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Everything posted by cujo

  1. This is what I get when I try to visit. Account suspended Please contact the support department as soon as possible, and please have your site name ready. Any ideas
  2. I think I tried everything. I just can't get the sli to work.
  3. Same thing here I'm getting 20-25 fps at 1680x1050 on medium or high settings. vista 32bit gigabyte x58 extreme i7 @ 4 ghz 3x1 gig 1600 ram 2xgtx260 overclocked sli 2x raid0 velociraptors 1000w cosair psu Tried evega sli patch and nvidia sli pach. Tried different setings in nhencer. Still low fps with newest nvidia drivers 186.18
  4. cujo

    [BUG] ArmA2 AI Wayfinding pls fix it

    Yeah the AI is dumb as a door knob, especially when driving . Please fix this.