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Everything posted by dupa

  1. I have the same problem. When hosting a game or running a dedicated server, I can see it in LAN, but not online. Ports are open, firewall disabled. Last time I tried to host a server was about half a year ago, and it worked OK (since then quite a few patches were released).
  2. I decided to try my old CCIP script with ArmA 3. With the new physics engine and 3d icons it works like a charm. So here is the reworked version. To use the script, just run it without any parameters from init.sqf or player init line (as in: 0 = [] execVM "ccip.sqf"). When you begin bombing, the script will do the job. Have fun! ccip.sqf: // CCIP script for ArmA 3 (by dupa) // Usage: 0 = [] execVM "ccip.sqf"; // // For MP, run on clients only. //If you want to use custom aircraft, add their bomb weapon classname _bombLaunchers = ["GBU12BombLauncher"]; ccipEnabled = false; ccipString = ""; ccipColor = [0,1,0,.5]; ccipIcon = getText (configfile >> "CfgWeaponIcons" >> "srifle"); ccipFontSize = 0.02 * SafeZoneW; _targetElevation = 0; _tgtMarker = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; onEachFrame { if ((ccipEnabled) and (cameraView == "Internal")) then { drawIcon3D [ccipIcon, ccipColor, ccipPos, 1, 1, 0, ccipString, 2, ccipFontSize]; }; }; while {true} do { if (currentWeapon vehicle player in _bombLaunchers) then { ccipEnabled = true; _plane = vehicle player; //Calculate impact time _g = 9.8; _v = velocity _plane; _vz0 = _v select 2; //Initial fall velocity //By solving the quadratic equation we will get the estimated freefall time _a = -0.5*_g; _b = _vz0; _c = ((getposASL _plane) select 2) - _targetElevation; _t = (-_b - sqrt (_b*_b - 4 *_a*_c))/(2*_a); _px = getpos _plane select 0; _py = getpos _plane select 1; _vx = _v select 0; _vy = _v select 1; //Calculate impact position ccipPos = [_px + (_vx*_t), _py + (_vy*_t)]; _tgtMarker setpos ccipPos; _targetElevation = (getPosASL _tgtMarker) select 2; ccipString = format ["ELV:%1, TTI:%2", floor _targetElevation, floor _t]; sleep .01; } else { ccipEnabled = false; sleep 1; }; };
  3. Sorry for the late response. Try the version posted below. I haven't tested it, but i think it should compile ok. Here I replaced the onEachFrame command with call to BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler. It should solve some problems. If it doesn't work, please say what happens when you run the script. // CCIP script for ArmA 3 (by dupa) // Usage: 0 = [] execVM "ccip.sqf"; // // For MP, run on clients only. //If you want to use custom aircraft, add their bomb weapon classname _bombLaunchers = ["GBU12BombLauncher"]; ccipEnabled = false; ccipString = ""; ccipColor = [0,1,0,.5]; ccipIcon = getText (configfile >> "CfgWeaponIcons" >> "srifle"); ccipFontSize = 0.02 * SafeZoneW; _targetElevation = 0; _tgtMarker = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; ["ccipHandler", "onEachFrame", { if ((ccipEnabled) and (cameraView == "Internal")) then { drawIcon3D [ccipIcon, ccipColor, ccipPos, 1, 1, 0, ccipString, 2, ccipFontSize]; }; } ] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; while {true} do { if (currentWeapon vehicle player in _bombLaunchers) then { ccipEnabled = true; _plane = vehicle player; //Calculate impact time _g = 9.8; _v = velocity _plane; _vz0 = _v select 2; //Initial fall velocity //By solving the quadratic equation we will get the estimated freefall time _a = -0.5*_g; _b = _vz0; _c = ((getposASL _plane) select 2) - _targetElevation; _t = (-_b - sqrt (_b*_b - 4 *_a*_c))/(2*_a); _px = getpos _plane select 0; _py = getpos _plane select 1; _vx = _v select 0; _vy = _v select 1; //Calculate impact position ccipPos = [_px + (_vx*_t), _py + (_vy*_t)]; _tgtMarker setpos ccipPos; _targetElevation = (getPosASL _tgtMarker) select 2; ccipString = format ["ELV:%1, TTI:%2", floor _targetElevation, floor _t]; sleep .01; } else { ccipEnabled = false; sleep 1; }; };
  4. I had a look at the CBA function and that's EXACTLY what I needed. Thanks a lot!
  5. Thanks for the info, I'll look into it.
  6. I mean while playing. But the config isn't helpful here. I want to know the FOV level of the current camera view, which could be for example: - Regular 1st person view - 1st person view zoomed in - RCO optics - RCO collimator sight - Gunner optics in vehicles (several FOV levels) I hope this explains the idea more clearly.
  7. 1. Try to bomb from above, in a dive. 2. Target the ground and not the objects you want to hit (if you want to destroy a building, aim at the basement and not at 5th floor). 3. Draw an imaginary line between the flight path marker and the CCIP crosshair. Keep it over your target. I would draw a real one, but I'm not sure how to do it. 4. It's a bit problematic with hills. ---------- Post added at 02:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 AM ---------- I wasn't interested in making an it addon (or any addons in general), but since there is a lot of talking about it, I may give it a go. I'll sleep on it first.
  8. I never bothered to check this, but: - You can still hit targets fairly accurately (I managed to destroy t100s with a single bomb) - You may change the value of _g to whatever you like :) ---------- Post added at 09:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 PM ---------- To the guys asking for an addon version: Sorry, I never worked with addons and I have no idea how to make them.
  9. I am also lacking the lbSetText command. Haven't been able to figure out how to overwrite elements using lbAdd - just managed to add an element at the end of the list. Any suggestions? p.s. My apologies for reviving this thread, but I figured it would be better than opening a new one with the same question.
  10. OK I just figured it out. I had Textcolor set to black in the dialog and it appears that the text color controls the image opacity.
  11. Hi, I'm trying to make a custom map (not a mission, but the map when you press M in game). I have defined a picture dialog, which is created by a display event handler, when the M key is pressed. The problem is that I cannot get any image to show there. My map is 1024x1024, I saved it as png, loaded in Texview 2 and saved as paa. When I start the mission, it says it cannot load mipmap or just displays a black rectangle. I tried converting with the command line tool pal2pace with the same result. However, when I extracted some random paa file from some modfolder and replaced my map, it displayed fine. My question is: How to create paa files that can be properly shown in dialogs?
  12. HI, I just installed ArmA 2 after not playing it for a year or so (no OA or other expansions), updated it to 1.05 and then to 1.10. Works fine in SP, but in MP, when I try to connect to any server it either says I'm banned or just 'session lost'. I _have_ managed to connect to a server that some guy hosted. During the patch there were 2 errors - when I was patching from 1.0 to 1.05 there was some error in 'tracked.pbo' and when I patched from 1.05 to 1.10 there was also an error in 'air.pbo'. I have the feeling that these errors have caused my problem. I own the downloadable version of ArmA 2, which I bought online from Metaboli. Does anyone know which patches I should install to avoid there errors? I could do it by trial and error, but the installation process is too damn long (probably takes about an hour with the patches). Thanks in advance for any help and sorry if I reposted.
  13. Unfortunately, that is not correct. If you look at http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_2:_Patch_v1.10, you will see under "System requirements", that 1.05 is required. Also, you can tell that it is the same patch that you are talking about by comparing their crc/md5 checksums displayed on both of the pages. Besides, when I tried to update to 1.10, it asked for version 1.05, so I installed it first. I think I did see an 1.09 that can be installed over 1.0. If I receive no better suggestions, I will try reinstalling it and repatching 1.0->1.09->1.10 when I get home.
  14. I hope I understand the problem correctly. Before passing the player name to the script, check it for quotes and replace all " with "". Not sure regarding the single quotes.
  15. Thanks for the reply! I can't think of anyone, who I can get these files from, so I guess I have to reinstall. However, I would like to know how to patch the game without errors. I did re-download it about a week ago and it was 1.0.
  16. dupa

