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Everything posted by Volw

  1. Volw

    Very Unprofessional Assassins

    I'm more than certain walker is right and you are all jealous of his superior analytical mind. You can't even imagine how much experience and operational knowledge can be achieved by playing Hitman and Bomberman! I mean, unless he has a PA that wrote almost 5,000 posts it must be where the wisdom is coming from ...
  2. I seem to have problems with ACE2 overriding simple scripts written in the editor. As an example init line of Shilka: gunner this setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.0002]; In A2 vanilla it will shoot all over the place - as it should. In ACE2, it will fire accurate bursts. It's just an example, I've noticed a lot more commands don't work with ACE2. I was wondering if it's possible to override ACE2 somehow, without disabling it completely. Would appreciate any help. Happy new year!
  3. Right, thanks for pointing me in a right direction. I did test it and it's 'ace_c_ai_skill.pbo' that is causing the issue. FYI. With that file removed, it seems like ACE2 is much more sensitive than vanilla, it's probably due to the use of event handlers. But it works, requires little tweaking so it's not an issue. Just as an example, with "aimingAccuracy",0.0002 - vanilla would shoot in a 20-30 degree cone, with ACE2, it's more like 120 degrees. But as I've said, not a huge issue to change a few numbers around.
  4. Pretty old thread but should do what you want: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74058
  5. Just a note on the helicopter: 'Setcaptive true', is better than 'allowdamage false'. With allow damage, pilot/crew/cargo can still get killed, with setcaptive the heli will be ignored by the AI.
  6. if (((damage this)>=0.1) && ((damage this)<=0.2)) then this allowDamage false; It'd be something along those lines, I'm a little fresh on scripting so it most likely won't work. (Edit: I've tested it, it doesnt bring any errors, but doesn't work either.) The problem is, unless healed by a medic they'd stay invincible, as non-medic revive doesn't heal... Also, they may simply die if the damage is greater than 0.8-0.9.
  7. In this thread, you ask people to write it for you and then in the next thread you're claiming you've made it? :rolleyes:
  8. MLRS has a very large minimum range. Try placing it (much) further away.
  9. You don't need to sync it, it works regardless. How I made it to work: I couldn't get join working in A2 for some strange reason. What I did was setcaptive true on both the player and the unit that has to be captured (can happen on trigger). Placed a WP with 'join' for the captive and 'join and lead' for the player, synchronized both. Then another waypoint with setcaptive false on player, so you're back to the normal state. It's a bit ghetto but it works. Edit: The above doesn't require surrender module.
  10. Volw

    1.02 patch killed my game

    Then this must be the first PC game you've ever played.
  11. If your maps are under other profiles, then just create those two .sqs files there. They have to be in the same folder as your missions mission.sqm. What I wrote is correct, just place the files where they're supposed to be and it will work. Edit: Maybe you have your extensions hidden in windows, so the file name is something like MapClick.sqs.txt ?
  12. Try placing WPs at the same height, seems like AI flies a bit differently depending on that.
  13. There's a 16 page thread about artillery module ... To answer your question. You need an object (ie invisible helipad), it doesn't work on markers.
  14. No SOM method. (it's still no go on dedicated, works with multiple players on non-dedicated) First of all, this is my first take on scripting, so it probably can be shorter or easier. Anyway, it works 100%. Seeing most people struggle with this - simple 11 step tutorial ;) 1) In your mission folder (the one on C drive in Documents\ArmA 2\missions\YourMissionName). 2) Create a text file. onMapSingleClick "_pos exec ""ArtMarker.sqs""" 3) Paste the code above and rename the file to 'MapClick.sqs'. (Make sure you have enabled extensions in windows, otherwise you'll end up with MapClick.sqs.txt, which won't work). 4) Create another text file. _Marker = createmarker ["ArtTgt1", _this] _Marker setMarkerType "Destroy" _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed" _Marker setMarkertext "ARTILLERY TARGET" tgt1 = "Sign_Danger" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "ArtTgt1") ~60 deleteVehicle tgt1 deleteMarker "ArtTgt1" 5) Paste the code and rename to ArtMarker.sqs 6) Once you're done, in the editor, create a trigger. Change 'Activation' to 'Radio Juliet' and 'Repeatedly'. It will allow you to create new targets every 60 seconds. [] exec "MapClick.sqs"; hint "Click on the map to select target location."; 7) Put this code into 'On Activation' line. You can test it in game. Enter map screen, press '0' to bring up radio, then select 'Alpha', click on your own location a warning sign will appear on your location ;) That's what the artillery will fire at, but since we don't have the artillery yet, nor the trigger, you should be safe. 8) Create an artillery you want to use, synchronize the leader with 'Artillery Module'. Name the module 'Art1'. 9) Create another Radio Trigger, this time 'Radio Hotel'. [Art1, getPosASL tgt1, ["TIMED", "HE", 1, 60]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; hint "Bat1: Firing."; 10) Put this code into On Activation field. 11) You can use the artillery in game now! Remember to first choose 'Radio Alpha' to select a target on the map, then call in 'Radio Hotel' to have the artillery fire. You can have multiple 'Radios' to call in different fire missions. In the example above, the battery will fire HE rounds, with 1 sec interval over 60 seconds. It can be changed, just edit ["TIMED", "HE", 1, 60] - for reference use wiki http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module#Creating_fire_missions Remember it takes a while for the shells to arrive. Also different Artillery types have different min/max ranges. Keep that in mind.
  15. If you don't want it to crash, switch it's behaviour to safe or stealth. To make it start at a later point. Create a wp almost on top of the plane, then have it synced with a trigger, so it won't move to the next one until the trigger is activated. You could use radio trigger to call it in when you want ...
  16. Hmm would it be possible to get the position of it anyhow? I've tried getpos, location, getmarkerpos... none of them worked.
  17. SOM doesn't work on dedicated servers atm.
  18. Is it possible to get the position of the laser marker anyhow?
  19. Well, it works on every other shell ... strangely, even on SADARM rounds. EDIT: Even if used with Arty Logic instead of the grp leader, it's still hitting the target set, instead of the target lased. EDIT2: Right, my mistake. The problem was - I was trying to lase the target as BLUEFOR, using REDFOR arty. (My test island is utes, arty is off map so I didn't really notice :o).
  20. One more thing I've noticed LASER rounds don't seem to work when called by this nice code by beita: [group m1, getPosASL a1, ["IMMEDIATE", "LASER", 15, 4]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; Rounds drop on target, not on a lased target. (all other types are working fine) They work fine when used with SOM. Is there a trick to make it work without it?
  21. Actually I did some digging and it seems like SOM is not working on Dedicated Servers atm. So we'd need a solution that is not SOM dependant.
  22. I've read through the thread. I'm using it with socom and it's working fine in single player or when I'm hosting. It doesn't work for me on a Dedicated Server. Also, how could I get it working for the whole team? I'm quite new to it and was wondering if any of you could give me a hint please.