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Everything posted by Jade77

  1. Yeah MAYA and C4D which I use are both dependant on CPU when rendering. I got the GTX580 purely for games and so I don't need to upgrade for a while.
  2. Yeah, got to be better than my ATi5870 though and I can't afford one of them quadro cards :) Maybe one day when I win the lotto
  3. Yeah I know, I have calmed down now, had to walk away and feed the kids. :) My point was only that I am new and there is no valid reason to give people attitude. It will only scare people away and give people a bad impression of the community. I have two daughters who are under 3 and I get enough shit from them lol, I come in here to play games and chill out, not be treated like a naughty kid. Anyway all done and dusted, I am new here and loving my experience with the clan I am part of and also just joined the PR team so looking forward to the future. :)
  4. Thanks mate, was hoping to hear I could run it on max settings lol As for a slave drive, I do have 3 others I use for crap. One is my current which is a vraptor 300 gig, a 700gig dump drive and a old 500 external. Might just dump them and get a big 2TB drive and use that as storage. Yeah the sarcasm bit is a story that's worth being left alone before I get my wrists slapped again by the almighty powers that be for doing something so minor. You know posting in the wrong forums is a crime didn't you know. :) That said its now water under the bridge. Thanks for the advice though, I do plan to get another SSD drive as soon as the wife gives my wallet back :D
  5. Heya chaps, seems I posted in the wrong forum so a nice happy gentleman closed it and pointed me to this direction. /sarcasm off Well I wanted to ask the pro's who know their stuff about anything PC based, I have just ordered a new PC which turns up next week. Heres the details: I7 2600k OC at 4.6 16gig DDR3 1600 Patriot ram MSI GeForce GTX 580 Twin Frozr II OC 120gig OCZ SSD 550read 500write ECO II 120 Water-Cooling CPU Cooler edit: I went for 16gig of ram as I am a 3D artist, so more ram the better I have been told. Now I know this is good enough to run ARMA2, but what I wanted to know is if any of you chaps have a similar build and if so tell me what settings you have it on and what sort of fps you get. My old build is not bad, but its just not good enough as I am a graphics whore and always want to run games on max settings lol. Anyway any help would be great. Many thanks Jade
  6. Jade77


    Just ordered a GTX580 and an i7 Sandybridge at 4.6ghz, anyone got this sort of setup? If you have I would love to know what sort of performance you get. Mine turns up next week. Thanks
  7. Hello all it has been a while since I have been apart of this community, back at launch I played for a few weeks but left due to graphic bugs etc. Recently I rejoined the game and joined Havoc and I am looking to help out within the modding community of ARMA. I am a 3D artist and have only been modelling for just over a year, but in my short career I have had the pleasure of working on an MMO called Mortal Online and have also been apart of the Prophecy of Pendor MOD for M&B warband. I use MAYA and Zbrush and am currently looking for inspiration within the community of what to create. Now I do not know how to add models to the game etc but I do know how to model. Here is some of my recent work: http://sadpandastudios.co.uk/gallery/2/8319b8c96e37928b59425af4c5e2213f.jpg http://sadpandastudios.co.uk/gallery/6/new11.jpg http://sadpandastudios.co.uk/gallery/6/new.jpg Anyway I look forward to your feedback and ideas on what to make ---------- Post added at 12:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ---------- Sorry changed images to links as some are too large :)
  8. Jade77

    10 fps

    Hello all its my 1st post and was hoping to get some help. Just got the game today and nearly launched it out of the window and into the road earlier, but thought id come ask you here 1st. My system Vista Ultimate 64 8gig DDR3 ram Q6850 3ghz processor GTX295 And ive changed shit loads of settings, followed the guides and the most fps ive seen is 20, with everything on low. If im looking straight the graphics are constantly coming in and out of view, even some close graphics keep changing shape and blocking out, I get constant graphical gliches. Ive updated all my drivers and still no luck, ive been waiting along time for this game, so i hope you chaps can help
  9. Anyone making a Multicam uniform mod? thanks
  10. Jade77

