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Everything posted by sold67

  1. I can't seem to make the GPK in the script below follow the MTVR. It looks alright to to me, but I don't script, so someone else might be able to spot why it doesn't want to follow the MTVR/Convoytruck. It'll spawn both the GPK and the MTVR, but only the MTVR will start to move the idea is to have the GPK escort the convoy and engage anyone that tries to attack it. // script written by Eddie Vedder for the Chernarus life Revivved mission sleep 10; govconvoygroup = createGroup west; _counter = 0; _counter2 = 0; _added = false; _sidewon = "Neither"; while {true} do { //waits for respawn sleep (convoyrespawntime*54); "hint ""The Government convoy will leave in a few minutes."";" call broadcast; sleep (convoyrespawntime*6); //Gets position to spawn _array = [[convspawn1, 10], [convspawn2, 10], [convspawn3, 10], [convspawn4, 10], [convspawn5, 10]]; _spawn = (floor(random(count _array))); _pos = (_array select _spawn) select 0; _radius = (_array select _spawn) select 1; // spawn markers truck and soldiers _markerobj = createMarker ["convoy",[0,0]]; _markername = "convoy"; _markerobj setMarkerShape "ICON"; "convoy" setMarkerType "Marker"; "convoy" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; "convoy" setMarkerText "Government Convoy"; convoy_marker_active = 1; convoyhascash=true; publicvariable "convoyhascash"; convoytruck = "Ural_TK_CIV_EP1" createVehicle getPos _pos;; gpk = "HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_EP1" createVehicle getPos _pos;; convoytruck setVehicleInit " convoytruck = this; this setVehicleVarName ""convoytruck""; this lock true; this setAmmoCargo 0; this setDir getdir _pos; clearweaponcargo this; clearmagazinecargo this; "; gpk setVehicleInit " gpk = this; this setVehicleVarName ""gpk""; this lock true; this setAmmoCargo 1; this setDir getdir _pos; "; processinitcommands; publicvariable "convoytruck"; publicvariable "gpk"; deleteVehicle convoysoldier; convoysoldier = govconvoygroup createUnit ["US_Soldier_Officer_EP1", _pos, [], _radius, "FORM"]; convoysoldier setvehicleinit 'convoysoldier = this;this setVehicleVarName "convoysoldier";'; removeAllWeapons convoysoldier; convoysoldier addweapon "revolver_gold_EP1"; convoysoldier addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; convoysoldier addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; convoysoldier addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; deleteVehicle convoyguard1; convoyguard1 = govconvoygroup createUnit ["US_Soldier_EP1", _pos, [], _radius, "FORM"]; convoyguard1 setvehicleinit 'convoyguard1 = this;this setVehicleVarName "convoyguard1";'; removeAllWeapons convoyguard1; convoyguard1 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard1 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard1 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard1 addweapon "SCAR_L_CQC_Holo"; deleteVehicle convoyguard2; convoyguard2 = govconvoygroup createUnit ["US_Soldier_EP1", _pos, [], _radius, "FORM"]; convoyguard2 setvehicleinit 'convoyguard2 = this;this setVehicleVarName "convoyguard2";'; removeAllWeapons convoyguard2; convoyguard2 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard2 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard2 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard2 addweapon "SCAR_L_CQC_Holo"; deleteVehicle convoyguard3; convoyguard3 = govconvoygroup createUnit ["US_Soldier_EP1", _pos, [], _radius, "FORM"]; convoyguard3 setvehicleinit 'convoyguard3 = this;this setVehicleVarName "convoyguard3";'; removeAllWeapons convoyguard3; convoyguard3 