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Everything posted by Seraphim2150

  1. Seraphim2150

    Squad XML issues

    I'm having some problems with my squad.XML. It seems to work fine ingame, but for some people the logo does not appear ingame. However when I try to access it online I reccive this error message Any help?
  2. Such a shame the situation these were released under but thank you for releasing them, as opposed to keeping them hidden from the rest of the community who chose not to "steal" them. Edit: don't suppose you have a warrior hidden in your box of goodies do you?
  3. Is there anyway to add this to other addons such as the littlebirds or RAF chinook?
  4. Seraphim2150

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    Zombies in time for Halloween. And some British troops that look similar to the guys in Dog Soldiers (Beenine hats rather than helemets) to shoot them (Any chance STALKER? After you've got the main guys sorted)
  5. Seraphim2150

    WIP British 4 Rifle Soldiers

    looking good. I know me, smuke and the rest of RBC are raring to get their hands on them
  6. Woo! Finally some brits!
  7. Seraphim2150

    WIP British 4 Rifle Soldiers

    aww no L22? ah well Sounds good, impressed by your plans so far. Any chance of doing some versions with guys wearing benny hats some where down the line? Just watched dog soldiers :-)
  8. Seraphim2150

    co07 Island Twilight (USEC)

    Played this mission earlier today, really good fun. My only issue is the only sniper rifle you can use is the DMR. Would be nice if there was a US special weapon box on the beach. But, thats just me. Also had an issue where the helo wouldn't land for extraction. It instead went off to kill every enemy on the island.