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Everything posted by Metallium29

  1. Metallium29

    VopSound 2.1

    I have to put all those files in my Arma2\@VopSound_2.1\Addons directory or juste 2 of them like one .pbo and one .bisign???because for me the sound doesn't change!!!!
  2. Really nice Laucher...GOOD WORK...now its really more easy to load my Mods!!!!!THANK YOU!!! :bounce3:
  3. I dont know why but i receive this error and i get déconnected from server...i have a router(D-LINK DI-604):mad:i have configured my router Like Arma1 for playing in multyplayer....but im not sure if its ok...anyone know what Ports i have to open with this routeur: D-Link Wire(DI-604):confused::confused:so i like this game...and this error msg get really BORING!!
  4. Metallium29

    Arma 2 UK?

    I only want to know if the Arma2 UK version will aleadry be patched to version 1.01 when installing them?if not when the 1.01 UK Patch will be availible for download??? Thank you
  5. Metallium29

    Arma 2 UK?

    Ok thank you very much....because i have aleadry buyed Arma2 UK version on Ebay and the seller has aleadry shipped my game on 19June(Im in Canada and i dont wanna wait for 26June to play this game)