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard3 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard3 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard3 addweapon "SCAR_L_CQC_Holo"; deleteVehicle convoyguard4; convoyguard4 = govconvoygroup createUnit ["US_Soldier_EP1", _pos, [], _radius, "FORM"]; convoyguard4 setvehicleinit 'convoyguard4 = this;this setVehicleVarName "convoyguard4";'; removeAllWeapons convoyguard4; convoyguard4 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard4 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard4 addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; convoyguard4 addweapon "SCAR_L_CQC_Holo"; processInitCommands; deleteVehicle gpksoldier; gpksoldier = govconvoygroup createUnit ["US_Soldier_Officer_EP1", _pos, [], _radius, "FORM"]; gpksoldier setvehicleinit 'gpksoldier = this;this setVehicleVarName "gpksoldier";'; removeAllWeapons gpksoldier; gpksoldier addweapon "revolver_gold_EP1"; gpksoldier addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; gpksoldier addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; gpksoldier addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; deleteVehicle gpksoldier1; gpksoldier1 = govconvoygroup createUnit ["US_Soldier_Officer_EP1", _pos, [], _radius, "FORM"]; gpksoldier1 setvehicleinit 'gpksoldier1 = this;this setVehicleVarName "gpksoldier1";'; removeAllWeapons gpksoldier; gpksoldier1 addweapon "revolver_gold_EP1"; gpksoldier1 addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; gpksoldier1 addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; gpksoldier1 addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; deleteVehicle gpksoldier2; gpksoldier2 = govconvoygroup createUnit ["US_Soldier_Officer_EP1", _pos, [], _radius, "FORM"]; gpksoldier2 setvehicleinit 'gpksoldier2 = this;this setVehicleVarName "gpksoldier2";'; removeAllWeapons gpksoldier; gpksoldier2 addweapon "revolver_gold_EP1"; gpksoldier2 addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; gpksoldier2 addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; gpksoldier2 addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; deleteVehicle gpksoldier3; gpksoldier3 = govconvoygroup createUnit ["US_Soldier_Officer_EP1", _pos, [], _radius, "FORM"]; gpksoldier3 setvehicleinit 'gpksoldier3 = this;this setVehicleVarName "gpksoldier3";'; removeAllWeapons gpksoldier; gpksoldier3 addweapon "revolver_gold_EP1"; gpksoldier3 addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; gpksoldier3 addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; gpksoldier3 addmagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"; processInitCommands; govconvoygroup selectLeader convoysoldier; convoysoldier moveInDriver convoytruck; convoysoldier assignAsDriver convoytruck; gpksoldier moveInDriver gpk; gpksoldier assignAsDriver gpk; //make guards follow convoysoldier convoyguard1 dofollow convoysoldier; convoyguard2 dofollow convoysoldier; convoyguard3 dofollow convoysoldier; convoyguard4 dofollow convoysoldier; govconvoygroup setbehaviour "AWARE"; govconvoygroup setCombatMode "GREEN"; //Make GPK guards follow driver gpksoldier1 doFollow gpksoldier; gpksoldier2 doFollow gpksoldier; gpksoldier3 doFollow gpksoldier; govconvoygroupgpk setbehaviour "AWARE"; govconvoygroupgpk setCombatMode "RED"; //put guards in car with convoysoldier convoyguard1 moveincargo convoytruck; convoyguard1 assignAsCargo convoytruck; convoyguard2 moveInCargo convoytruck; convoyguard2 assignAsCargo convoytruck; convoyguard3 moveInCargo convoytruck; convoyguard3 assignAsCargo convoytruck; convoyguard4 moveInCargo convoytruck; convoyguard4 