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10 Good

About Edgecrusher2112

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  1. Edgecrusher2112

    ARMA 2 Demo + 4870X2

    Loads of people are having the same same problems performance wise... Especially with the 4870 x2. I can play in the Armoury 60fps, just fine, put campaign on though, and it goes down to between 8-38fps. I think no amount of tinkering is going help us to be honest, until the game gets better optimised...
  2. Edgecrusher2112


    The performance is a real pain in the arse :-(
  3. Edgecrusher2112

    poor performance and no 100% gpu usage

    The exe naming thing worked for me. With little performance gain though... I find I have to make a shortcut with the renamed exe. Also, Catalyst AI has to be enabled.
  4. Edgecrusher2112

    poor performance and no 100% gpu usage

    I've got a Core Duo E8400 3.0Ghz, and an ATI 4870 x2 and I'm still getting poor performance. There's literally no point me playing the game until it runs better. I've tried everything, like you guys. It's a real shame. In the towns, big towns, I drop to 8fps.
  5. Edgecrusher2112

    Patch 1.02 Satisfaction Survey

    I'm just disappointed with the performance more than anything. I've got an Intel Core Duo E8400 3Ghz, 4870 x2 and 8GB RAM but it's pretty much a slide show regardless of the settings I use. It's enough to stop me playing the game at the moment really.