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Everything posted by mickeyc

  1. mickeyc

    ARMA2 put you off the Army ?

    id prob be on the side of napa or pro russians insurgants if you catch my drift, though id rather sit wit a pint of black and play the game :)
  2. mickeyc

    Was the campain even bug tested?

    i play online, on the charlie foxtrot games, but i liked the idea of single player missions were u could travel all around the map without being shot by the invisable man. The single player is a joke and the gfx looks good but it doesnt use the full power of the latest GFX cards. People keep saying "next patch will improve it" the game shouldnt need that many patches, shows how fucked it is. Ill download the demo of dragon rising pretty sure its been tested alot more than arma 2, send arma 2 back to game.co.uk they knock some money off ofp2. Maybe BIS bit off more than they can chew. Think it pisses me off because the game could be superb, but i aint waiting for more patches.
  3. mickeyc

    Was the campain even bug tested?

    Yea its a joke guess BIS understaffed or lazy, prob wont buy the next release. Only game more buggy than this was empire total war.
  4. having same problems anyone know were i can find the hotfix thats being talked about, thanks.
  5. mickeyc

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    Alrite, everything works fine i return to manhatten i see the cutscene and i talk to napa guys at base, im givin the option of a flight or go with the napa guys. If i call for the flight nothing happens i turn the game speed to 4X and waited 5 mins and nothing came. I saved the game before taking a option, so i reloaded and chose to follow napa we go down hill but on the road were the red car is, there is 2 enemy apcs and must be abt 10 troops, none of us have any anti tank weapons. They arent bmp's, they light apcs but i couldnt do nothing. Anyone else have this problem? O btw when i tryed to get to the 9K mark myself on route i could see the transport chopper "AH-11 is it ?" it was on the ground but when i tryed to get close the autokill feature kicks in, which tbh is a piss take i dont remember reading in any reviews tht you have so much land to yourself but you die straight away if you try to go were you want. Still im enjoying it havent had any bugs until this.
  6. Hi, anyone here running arma 2 wit a 8800 gtx card? Hows it play? High,med,low. Rest of my specs below, thxs. q6600 @3.ghz 4gig ram asus p5e vista 64 or xp 32