assignAsCargo convoytruck; sleep 2; convoysoldier commandMove getpos copbase1; //put GPK guards in car with gpksoldier gpksoldier1 moveincargo gpk; gpksoldier1 assignAsCargo gpk; gpksoldier2 moveInGunner gpk; gpksoldier2 assignAsGunner gpk; gpksoldier3 moveInCargo gpk; gpksoldier3 assignAsCargo gpk; sleep 2; gpksoldier doFollow convoytruck; //start mission loop "server globalchat ""The supply truck has spawned. The police must defend it against bandits and terrorists!"";" call broadcast; while {true} do { "if(alive player and isciv and player distance convoytruck <= 150)then{titleText [""The Government is operating in this area! Turn back or you will be shot!"", ""plain down""]};" call broadcast; "convoy" setmarkerpos getpos convoytruck; if (!alive convoyguard1) then { deletevehicle convoyguard1; }; if (!moneyintruck) exitwith { _sidewon = "Bandits"; }; if (!alive convoyguard2) then { deletevehicle convoyguard2; }; if (!alive convoyguard3) then { deletevehicle convoyguard3; }; if (!alive convoyguard4) then { deletevehicle convoyguard4; }; if (!alive convoysoldier and !_added) then { _added = true; stealgovmoney = convoytruck addAction ["Steal Government salaries", "stealgovmoney.sqf",[""],1,false,true,"","isciv"]; "if (isciv) then {server sidechat ""The government convoy driver is dead. Steal the police paycheck."";};" call broadcast; "if (iscop) then {server sidechat ""The governemnt convoy driver is dead. Get in his truck and drive it to the Cop Base"";};" call broadcast; convoytruck setVehicleLock "unlocked"; unassignVehicle convoyguard1; unassignVehicle convoyguard2; unassignVehicle convoyguard3; unassignVehicle convoyguard4; convoyguard1 action ["eject", convoytruck]; convoyguard2 action ["eject", convoytruck]; convoyguard3 action ["eject", convoytruck]; convoyguard4 action ["eject", convoytruck]; convoyguard1 dofollow convoytruck; convoyguard2 dofollow convoytruck; convoyguard3 dofollow convoytruck; convoyguard4 dofollow convoytruck; }; if (_counter >= 15) then { convoysoldier commandMove getpos copbase1; _counter = 0; }; if (convoytruck distance copbase1 < 150) exitwith { "if (iscop) then {bankaccount = (bankaccount + govconvoybonus); player sidechat format[""you received $%1 for the successfully escorting the convoy"", govconvoybonus];};" call broadcast; _sidewon = "Cops"; }; if (_counter2 >= 900) exitwith { _sidewon = "Neither"; }; if (!alive convoytruck) exitwith { "server globalchat ""The government truck has been destroyed the money has burned"";" call broadcast; _sidewon = "Neither"; }; _counter2 = _counter2 + 1; _counter = _counter + 1; sleep 1; }; //mission has ended resetting vars and deleting units (format ['server globalChat "%2 side won the government convoy mission, next truck leaves in %1 minutes!";', convoyrespawntime, _sidewon]) call broadcast; [_sidewon] call whowon; deletevehicle convoyguard1; deletevehicle convoyguard2; deletevehicle convoyguard3; deletevehicle convoyguard4; deletevehicle convoysoldier; deletevehicle convoytruck; deletemarker "convoy"; _endmissionounter = 0; _counter = 0; _counter2 = 0; _sidewon = "Neither"; moneyintruck = true; _added = false; }; //written by Gman The second problem I'm having is that the GPK doesn't seem to detect my presence and open fire on me in fact I haven't even seen the AI rotate the GPKs gun which worries me. I'm pretty stuck here! Does anyone have any idea what the problems could be?
  2. I'm not using the map to tell it where to drive to because it is a life mission, so no waypoints. I tried grouping them before and it still wasn't working, but I might have done it incorrectly I will try it again. Thanks for the help.
