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  1. Zone

    Blocky graphics?

    sorted :bounce3: , installed all latest drivers removed 4 gigs from comp leaving 4 gigs installed ( I will figure out how to disable the ram soon rather than taking out said ram). Many thanks to you guys for your help. I will check out fps later after I have played the game for a bit.
  2. Hi Guys , My Specs Q6600 2.4 8gigs ram= For ARMA2 only need 4! Vista 64 Zotac GT8800 Ampted P5Q Pro MB sorry to jump in but I had a major problem with graphics in this game even though you could throw whatever game at it before and it worked like a dream. I have all the latest drivers and thought I should remove 4 gigs and give it a go:yay: bloody game works like a dream now. Why shouild you have to do this in a 2009 game I do not know, I hope this helps someone.
  3. Zone

    Blocky graphics?

    What are your ingame settings? I have set all settings to low, through all of the different type of different things I have tried from the ram to drivers to vista updates. I also tried to set in game to medium:j: in the mad hope it might work, but to no avail. In game res I have tried many if not all of the settings.
  4. I would like to give you my results, but as I can not see the game at all as I seem to have a serious graphics problem, I have tryed all types of fixes from old nvidia drivers to reducing the amount of ram to reinstalling the game and updates 3 time's now. My specs are- Q6600 @ 2.4, 8 gigs ram, Zotac GT8800 Ampted, P5Q Pro mb as you can see my system is a very good mid range setup , I can play Crysis on high setings all the way to the end of the game so my system is up to playing Arma2. I hope that 505 Games and Bohemia can come up with something this side of 2009.
  5. Zone

    Blocky graphics?

    After removing 4 gigs and installing 182.50 driver for nvidia gt8800 I still have blocky graphics. Oh well I suppose that we are the beta testers after having payed for the game we are locked in. Just hope I won't have to wait to long for a patch or work around, I am glad most of you guys are managing to play this game so I can see how much I am missing.:(
  6. Zone

    Blocky graphics?

    I am having the same problems as you,my specs are, Q6600 2.4, 8 gigs ram, Vista 64 bit, Zotac GT8800 ampted, all updates including the last vista and graphics and I have installed the update for Arma2. I have uninstalled the game twice and the updates. I have just reinstalled this game for the third time and still the graphics are blocky and I am feeling rip off. My system can play all my games no problem including Crysis on high with no problems, I was looking forward to this game but unless this problem is fixed with another update or a work around is found I will be flogging this game, I could not sell this game to a friend as it is and I don't think I could sell it on ebay. I saw all the trailers on utube and I was hoping for the same standard of graphics. I still live in hope though as I managed to wait around for THQ to sort out Frontlines so I think I will try and hold the faith for a while yet. Have done all of the above and still blocky. What to do .....