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Everything posted by SlyBelle

  1. Hello, I'm just getting back into ARMA and had a question. I have been searching the forums all morning long and can't find the thread I'm looking for. If I remember correctly, there is a way to store missions/addons in your "documents" foldger versus the "game" folder but I can't find the thread that shows you how to do that. Can anybody provide me guidance or link me to the past thread? I'm using Windows 7 if that makes a difference. Thank you.
  2. SlyBelle

    Storing Missions/Addons in My Documents?

    Thanks everyone for the help. However, not sure I got it right. I downloaded some missions and placed in my ARMA 2 folder under my documents folder, but they don't show up in the game. They only show up if I place them in the game directory. Is there something else I need to do?
  3. Trying to learn how to fly the helicopter (flying is not my strong suit) and using an X52 stick. I mapped all the keys to the joystick. However, I can't figure out how to get speed. At most, my top speed is 15 with me pushing the joystick forward. However if I use the keyboard 'w', I can get a tone more speed. Am I missing something? I really want to play with the joystick, but I have to figure this out. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. SlyBelle

    Helicopter Speed - What am I doing wrong?

    Autohover looks to be the issue.......but boy do I still stink at flying this thing. I can't keep a level flight for the life of me....gonna need a ton of practice. Thanks for everybody's help.
  5. SlyBelle

    Helicopter Speed - What am I doing wrong?

    That is possible. I will check that. However, wouldn't you expect the same to happen with me pressing the 'w' key? Or does the 'w' key do something more?
  6. SlyBelle

    Helicopter Speed - What am I doing wrong?

    I tried that no luck. Just curious, is there possibly any existing X52 profiles anywhere I might be able to use instead of my own? It is very possible I'm messing something up myself, just don't know.
  7. SlyBelle

    Helicopter Speed - What am I doing wrong?

    Yep, that is exactly my problem. I put throttle high and pitch down and the max I get is 15. If i press the 'w' key instead it does what is expected.
  8. Sorry if this is buried in another thread, but I looked for awhile and could not find my answer. I know there are different versions of the software because of countries and publishers. Just curious is the 505 version really any different then the planned US box version (gotentertainment)? Lastly, when patches come up, do they usually apply to all versions or does each version get its own specific patch? When I looked at the patch section for example, I did not see it list a specific 505 version so I was assuming it was applicable to all Thanks for the help!