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Everything posted by scotch

  1. Two things are curios when I look at the Map. The first thing is that the Soldier stops and crouch for a few seconds and than he goes on with running if i hold down the forward-key. The second thing is that when I leave the map-view the weapon is down. The short stop and crouch isn't necessary. If i want to stop when i look at the map then I can stop or crouch by press or loose the right keys.
  2. It's called bullshit. Reality is if it is possible to running around in the town with a map in my hand. If I crash into a wall or a tree than it is my own fault! Please dont talk about reality. Is it reality when a infantrie soldier can drive and fly al kinds of vehicles??? Is it reality when every soldier can look on a map and see his position and the positions from other soldiers? Like the Marauders Map in Harry Potter??? Or crash with a motorcycle in a tree with 90 km/h and after that I say AUTSCH and continue by running? Or is it realistic to bee shoot in your leg, then you crouch to a first aid tent and heal yourself? Reality is ok. But you need a kind of balance in the game between reality and fun!
  3. When the soldier stop after fast running to left or right side his weapon is down. Weapon should be up like after a normal speed run.
  4. I think that is not part of the simulation. If you run straight then the weapon is up if you stop. If you run left or right the weapon is down. With a klick at the firebutton the soldier get his weapon up.A fast reaction if i see an enemy isn't possible when i have to klick 2 times befor my weapon is ready to shoot. That is frustating. So either the weapon is up or down everytime after running, but not somtimes it is down and sometimes it is up.