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About SeanEBaby

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  1. "triggerCreation.sqf" isn't used any more so I just deleted the lines, but you are probably correct. I've left the gcam stuff in there if advanced users want to just observe.
  2. Thanks Rydygier. It is defiantly CPU heavy, lots of calculations going on. Everything seems to work as intended despite those error messages, and I've searched those scripts in the past and can't find the missing }'s (squint2 picked it up as well). I'll have a look after work. Edit: You can always download the source and make the mission smaller, delete some of the spawners and units. Should help with the CPU load... Edit2: Fixed those errors and uploaded new version 1.7
  3. Could someone confirm the pbo file does work when launched in multiplayer please. It works fine on my machine, but it would make me feel better if someone else confirmed it works :)
  4. It needs to be launched in multiplayer. Just create a new empty LAN server. Edit: I've added a player slot which means it should also now work in single player
  5. Latest version 1.7 - updated on 3/9/2012 11:07 GMT This mission and scripts came from a discussion I had with a friend at work about creating a predator prey model using the ArmA 2 engine. I've written a few very basic behavioural scripts which gives each AI the ability to decide where to move. Each unit has a personality which is defined by a set of parameters (or genetics). AI units can mate with each other and produce offspring, the offspring carries some of the genetic information from the parent - since only units which survive long enough get a chance to breed then over time evolution takes place. The AI units also have a need to eat, thus food/fuel is a resource on the map to fight over. In the game there are two AI factions and one player controlled faction. Groups of players (or a single player) can control the parameters which define the personality of the new units created at their home base, and can also attempt to raid and destroy enemy spawn locations themselves to become the dominant side. This video explains better, you'll need to be able to read captions on youtube. Really this is just a little experiment of mine, I work in this field (genetic algorithms) of research. I've made all the scripts available so feel free to have a tinker and suggest/make changes. Thought some people may find this interesting. I've created a google projects page where you can download everything http://code.google.com/p/breeding-grounds-arma2/ This is what the population levels look like after 2 hours with no player input, use this as a benchmark for your AI designs. (Please let me know if this is posted in the wrong place)
  6. Managed to fix the problem by getting the trigger to sync to the unit name rather than id (which is what you get if you group) I set up a trigger (named T1) to activate on the presence of anybody and in the condition box wrote (vehicle1 in list T1) "List T1" gives an array containing the names of the unit which would activate the trigger and since the name of the vehicle is maintained on respawn it works every time. Thanks for the help!
  7. The vehicle respawn script I use retains the name of the vehicle if you want a copy let me know - I don't think the trigger looks for the vehicle name but the "idVehicle=22;" which I think is to do with the order the objects are placed in the mission file. I'll try the spawning a new trigger thing :D
  8. I'm having problems trying to script a capture the vehicle multiplayer map. I've set up some empty civ vehicles in one town and a team gets points for safely taking them to another town. To do this I've grouped the trigger with the vehicle in question and written some script to increase the score and take the fuel out of the vehicle (so a team can't just move backwards and forwards to get loads of points). The trigger is looking for the presence of vehicle and is set to repeat. This all works fine the first time you get in the vehicle and trigger the trigger - once the vehicle respawns however it doesn't work. The name of the vehicle is maintained as far as i know. Here is an example of a trigger I'm using class Item4 { position[]={3106.1648,298.98001,7975.4023}; a=125; b=125; angle=-64.216003; activationBy="VEHICLE"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; idVehicle=22; text="@STR_MP_SHOWSCORE"; expActiv="WestScore = WestScore + 5; TitleText [format [localize ""STR_MP_STATUS"", WestScore, EastScore], ""Plain down""]; golfW setFuel 0;"; class Effects { }; I'm using 'Simple Vehicle Respawn Script v1.6 by Tophe of Östgöta Ops [OOPS]' to respawn the vehicles. Can anyone offer any advice on how to solve my problem?
  9. I've also had a significant drop in performance since installing patch - am trying a defrag now