    For gtx 295 users

    okay update on my part. Today i awaiting my new mouse (Razer Mamba) and eagerly installed it, was very happy with it. And before i loaded up ARMA2 to test if for some strange reason i opened up nvidia control panel, now i went into the crysis64 profile that i was using and changed a few things vsync FORCED OFF AA off and a couple of others i changed (will edit this when im home from work to see what it was i changed) Also i removed the -winxp from my shortcut My shortcut has been renamed to Crysis64 (which did give me a 10 fps increase) So i did this, not even thinking it would fix my many issues (Graphic gliches, low fps, missing textures, flickering etc etc) So, game loading i entered into game, and wondered what the fook had happened, my fps went up to between 60 and 70, from 20 to 30. My settings where set to normal/high, view distance around 3500, shadows off, aa off etc. So i started to reset some options, and now all is high to very high, shadows on very high, post blah blah to off still, my 3D res is at 200% and im running 1920x1200 on my 24" monitor. And i was getting a smooth 25 to 45 fps, and WITH NO GRAPHIC GLICHES, i know its insane but hey mine is sorted. So when this game does get sorted it will be alot better. Also my view distance is at 3500 still as i want terrain setting as high, if i turn to very high the view distance drops. im wondering if i can force the view distance to max and force terrain settings to max, any ideas? Try it lads, it may work for you, ive spent 4 days trying to sort this, and finally it looks good. The drivers i cant recall, but there not standard nvidia, or the older ones people keep suggesting. Will also update what drivers im using when im home from work in 20 minutes my specs: Vista Ultimate 64 Q6850 3ghz GTX295 8gid DDR3 ram I'll keep checking in here to see if any of this babble works for you chaps :)
  11. Jade77

    For gtx 295 users

    I cant set my video memory to very high, is there a way of doing it manually? Spec: Q6850 3ghz GTX295 8Gig DDR3 ram Vista Ultimate 64
  12. Having same issues as you mate I run: Vista Ultimate 64 Q6850 3ghz 8 gig DDR3 GTX295 Also i renamed my exe to Crysis64.exe and i must admit i get an extra 10 fps :) I get 20 to 30 fps now, even withmy rig most of the config is set to normal/disabled and a couple on high I should be able to have everything set to MAX :)
  13. Lol yeah thats what i would of hoped ;) But with things on normal to high, shadows off etc im only getting 20 to 30fps :) This is a game/driver issue as on other games with everything on max im getting 200 to 400 fps, if i turn shadows off in games i get up to 499 fps. So something is not right with this game or the driver support for my card. but hopefully when its sorted i can run everything of max. But for someone who can run it at MAX i am interested in your config, if you could post it in here so i can give it a try :D
  14. Heya lads, just looking at some of the screenshots some have posted up in the sticky above, and the graphics in them are beautiful. Can someone post up a config setup for the best possible graphics. My specs are: Q6850 3ghz GTX295 8gig DDR3 ram Vista Ultimate 64 Now i know that there is some issues with the GTX295 cards and this game, but id love to have this config file for when they do sort it. Hope you can help :)
  15. Jade77

    10 fps

    Hmm renaming the exe to Crysis gave me an extra 10fps im going to defrag tonight while im asleep thanks for the help lads
  16. Jade77

    For gtx 295 users

    My spec: Vista Ultimate 64 Q6850 @3ghz 8gig DDR3 PNY GTX295 ASUS mobo My fps is around 20, but the graphics are terrible, black blocks, graphics missing, constant flickering of sprites. Tried 3 sets of drivers, including the new ones. updated DirectX, just reinstalling now to see if that helps, doupt it though
  17. Jade77

    10 fps

    I wont use XP as windows wont read the 8gig The make of the card is PNY. I dont get this problem on other games, and hit upto 400fps in some. so for me getting20 max on low settings is a joke.