    How to improve MP warping

    As far as I know, there could be 2 reasons for warping: 1. Bad Internet connection on server and/or client 2. Overloaded server These problems can be avoided if the client connects to servers that are geographically close to him (i.e. don't play on Australian servers if you live in Norway) and the server admin does not overload his server (typical home server will stutter badly with 30 players). I have encountered warping mainly because of bad ISP. It was so bad, that I've even been accused of cheating. The moment i switched to a better ISP, the gameplay became as smooth as a baby's butt. The bottom line is that you can solve it yourself without any help from BIS. p.s. From what I've observed in ArmA 1, which I play a lot, this is pretty much the way it works now - the vehicle maintains its last received velocity/direction and if no updates are received for a while then it freezes. After it unfreezes again, you get the red chain.
  17. dupa

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    My 5 cents: Disable rain inside buildings and make rain sound muted. Especially since they all are now enterable.
  18. I would try forcing them to walk to a certain building position, not sure that it will work, but I would try this. To do this in the editor, place a "move" waypoint on the house and select the wanted building position. To find out which building position you want, place yourself in the editor + one AI in your squad. Go inside the building, select your AI and aim at different positions in the building. You will see the names of the positions. It is also possible to do it with scripting, although I don't remember how. I am sure the answer to that is in the wiki. Good luck!
  19. Hi all, since I couldn't find a working CCIP script, I decided to make one myself. It changes the ballistics of the bombs to something more realistic than in ArmA and marks the impact point with a waypoint. Update: Tested in MP and does not work properly. Update: Tested in MP again and found to be working with the following limitations: 1. The way the CCIP action is added/removed in the demo mission does not work properly in MP for some reason. 2. Apart from that, when a pilot with ping ~120 bombed targets while using the script, he managed to hit his targets. However, the bomb flight looked choppy from my side, because its position is constantly updated on the pilot's client. 3. The fact that a waypoint is being used as the impact point marker means that you must be a squad leader in order to see the marker and that it will mess up any other waypoints you may have. In general it seems that with some modifications this script can be used in MP. I have also integrated it into Hohei Evolution, which you can get here. Here is a demo mission, which also contains the script Mirror: Here (Thank you Foxhound).
  20. First post updated, if anyone wanna mirror the newly added hohei evo, be my guest.
  21. if (!isserver) exitWith {}; //abort script if executed anywhere, but on server (in MP) private ["_guy","_delay"]; //limit the scope of _guy and _delay variables to this script _guy = _this select 0; //_guy = first argument from script call _delay = _this select 1; //_delay = second argument from script call sleep _delay; //do nothing for _delay seconds Use the wiki, it's all there. :) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/execVM http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Variables#Local_Variables http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/private
  22. Thanks for the advice, I just did that.
  23. Download could be down soon, can someone mirror?