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Everything posted by rorypat

  1. I liked the campaign and no bugs except helfire wouldnt reload in ULB mission but that didnt really matter. The stand alone missions add extra content and I like the new units/weapons. Just shuttering which is my PC I guess but never had the problem with Arma2.
  2. Same problem it wont load helfires
  3. rorypat

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I will never complain about Arma 2 bugs again. The ofp game is the worst piece of shit. Its like when Championship Manager changed to Football Manager but they still released Champ Manager with a different developer. The graphics are awful and iam at "high", cant imagine low. They copied Arma 2 idea of following a group of 4 marines. Created a Humvee using the editor and fired 8 grenades at it and it didnt explode, infact it only had done slight damage. I run out of ammo for my gun about 5 mins into every mission because you cant deselect burst mode. I havent rigured out yet how to tell one of my squafmates to move and not have all the idiots running off One good thing about the game are the night scopes on the assault and sniper rifles. Bi should integrate this into Arma 2 Thank you Bi for making Arma 2
  4. rorypat

    Dogs of War *ENDMISSION*

    Razor team are in red because they have enemy weapons instead of US wepons. They wont attack you so dont worry.
  5. PATCH 1.03 Mission: Manhatten BUG: Support helicopter blows up on its pad I play the mission and use the LAV and in order, I find sentry camp in town north of FOB then I capture the women and deliver her, main base is near the drop off point but wont trigger the reinforcements, then i find smugglers and the go to house for intel on war crimes. When I call in chopper for FIRST time at this point I get message it crashed. If I drive back to FOB without calling it in the helicopter explodes on landing pad even when I dont cell for it. i have restarted game but used save AFTER finding intel and this still happens. Havent tried calling chopper before finding intel yet. Thxs
  6. I get the connecting failed message for servers which i could join easily only a week ago. Dont know what has changed? is it my problem or theres? Considering others are playing i assume its mine
  7. Within seconds of mission loading I get a messgae saying "alliance between guerillas and blufor is over" and then everyone at starting point trys to kill me and suceeds. This seems like a bug but is it meant to happen?. Iam not sure if guerillas are NAPA or Chedski. Makes mission unplayable. Just to note if this DIDNT happen to you, I skipped last mission due to car spanwing bug/issue getting really annoying so that may be factor i dont know Thxs
  8. Found the camp but the soldiers had wandered off so cant clear it. Pretty annoying so i just skipped it eventually
  9. I parked my LAV infront of one of the M1A1 tanks that were driving around the map and was able to get in it as commander. It wasnt the lead tank of the group so look for the tanks that arent the leader. Could command tank to go where i wanted and could switch to gunner. This helped me take out t72. You can also switch lav round to an antitank round but you need loads of shots for it to take effect so not really useful unless you get lucky
  10. I thought there were 6 camps, I can only see 4 on that map. I have found those 4 on my game and base camp but the game still goes on. Thats the only task I have left. Sentry camps are the green circles and other tasks are orange circles. Thxs Just found fith base at grid 0805. Unfortunately it wasnt on a hill top so my theory of driving to all of those seems pointless. Just need one more
  11. He is in the last house on the west side of the town Kranskov on the road to Gvezimo. His house is on left side of road. If you run past it instead of driving you have better chance. Kranskov is the town North of your base. Dont think you can save them, it seems to be a scripted event and you are told after it happens
  12. rorypat

    Manhatten Bug List

    If you find some of those M1A1 tanks on the map, if you get it to stop, for example drive your LAV in front of it, I was able to get in it as a commander. Taking out base is easy then. Note: Played new game with patch and still no arti,cant command bommerang bug. However I did have arti for awhile and after I found main base the arti had a firing circle and main base was outside this circle. This apllies for both of bases possible locations. I think this is a script that isnt working for arti even when you have it because when I opened up that save point again the arti had unlimted range.
  13. I couldnt cut him down either, might be a bug, the forums are full of bugs from that level. Did you find the women you helped in first mission. She is on road south of base dead aswell. Nothing happens when i approach those guards.
  14. Did you see the map posted by EL MURKO on this thread. He is missing two camps. Any chance you could post location of those, I still cant find them
  15. rorypat


    I found you can jump in an M1A1 as commander and get it to do what you want. You can switch to gunner or driver. Makes taking out camp alot easier.
  16. Playing with new patch. My main camp isnt near the dam it was 2km SW of where you have to escort that women to her helicopter. Camp had T72 but a M1a1 squad came near and i got in as commander and took out camp. Where it says Area of Operations on the map, i encountered an enemy squad there and got message i had found sentry camp. Killed squad but cant find camp and it didnt apear on map so not cleared yet. Have some people found the camps or do they just skip it? I found the 4 that were posted on the map but not the other 2
  17. Sry mission is called DOGS OF WAR, its the last mission. resarted game and now my team shoot the soldiers near me and I get no message about gurellias being hostile. Mission unplayable. Side note: Gen. Armstrong is classic