  3. You're a hero! Thank you ever so much.
  4. Hi, I am not a scripter and having some trouble converting a script to where it is run only (If that makes any sense). I want it to delete all vehicles that are unoccupied in a defined range, so here is what I am currently using that runs via dev tool, but straight up deletes every vehicle: _vehicle = nearestObjects [player, ["Car","Air"], 50]; { deletevehicle _x } forEach _vehicle; Here is one I found which deletes only unocupied vehichles, but since I don't script I can't convert it! I would love any help it is driving me crazy. case 123: // Carmagedon { _distance = parseNumber(_inputText); if ((typeName _distance) == (typeName (1234))) then { player groupchat format["Starting Carmagedon at a range of %1 meters", _distance]; { { if ({alive _x} count crew _x == 0) then { deleteVehicle _x; }; } foreach((getpos player) nearObjects [_x, 15]); } forEach ["LandVehicle", "Air", "Car", "Motorcycle", "Bicycle", "UAV", "Wreck", "Wreck_Base", "HelicopterWreck", "UH1Wreck", "UH1_Base", "UH1H_base", "AH6_Base_EP1","CraterLong", "Ka60_Base_PMC", "Ka137_Base_PMC", "A10"]; } else { hint "ERROR: expected number"; }; }; Thank you.
  5. I'm horribly bad at scripting can anyone help me out w/ the following: Victim.sqf: if(isdead == 1)exitwith{}; isdead = 1; _killer = _this select 0; _nearVehicles = _this select 1; _killerLicense = 0; suicided = false; _murdered = true; _killerstring = format["%1", _killer]; if (!(_killer call ISSE_UnitExists)) then { (format ["[""Died"", ""%1""] spawn Isse_AddCrimeLogEntry;kopfgeld_%1 = 0;", rolestring]) call broadcast; } else { _killedByVehicle = false; if (player == _killer) then { _murdered = false; if(typename _nearVehicles == "STRING" and INV_hunger < 100)exitwith{suicided = true;}; { if ( (speed _x > 10) and (!(isNull(driver _x))) ) then { _killer = driver _x; _killedByVehicle = true; _vehicle = typeof _x; _infos = _vehicle call INV_getitemArray; _killerlicense = (_infos select 4) select 1; _killerstring = format["%1", _killer]; }; } forEach _nearVehicles; }; if(side _killer == EAST and !isPlayer _killer) exitwith { format['["Died", "%1"] spawn Isse_AddCrimeLogEntry;kopfgeld_%1 = 0;server globalChat "%2 was killed by the military!"', player, name player] call broadcast; }; (format [" [""Died"", ""%1""] spawn Isse_AddCrimeLogEntry; if(%7 and !%5)then{server globalChat ""%3 was killed by %4""}; if (%5) then {server globalChat ""%4 hit %3 with a vehicle"";}; if(INV_hunger == 100)exitwith{server globalChat ""%3 starved to death!""}; if(player == %8) then {[%1, %5, %6] execVM ""killer.sqf""}; ", player, _killer, name player, name _killer, _killedByVehicle, _killerLicense, _murdered, _killerstring]) call broadcast; }; //kopfgeld_%1 = 0; It's a life mission script, but I want it like the TLR mission to be able to tell you if the person who was killed was armed or unarmed in the death message. I really don't know where to start any help is appreciated.
  6. Awesome, I love that you are releasing everything as life servers always seem to be competitive against each other and at times attack each. It is refreshing to see this! Great work.
  7. I have a helicopter insertion working, but once I add some enemy units and the helicopter gets in view distance of those units it freaks out and no longer sticks to the waypoint and wont make any attempt to get back to it! I've tried a few things like setbehavior and disableai, but so far to no avail. I'd like the helicopter not to care if it is under fire etc, any ideas? Any help is appreciated.
  8. Thanks Marker/Dale! Working great part from one small hiccup if I am in a helicopter with AI it only kicks myself out the chopper and not the AI unless I order them to disembark, so nothing massive thanks for all the help.
  9. I've managed to fix that problem (thanks animal), but the main problem now as soon as the helicopter lands it take off again - moving to the next waypoint - and you get no time to hop out the chopper.
  10. Tried that, but the AI still takes off before I can get out it. On the final waypoint the one after landing I tried putting this in the on act field: sleep 15; deleteVehicle helicopter2; Still no luck!
