very lucky or the beta has sorted the issue but I figured it would be good to let others know our experience. Triangle
  2. triangle

    Nvidia 191.07 arma2 performance increase

  3. triangle

    Receiving / Not!

    You could try the latest beta or wait for the 1.04 patch which is imminent - the latest betas fixed this entirely on the machine I was experiencing it (have two with separate ARMA2 installs for LAN).
  4. triangle

    help with 64bit vista & windows7

    Right click on your Arma2 shortcut and select 'Properties'. In the box 'Target' you will see the path to the executable eg. "F:\ARMA2\Bohemia Interactive\arma2.exe". Just type a single space and then -winxp after the closed quote - so, on my machine: "F:\ARMA2\Bohemia Interactive\arma2.exe" -winxp
  5. Odd - we played six hours co-op LAN last night with the 59025 beta and not a single occurrence of the receiving bug (when previously it was every 20 mins with 1.03).
  6. triangle

    So Im out on Patrol and.........

    LOL ... that's great :-)
  7. triangle

    LAN with another computer in my house

    Yeah, I have two purchased copies, one on each machine here at home for LAN play.
  8. triangle

    Error Message on starting

    It will regen a new one on the next start up.
  9. Texture flickering, yes, tearing, no. No offence but word your question correctly next time ;-)
  10. Hmm ... I haven't had any vsync/tearing issues with ARMA2 with my GTX285. I have vysnc forced in the Nvidia control panel for both general and a specific ARMA2 profile that I created.
  11. triangle

    How to activate Commander View?

    Press the . key on the numpad ....
  12. This is what I get with the same spec card: localVRAM=2130771968; nonlocalVRAM=1341747200; No idea if these figures are correct. For me, the game runs fine with everything set to high except for post-processing which I turn off. I average between 30fps and 50fps most of the time ... running a Q9550 o'c to 3.3ghz, 4gb DDR2 800mhz RAM slightly underclocked on Vista 32bit. Nvidia 186.18 drivers installed. If i go to very high it's a slideshow ... so i don't :-)
  13. Press spacebar, scroll to communications at the bottom of the menu and work your way thru the SpecOps item to Accept.
  14. You might want to wait. As others mentioned, you might not get much return in terms of FPS from upgrading. I went from a 8800GTX w/786meg to a GX285 w/2gig (running on a Q9550 o'c to 3.3ghz and 4gig RAM) and gained only a few FPS at best. Other games, however, saw a huge leap in FPS.
  15. triangle

    Combat scenario buggy?

    I get the chopper not departing issue, too, but also mission triggers don't occur eg. escort friendly team - when i get to the team, nothing happens, they just stay prone and fail to move on.
  16. triangle

    Congratulations and thanks

    Well said. Arma2 has exceeded my expectations, even if it does need some performance tweaking. I bought a GX285 to replace my 8800GTX the day after I bought Arma2 and it runs beautifully, everything on very high (including FSAA) but PP turned off and the immersion is amazing ... I seem to spend hours in there, lost in a world of completing missions and just looking around in awe. Haven't felt this way since I played the original OpFlash (I skipped Arma1 due to intolerable bugginess). Shame my TrackIR died ... guess I will need to spring for another one :-)