  11. Thanks so much, it worked! Got a few other problems though, once the helicopter lands at the waypoint/invisible helipad it takes off again before I get the chance to get out, and it also takes too long to land know of anyways I can speed the landing up, and get the helicopter to say stay on the ground for say 5 seconds? Here is what I have on the landing waypoints on act: helicopter land "get out"; James leaveVehicle helicopter; This works if it is AI most of the time, but if james becomes a player it takes off the second it touches down allowing you no time to get out. Here is what I have on the helicopters init helicopter flyInHeight 20; this setCaptive true;
  12. Fixed it please remove this topic/post
  13. I'm wondering if it is possible to make the MQ-9s hellfires guided, but without add-ons, so I don't have to run any add-ons on my server. I've looked around, but I can't find any scripts that will be able to make them guided to wherever the gunner is aiming since using the standard system isn't very effective. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  14. Like I said thanks again for the help, but I am now pretty sure it is past my level of scripting which is pretty much nothing. I had a look at your mission in fact before I created this thread here, the 'reaper' one where you can use the UAV as CAS when I was trying to work out how to do this. The mission is really awesome, my favorite arma 2 mission in fact. I do have further complications in the mission I am trying to edit this in to you don't start with the UAV, but you buy it.
  15. I don't think I will be able to do it, but thanks for all the help!
  16. Thanks for the help, but I forgot to mention in my first post I am not a scripter! I can do a little, enough to get me by most of the time. That script also looks like it flies in from a random location, and not from the UAV.
  17. I'm not sure how to quite do that. I've tried to unPBO it, but with no success. I'd even love to use the exact ones they use or something close if I can, but still I am having no luck trying to do it. The mission is here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1052 How can I access the code of that mission and see what is happening? Sorry if these are really stupid questions.
  18. I'm trying to make something like this for a mission, but don't have anywhere near the skills, so does anyone have a public script for this/can help? I would also like to do it for map if possible. If anyone can post a script up or help that would be fantastic. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/76336081/arma2%202012-06-04%2016-28-59-46.jpg (149 kB) Note: For ArmA 2 CO, but mainly OA just couldn't find a mission with something close to this on OA. Thanks! Sorry if this has been asked before.
  19. Fixed. Thanks for responding! Seen you help in a few threads all over the place such as steam forums, so thank you. :>
  20. I'm having this problem when I try to joins lots of servers. It isn't just small servers it is big ones like XR-DAO and 7cav, but it will let me join ones I host. I've read about and seen that if you copy the ArmA 2 folder into the arrowhead folder it will fix it, but I have a problem I bought combined operations from Steam, so I don't have that folder. To fix it I have tried copying all files inside my common folder from inside the arrowhead folder then making an AddOns folder inside the arrowhead folder and pasting them in that. It didn't work. I then reverted back to where I was at the start and here I am can't fix it. Things tried: Fresh install of BE Fresh install of ArmA 2 about 4 times Steam validate files (Checks to see if files are missing) Made a copy of folders and tried to replicate add ons folder to make it work Ran ArmA 2 CO from steam Ran ArmA 2 CO from the CMD file located in ArmA 2 folder So I have no idea how to fix this and I don't think I have much hope of getting it fixed as I have seen a few no reply threads with the same issue. If anyone knows how to fix this combined ops purchased from steam then please post! Thanks
  21. So my friend is looking to get a Gaming Computer, but is on a budget of £300 (Wants to play ArmA 2). I've never been a hardware guy and I don't have the slightest clue if he could get a computer for that price and run ArmA 2 smoothly without horrible FPS. With that said can someone help/find/link me to a computer for that price? It needs to be able to run it smoothly if it is possible. note: He has a monitor+kb+mouse Thanks!
  22. I'm in need of some massive help and it will take a god to fix this problem. 9/10ths of the servers i try to join on arrowhead give me problem in the bottom left. http://imageshack.us/f/846/arma2problem.png/ Even if the server has no Add-ons required i get this! Servers that do have add-ons i get the all green on add-on sync and have all files download. I've also reinstalled ArmA2 and ArmA2:OA. I always run combined ops! The error message is - "You cannont play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cawater2_destroyer" if someone can help me fix this or get this file i am in debt for life.